View Full Version : Used dairy equipment in PA
03-10-2009, 06:36 PM
Hi, there is a plastic threaded elbow on the top of the old Bender glass releasers that broke on me. I have bought one of these, a spare glass bowl, and also an oil reclaimer from a dairy equipment business in PA, I think it was an amish business. Problem is, I no longer have the receipts and I can't remember the name of the company or find it online. I think Brookledge might have been the one who told me of the company, but I was just wondering if anyone on here might know who I am talking about. Thanks and hope the season is going good!
03-10-2009, 06:45 PM
I just found it online. It is called E-Zee Milking Equipment, LLC. I can't find a website but the phone number is (717)768-7599. If you need any hard to find parts or equipment give them a call.
03-10-2009, 10:20 PM
I have one of those Bender releasers too. The bottom end of the plastic elbow was damaged so I made a new (straight) one from a 1/2NC SS bolt. Just rifle-drilled the lenght of it in my lathe and faced of the bottom end nice and square, Cut the head to about 5/8 inch diameter for the vacuum hose to slip over. It didn't hold the float up long enough to release the whole jar-ful, so I cut a VERY small shoulder on the face of the bolt and added a small O ring that protrudes out from the face a few thousandths. Now when the float plunger rod thingy comes up and hits the Oring, it stays put. Works great!! So far, only R&Ring it in my shop, so I don't know how well it will work in the real world....
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