View Full Version : Stack Covers

11-26-2004, 07:32 PM
I am considering putting a rain cover on my stack (the perminant ones that slide over the top and stay on year round). Has anyone found this to reduce air-flow and thus decrease boil rate? Also, I have a 2X6 and I am only running about 8 feet worth of stack. Will that be a problem for air flow?


11-26-2004, 09:41 PM

Should reduce air flow at all if you go with the flipper type stack cover. They are stainless and are only around $85 or less for a 10" stack. The flipper top rotates completely down the stack to advoid reducing any air flow at all.

I have never used the dome type stack covers, so I couldn't be much help there. The flipper style work great and don't cost too much and that I can vouch for. :D

11-26-2004, 09:44 PM
If it is a commercialy designed one it should work just fine. Also the type that open and close like a door work well too. On mine I just pull the cable to open it and to close it. Also the normal length of stack should be 2X the length of the evaporator or 12 feet for yours.