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View Full Version : looking tourds next year another evaporator project

03-04-2009, 07:13 AM
looking to build a 3x6 evaporator for next year i fornd a42"x11'3"arch only for cheap. it is an old one but it will work i hope.i plan to cut it down to3'x10'. i also fownd a guy to build me a 3'x4' syrup pan. for 265.00 stainles. and found a 3'x6'raisedflupan. now back to the arch the sides and a couple of the bottom pices of the arch has rusted therw. if any one knows how much it usualy cost for galvinized steel pleace let me know. and also the fire box is 42"wide is there any way i could shorten the width another 6".thanks all info would be very greatful. thank's guys and gals jeff:rolleyes:

03-04-2009, 10:01 AM
Maybe you could just fab up an adapter on the top of the arch, only raising
it a couple of inches. Just a thought, it wood be easier and more cost efficient.
If it does not work, just unbolt it and narrow the arch. There is alot of people
on here that probably have a better answer for you. Good Luck!