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View Full Version : Vent 5/16" Tubing??

02-26-2009, 07:16 AM
I know, I know... I've done a search on this subject in the trader. I've read both the studies that were done on this subject, including the one from the early 1970s.

All the findings say NOT to vent.

I've got about 100 taps on 5/16" line w/ the most taps on one 'set' being 20 taps. But when I look in the drop lines and they are full of sap (especially the ones near the collection drum), I think to myself "What the heck"?

I went clear to the start of the line and pulled one of the spiles loose and whoosh, all that sap in the lines seemed to run to the collection tank.

Isn't this the same principle as the breather opening on gas gans?

It seems one of the main reasons for not venting is to keep bacterial out. Maybe it would make sense to vent only immeadiately prior to and during a good run? Then go back and plug them?

Really beginning to wonder if I should have run 1/2" mainline on the sets w/ over 10 taps.

Can anyone provide me some reassurance that by NOT venting, I'm doing the right thing?


Sleepless in NW PA... :)

02-26-2009, 07:42 AM
I don't really know to much about tubing, but i'm guessing too many taps on that small of a line. Kinda is a venting issue due to the fact that if you had a bigger main line it wouldnt get backed up sap and it would allow air in the top half of the line. Anyone I have ever talked to said no to the venting. Probably need a bigger mainline with smaller sets to get the sap moving.

02-26-2009, 09:03 PM
The lateral lines do not need to drain out. The key thing is if you pull a tap and as long as no sap flows out of the tap you are ok. If sap does come out the tap then you have too many taps on the line.
As for having 20 taps on a lateral, that is not too many.

02-27-2009, 07:33 AM
I noticed the same thing this AM. I have three trees about 3 feet across. I have put three taps in each tree. Two taps go into a "T" and drop into a water bottle, the 3rd tap goes directly into the bottle. I noticed this Am that sap is just sitting in the line just above the "T". If I tap-tap-tap on the line it runs into the bottle. Now, there already is some in the bottle, so I'm guessing when the tree is flowing it'll all move through??

02-27-2009, 01:16 PM
I have run 5/16 tube and it too is filling up. I know that I have a true yankee engineered setup, but I thought it would work. I am using 5/16 taps to 5/16 drops then to 1/4 plastic tees from Lowes, then it goes to a 5/16 line (longest is about 40 feet) and into 5 gallon buckets. The lines are nice and tight and good 5 - 10% grade. The only thing I can think of is running a 1/2 as my "main" so that more air can get in. but then I will have to use real sugaring connectors to do that, because I can't find any tees that have both sizes.

02-27-2009, 03:20 PM

i have drops going into buckets and when i first started useing them a few years ago the tubeing was always full of sap and i would fret and worry about it. then 1 day we had a good run and the buckets were overflowing. when the next drop of sap comes out of the tree things move downhill.
so dont worry about them its working


02-27-2009, 07:59 PM
Right you are. Most of the buckets ran finetoday in the warm weather. I have a couple that didn't produce too much, but when I looked carefully, the helper I had didn't drill deep enough....I need to re-tap tomorrow AM on maybe 3-4 trees. Other than that ....looking good so far. Now it looks like another cold spell....oh well....hurry up and wait!
Thanks for the reply.......as always this place is AWESOME for info!!!

02-27-2009, 08:58 PM
that sap you see in the tube is pulling against the tree tap hole and creating vac that will give you 25% more sap than a vented system. Just let it stand in the line and it will work just fine. Look at some of the videos on u tube and u can see it in the line in the pic.

Haynes Forest Products
02-27-2009, 10:21 PM
HudsonHawk: boy that retaping 3-4 taps thats got to just Chap your hide. I think a training seminar is called for. Its when they drill all the way thru the tree so they can put two taps in now that thinking out side the box.