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View Full Version : Need Help About Taps!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-09-2009, 09:28 AM
Put my taps in about three weeks ago they are not purducing much at all out of a 100 taps i map collect 10 gallons a day if lucky.Wondering if i should freshen the holes by pulling tap and redrilling with 7/16" bit would it help? The past few days were in the high 40's low 50's and all i got was 20 gallons in three days do i have a problem or just not ready to run yet. Live in norther new york. Well thanks if you can give me any input on this matter i would sure be greatful. thanks chad

102 taps on buckets
10x14 sugarshack
2x3 G.H.Grimm and preheater
4 kids and two beagles (Harley and Maple)
one understanding girlfriend

03-09-2009, 09:46 AM
Captain--Be Patient, the ground is still very cold up here. I think it'll be at least another week before we see much sap in this area. Those of us with vacuum are seeing some sap, but not any great amount. Watch out for the 3rd week of March--all hell will break loose then.

Russell Lampron
03-09-2009, 11:43 AM
It probably didn't freeze at night which the trees need to run on gravity. It needs to get to the mid to lower 20's over night. The last time that we got a frost here was Friday and it wasn't much below freezing. The small trees if they ran at all stopped by early afternoon Saturday.

03-09-2009, 12:03 PM
Your probably tapping a little to early to. Next year see when the bigger guys are tapping and give it two weeks, then tap.

03-09-2009, 12:20 PM
I agree with Russ I live in ny and where I am there is still alot of snowpack. Been warm during the day and not gettig below freezing at night. The first couple of days of this warm spell I collected 125 gallons out of 400 taps so be patient my records show that we don't normally get any good sap till 2nd week on march Patience is a hard thing to have in this maple business but you need it.

Grade "A"
03-09-2009, 12:32 PM
Same thing here, I still have frost in the ground so its not running good. I hate to see the 40 deg days go by with no sap but at least it is helping thaw the ground out.

03-09-2009, 01:00 PM
Thanks to all about the input i was just wondering what i should due if i tapped to early and if i needed to freshen the holes sounds like i need to just wait one question i have 20 gallons of sap right now in storage should i boil it or hold onto it. thanks chad

Grade "A"
03-09-2009, 05:07 PM
I think I would wait a week and see if they will run. I checked mine a little while ago and they were running better than this weekend when it was 40 and sunny.

Russell Lampron
03-09-2009, 06:49 PM
It is still early at least in my area. It usually kicks in right around St Patrick's Day. The season is usually over at the end of March too so catching some of the early runs isn't a bad thing.

03-09-2009, 07:37 PM
To all reading this i got my first real run today. I checked them around 1000am nothing my kids got home from school and went upback sliding came down all happy dad the pails have sap in them can we go collect. We ended up collecting 45 gallons today that made my day i can try my evaporator mods now i have around 75 gallons in the tank so i'm gonna boil some to see how it works if my mods to it worked. I will let all of you know soon. Just heading out to boil now at 830pm the girlfriend is working a double kids in bed shack is only 200 feet from the house. Thanks for the info i will keep you posted about how i make out. thanks chad

102 taps on buckets
10x14 sugarshack
2x3 G.H.Grimm and preheater
4 kids and two beagles (Harley and Maple)
one understanding girlfriend

03-09-2009, 11:13 PM
Captain Captain Captain you put us through all of this and you had sap in those buckets!!!!!!!!!!! That's Funny. Glad to hear you got some. I think maybe I will start a post with the same question maybe I will get some tomorrow. Have fun boiling.

03-09-2009, 11:17 PM
He even got me some sap. But two cups full just won't cut it. Was amazed that it did run as it wasn't all that warm. Temp said 40 degrees but felt like freezeing. Tomorrow is warmer.

03-13-2009, 02:34 AM
I agree with Russ I live in ny and where I am there is still alot of snowpack. Been warm during the day and not gettig below freezing at night. The first couple of days of this warm spell I collected 125 gallons out of 400 taps so be patient my records show that we don't normally get any good sap till 2nd week on march Patience is a hard thing to have in this maple business but you need it.

Wow! I feel pretty good now for a first timer, getting 100 gallons out of 15 taps last week, and thats only four trees with 4 taps each (except one which has 3).

03-13-2009, 11:09 PM
Wow! I feel pretty good now for a first timer, getting 100 gallons out of 15 taps last week, and thats only four trees with 4 taps each (except one which has 3).

You should feel good about that. The 125 gallons was my first small run. Trees only opened up for a few hours before it cooled down again. On a good run I should get around 600 gallons a day but have not seen that yet this year but I gotta tell ya it is going to be a big sap weekend followed up with atleast 10 more days of solid sap weather according to accuweather. It is go time.