02-28-2009, 06:46 PM
Hello all!
Well i guess the pan i selected doesnt work so great after a water boil test on the new evaporator i built the pan i used is from a fryolator it has a sump in it kind of resembles an automobile oil pan it took 2 hours to really get boiling to where it would start the evaporation process i had good fire under it dont feel that is the problem what i feel the problem is that the pan is too deep i think i should swap it out for a ss steam table tray my evap. is made out of a 100 gallon propane pig style tank the pan set down through a hole i cut to have good fire contact it has a 6 inch flue and fair air control also at first i used hard wood for the fire then i added soft wood to it thats when i started to get a good boil can anyone give me some direction this is my first go at suggarin many thanks!
Well i guess the pan i selected doesnt work so great after a water boil test on the new evaporator i built the pan i used is from a fryolator it has a sump in it kind of resembles an automobile oil pan it took 2 hours to really get boiling to where it would start the evaporation process i had good fire under it dont feel that is the problem what i feel the problem is that the pan is too deep i think i should swap it out for a ss steam table tray my evap. is made out of a 100 gallon propane pig style tank the pan set down through a hole i cut to have good fire contact it has a 6 inch flue and fair air control also at first i used hard wood for the fire then i added soft wood to it thats when i started to get a good boil can anyone give me some direction this is my first go at suggarin many thanks!