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3% Solution
03-01-2009, 07:28 AM
Well the tapping crew came yesterday and we got all but 14 buckets out.
Looks like we've got as many taps on line this year as we had buckets last year.
Dropped the number of buckets down from past years.
It was 26 most of the afternoon while we was tapping and some of the holes were running just a bit, of course those were in the sun.
Got to pick up some more dome covers so we can stay with the tree-savers for the buckets.
Loks like a bit of snow coming in tonight and tomorrow.
Looks like we've got a freeze up here until the end of the week, then it opens up again.
Oh yeah, got to keep my thumb away from the tubing cutters, they're razor sharp!!!!
We're just waiting!!

03-01-2009, 07:11 PM
Can't believe you couldn't get those pesky last 14 buckets done!!
I was an electrican once in my life and the the guy I worked for told me the job wasn't done until you drew blood on it!... Sounds like your finished or real close. Myself I'm so ready I'm thinking about mixing this gallon of syrup i bough last year to 40 gallons of water just so I can boil!!!! Or driving to Pa. and bring some sap back from someone that has too much....
Hanging in there in Ossipee,

3% Solution
03-01-2009, 07:19 PM
As I said, I've got to pick up some covers.
I'll do that Tuesday and finis tapping Thursday, just in time for Saturday.
We'll get our chance very soon.


03-01-2009, 07:40 PM
I hope this coming Saturday is even better than yesterday. What county is Newport in? We are getting a BIT of snow on the seacoast too... like 9-15"

3% Solution
03-01-2009, 07:49 PM
We're in Sullivan County, over on the other side of the state from you!
Yeah I guess we've got the order for 6" to 12".
This crust was nice yesterday.


03-01-2009, 09:07 PM
Aha, I don't go out west to often so I'm not too familiar with the towns. Well, break out the snowshoes again.
Stickey Nickey

3% Solution
03-06-2009, 04:34 PM
Ok here's the deal ..................
Taps are all out, except for a few experiments outback (checking sugar).
We are alset ready for sap and to fix some of the bugs that pop up.
Setting here just waiting and waiting.
This is like Christmas Eve!!!!!!
Granson is coming over tonight, he's chomping at the bit!!!
Looks like tomorrow maybe an interesting day with the first run.
Been checking the spot weather forecast and it looks like it maybe a 36 hour run starting in the morning.
Time will tell.
Bring it on ................ BiiiiiiiiiiiGGGG SSSSaaaaaaaaP!:D

3% Solution
03-08-2009, 08:33 AM
Picked up 70 gallons of sap yesterday from 140 taps.
Granson was chomping at the bit to boil, so I gave in .......... we boiled.
Just the right amount to get the bugs out.
We boiled for about 1.5 hours, drew some syrup after about an hour.
Checked the evaporation rate more closely, 33 an hour!!!
I guess that's no too bad.
Got some light syrup off, almost 1/2 gallon.
Got to get a freeze going here soon!

3% Solution
03-08-2009, 03:34 PM
Not much happening here today!!!!
Sap's not running very well. :confused:
Just put 6 more taps out behind the house ( may tube those next year).
Now we are at 150.
Stopped in to see Mark-NH, very nice rig he has there.
Also stopped to checkout Van Webb on the flat, another very nice rig!!!!
Going to have to "Last Fire" at 10 gallons now instead of 5 gallons, not much in the pans this morning!!!
Looks like a freeze up for the next few days, maybe it'll get things started again!!!

3% Solution
03-10-2009, 03:19 PM
Took a ride around to see what was happening.
Sap is running, not to bad either, appears to be sweet too!!
Check the lines and a few buckets, they're testing between 2.5 to 3.9.
So I guess we'll average about 3.2%.
Guess we'll let them run and gather Thursday morning (have to work tomorrow), then everything is picked before the freeze up.
Looks like starting Saturday is going to be good weather for us.
Time will tell.

3% Solution
03-12-2009, 06:24 AM
Picked up 115 gallons of sap last night, wanted to empty the tanks before the single numbers tonight.
Averaged out to 3%.
Got to pick up the buckets this morning.
Then it's trying to turn water in to syrup!!
I figure there is another 90 gallons out there!!!!
Time will tell.
Hey we wanted sap and we got it!!!! :)
Until later ............ cheers!

3% Solution
03-13-2009, 07:52 AM
Well the buckets had 70 gallons in them.
I guess mother nature's RO helped us out.
Made 5 gallons of Medium.
Bill and Kevin stopped up, thanks for coming by guys!!
We've got a couple of days rest, will no doubt boil Sunday, late afternoon.

3% Solution
03-15-2009, 01:27 PM
Picked up 93 gallons of sap this morning.
The sap was nice and clear, just like water.
The sugar content was up a bit in places, pretty much averaging 3%.
Got a B-Day party to go to this afternoon for a couple of hours, will boil it off later.
Sap was running very good in most places especially up on the hill, running **** good there.
I would expect a good run today and will no doubt pick up 130 gallons tomorrow.
Temp here is 49, bright blue sky and no wind, just a perfect day!!!!
Be safe out there!!!

03-15-2009, 08:11 PM
Dave, nice to see that you are getting sap. Hope it stays for a while and we can make some syrup. We had a good day here. happy sapping

3% Solution
03-16-2009, 06:56 AM
Yeah we're getting sap that's for sure.
If things keep up like they have been and it looks like this week may be a good week for sap, we'll make 3/4 of our crop this week!!!!
Of course that is IF the weather cooperates.
This could be a good year for everyone!!!
Made 3.75 gallons of Medium yesterday.
Just waiting for the temp to go up and I will be out the door to gather.
I guess I didn't do a lot this past winter, this body HURTS!!!!!!

3% Solution
03-16-2009, 08:13 PM
Ok ............ picked up 137 gallons this morning.
And out ran 3 1/4 gallons of Light syrup.
Should have had 4 gallons, but took to much the last three draws (I am always doing that, guess I get tired) and made it too thin.
Hey nothing lost it's there for tomorrow. Sap is still running good ........... average of 3%.
Had one road running 2.5%, but then had another running 3.5% or higher.
Got up to 61 here today, so I am hoping that the sap didn't stop running.

03-17-2009, 08:21 PM
Dave; been getting any sap? lol

3% Solution
03-19-2009, 07:39 AM
TapMe, yeah been getting a little, not alot.
It's been warm here during the day with no freeze at night, but that looks like it's going to change starting tonight.

Took the day off yesterday, had to recoop from Tuesday, had the stomach bug that is going around.
Feel better today, just ready to go!!!

Going to clean the pan this morning, gather the sap that's out there this afternoon, maybe boil it this afternoon or tomorrow.

Yup, sure looks like the weather is going to change around again, talking teens and low twenties at night and 40's during the day.

Hey, it's March and anything can happen!!!!

We are up to 14 gallons.

3% Solution
03-20-2009, 06:53 AM
Picked up 180 gallons of sap today, saps getting cloudy.

Not too many taps running today, hasn't froze for a couple of nights.

Sure is getting muddy up on the hill, highway dept. was grading the mud off and adding stone.

We boiled 100 gallons off last night, called it close enough.

Another 3-1/2 gallons, sugar is dropping off, sap averaged 2.5 to 2.7.

Syrup is getting darker, it's medium still, but it's headed to dark!!

Going to finish the rest off sometime today.

Cleaned the front pan yesterday and that made a difference in the boil.

This cold weather may help lighten it a bit.

03-20-2009, 09:03 AM
I've been making fancy for the last 15 gallons but I suspect the next take-offs tonite (or tomorrow) will drop to medium.

But with the predicted colder weather (we dropped to 18 degrees this morning) that the sap will be improving and we my just get back to fancy.

3% Solution
03-21-2009, 08:28 AM
Well yesterday had it's ups and downs.

Went over in the morning to check out NHMapleMaker (there's an up).

Came back boiled off that 80 gallons we had left. (This is the downs!!).

That stuff was about 3 days old and when we picked it up Thursday it was very cloudy.

Stuff boiled like commercial, what a pain!!!

Could smell ans see things headed south, hit the "Oh crap valve", which I must say worked well!!!! (partly up)

I'm going to take that stuff off the pan today, clean the pan and start ove with fresh sap tomorrow.

Sap may run a bit today.

3% Solution
03-22-2009, 08:09 PM
Good news today.

Granson came over and showed me how to make syrup, guess someone had to!!! :lol:

I picked up 70 gallons on the first trip, then sent the son-in-law and his brother out to pick up the rest, another 70 gallons.

They said something about having some nice new buckets and I replied "No we don't." :confused:

They looked at each other and said "Oh!"

Well, anyway, had a good afternoon boiling made another 3-1/4 gallons.

We started over today after that mess on Friday, so we went for 2 hours not making syrup.

By the looks of the woodshed we're getting about 25 gallons of syrup to a cord of wood.

Got cold and windy here this afternoon.

Grandaughter came out and canned everything up for us.

Looks like Maple Weekend is going to be a good one with lots of sap to boil!!!!

03-23-2009, 04:56 PM
Isn't great to have all that help in the sugarhouse Dave. We had pop and the son and 3 grandchildren over on Sunday and it was great. We ended up having and old fashion treat, sugar on snow and ice cream with maple.It made everyone happy. Buy the way those were my buckets they got. lol

03-23-2009, 05:37 PM
I talked to my mom in Alberta last night and she asked if I poured my maple syrup on snow and ate it. Had to explain to her just what sugar on snow was and how to get there from syrup. She sees this stuff on tv and they don't explain it very well. To bad postage is so much or I would send her some syrup.

3% Solution
03-23-2009, 08:01 PM
Yup sure was nice to have the help.
Cut my job to less than half.
I'm hoping for a repeat this weekend.
Having family around is great.

Ahhhhhh send her some syrup!!!!
I'm sure she spent a buck on you before!!!! :lol:

Nothing running here today, may break open a bit late tomorrow, suppose to be down to 9 here tonight.

Wednesday should be a good day.

Hey we get what we get!!!

03-25-2009, 07:18 PM
don't know about you Dave but I got buried today. I have to change the picking up cycle to 12 hrs. Just got a gallon a tap today and that was at 1 PM will have to go out at 9AM and collect again. Keep it going Dave.

3% Solution
03-25-2009, 08:40 PM
I don't know how much I got today, work got in the way again!!!
I'll go out in the morning to pick it up.
I'm hoping for another 140 gallons, but we'll see.
We pick up every 24 hours when it's running good.
Got help coming Friday night, the grandson and hids girlfriend.
That should help for Saturday and maybe Sunday.
Made some candy yesterday, tasted real good.
I'll keep you guys posted.

3% Solution
03-26-2009, 10:33 PM
Picked up 182 gallons of sap today.
Got rid of it in 6.5 hours.
Made 5 + gallons of Medium syrup.
Hoping that by Monday we'll be flirting with 40 gallons of syrup.
It's 35* and raining.
Going to gather sap tomorrow, not going to boil.
Need to have some for Maple Weekend, so by Sunday morning there should be plenty to boil.

03-27-2009, 06:26 AM
Dave: you can come and get my 200+ sitting in the tank for your weekend. Just kidding good luck this weekend to all you NH people.

3% Solution
03-27-2009, 01:09 PM
Picked up another 146 gallons of sap.
Going to hold on to it to boil tomorrow.
When the grandson gets here later, I'm going to show him how to clean the front pan.
I think its about time he learns that part of the business.
It's time to take the bird feeders in at night, had a bear visiting last night.
Sap was running a little this morning.
Hope all the New Hampshire traders have a nice weekend with their visitors.

Uncle Tucker
03-27-2009, 05:32 PM
I am all set for maple weekend. I have 600 gallons of the ugliest sap you ever saw. Even though my 2x6 has been boiling 40-50 gph, I still will bee boiling late into the night. If any body wants to stop by, I will be boiling all day and night. Good luck to all this weekend.

Rt 127
½ miles north of the school
On the left hand side
1141 Battle st

3% Solution
03-29-2009, 07:15 PM
Started the weekend with 146 gallons of cloudy sap.
We boiled 106 gallons and the grandson and I had just about had enough of the 78* heat in the sugarhouse at 4:30 and figured close enough.
Made 2 1/4 gallons of Medium.
Had 11 visitors.
Gathered this morning, picking up 70 gallons of very cloudy sap.
Made 3 gallons of "B".
No visitors today.
So for the two days it came out as 5 1/4 gallons.
Looks like no freeze up until Tuesday night, so maybe a run for Wednesday.
We'll have to see.
keep plugging.

Russell Lampron
03-30-2009, 05:42 AM
Dave the Governor stopped by yesterday and said that his taps on vacuum had shut down. Not a good sign. Hope we get the freeze up that we need Tuesday night.

I too had a good weekend. I have been making NH Fancy all season and the customers didn't hesitate to buy it. Saved my Dark Amber and legit B for sale at a later date.

04-02-2009, 09:25 PM
Dave, you must be buried with sap and boiling all the time. lol Hope you have sap to boil. Looking to push 40 gallons this week.

3% Solution
04-03-2009, 05:41 PM
Nope not buried in sap.
That's all done!!

Ok, here's what's happening:
Picked up everything yesterday.
Boiled for the last time today.
Made 2 gallons of commercial, which I call "C"
We made 35.5 gallons of syrup, that would be 2 gallons less than last year.
So, all in all not to bad of a year.
Used less than 1.5 cords of wood, so I guess things are as efficient as they are going to be!!
EEU and the pans are sitting with a solution of white vinager and water.
Tomorrow or Sunday will be the day to complete the sugarhouse cleanup.
Then I need to clean bucket and tanks.
Wife couldn't help alot this year because of work and a siatic nerve problem so the neighbor helped us out alot ............... Thank You!!
It's pouring rain here, with thunder and lightning.
So now it's back to tweeking things to make the experience a better one.