View Full Version : First big run

maple flats
03-10-2009, 08:28 PM
Last night the temp dropped to 24 here. It warmed rather slowly during the day BUT wow, it started late afternoon and right now is running the fastest i have seen in the 7 years I have been doing this commercially. If this keeps up all night and much of tomorrow I will wish I had an RO this year instead of next year. I'll be getting up early to pump sap then go to work for 2.5 hrs. After that I have the rest of the day off to boil it and try to keep up. I just love this, this is what we wait for all year.

Johnny Cuervo
03-10-2009, 09:05 PM
Hi Dave this is my 3 boil. Made 5 gal so far. Running ok now, had a good run Sunday. I’m boiling as I write. I installed air injection in my fire box this year, hotter pan temp, lower stack temp. Idea came from Verona workshop, and wood stove design. I plan to send pics in homemade evap thread soon.

Good luck, talk to ya soon

maple flats
03-12-2009, 08:48 PM
Johnny Cuervo, I have had several short boils. I have 14 gal in the canner, ready to can and about 10 more to be filtered and canned. I heated what I have so many times with light runs that it went dark. I will clean the pans again tomorrow and this weekend should be good flow, that should give me some light. Several short boils often gives me dark or med towards dark.