View Full Version : Surge alamo

02-25-2009, 08:24 PM
anyone have good luck with surge alamo pumps,im looking into getting one since its hard to find the surge piston pumps

thanks nate

02-25-2009, 08:35 PM
yes I have one and it is working good. Had it for close to 10yrs and run it at 17" on a zero tank

02-25-2009, 08:38 PM
I have 4. 3 running one as a backup. I pull 19" for up to 4 days straight with no problem.

02-25-2009, 08:47 PM
how much oil do they use you think this one im looking at has a reclamier or some kind of tank on top are they good pumps ? i need to run a gas engine with it,

19 inches is pretty good ,, Could u go higher ? or would it burn up the pump ?

02-26-2009, 08:58 AM
19 inches is all you are going to get out of a dairy pump. with the reclaimer let all the oil you can go thru the pump. this time of year not so bad in heat problems with them once you get into april that is when you will run into problems with the warmer temps. last year i tryed to run a condi at 20 and melted the oiler hoses right off the pump. at 19 no problems

02-26-2009, 03:00 PM
is 19 inches pretty high and good results ? sorry i dont know anything really about vac this is my first year,

02-26-2009, 05:32 PM
Yes 19" with an old dairy pump is good. The three pumps I have running all have the reclaimer, the tank on top of the pump, set to the side connected with high heat hose. I have a steady drip, like a good sapflow in a bucket, coming into the oilers on the pumps. For an engine I have 5.5 horse honda engines. I put a gallon of oil in the reclaimer and change it halfway through the season.

02-26-2009, 08:11 PM
What kind of oil should i run in there the surge alamo vaccum pump oil 18.99 a gallon or atf oil? or what ?

what is bet to keep them cool and lubed

02-27-2009, 04:31 PM
I use the vacuum pump oil from tractor supply.

02-28-2009, 10:25 AM
I got the pump it has a 2hp electic motor on it i cant find what size vac it is any ideas ? and they ran tranny fuild in it so thats what im going to run, I have a 5hp honda engine im putting on it, What size pully would i use for the engine ? and this one has a oil dripper jar i think thats whats its called, Not a recamier, Does that make a differnce ?

thanks s


02-28-2009, 12:42 PM
Just built the stand for engine and i notice the exhuase would be blowing onto the pump (Which isnt good) im wonding if you can elbow the exhaust or somthing away from the pump or would there be a issue with the engine Running ?

02-28-2009, 05:55 PM
My engine exhaust is away from the pump. I would'nt think that it would harm the pump. Maybe warm it up a little.

02-28-2009, 06:47 PM
Im going to put a plate of steel after the exhaust so it will blow on the plate of steel instead of the pump,,What size pully would i need if i have a 5hp honda engein and the pump had a 2hp electic motor and i dont know what number the pump is it says surge alamo on the pump and then i can see the seirl number and thats it where does it usally say the number of the pump like if its a 50,75,100?

02-28-2009, 07:44 PM
I have 2 1/2" pulleys with 3/4" bore. I use the cast pulleys from tsc. Made by Chicago something or other. I had one break three years ago, but that's before I figured out the system. When you run your engine start at full power to get the vacuum pump sucking good, then back off to just above idle. My honda engines can run for 8 hrs on one tank of gas. When the sap flows all night it's nice to gas them up at 11:00 and get some sleep without worrying if the vacuum will stay on all night. I looked at your pictures of the pump, nice setup. If you can try and find, or make, a oil reclaimer. It helps with the vacuum level and keeping the pump cooler.

02-28-2009, 08:09 PM
Alright ill run a 2.5 with my 5hp honda engine, Only down fall it has a fixed throddel,

Have any ideas where i could find a reclaimer?

Do u have any idea what size pump it is?

Haynes Forest Products
02-28-2009, 11:35 PM
CSS:I would not allow the heat from the engine onto the pump. You need all the cooling you can get. Most engines have muffler options that you can get special order pricey of course. I had the same problem with the exhaust I ended up welding the hole up and putting one out the top. Depending on the flange you could cut the muffler off and install elbow. One of the problems with that is the vibration will cause cracking if you dont brace it to the engine. Cassey if your looking for oil reclaimer let me know I have a few that Im going to list on Ebay. I got a few from a junk yard I used on on my Massport and works great. They are SS and are made by Balston and have three Coalesing filter cartrages that the oil coaleses/condenses on and them it drips out a side port back into the pump. I bought them because they were cheap and looked like they would be handy and 10 years later I needed one. They go for $750.00 new and last one sold for about 65.00

03-01-2009, 02:57 PM
let me know when u list them, I think im going to try and weld a thick plate of steel betwwen the pump and then engine and see if it heats up the pump and if it does them ill do what you said elbow it up,have u every ran one of these pumps before ? i never ran a vane pump, If u know of anyone with a sp22 im still looking for one of thoes too, if i dont have a recalmiler ill probably go though more oil ? and less inches? im hoping to get atleast 19 inches off this pump, i dont really know what size pump is, i cant find anything that says it,

03-01-2009, 05:15 PM
Casey's, Thats an Alamo 30. It should turn around 800 rpm and would of had a 1.65 hp electric motor.

It will move a true 15 cfm at 15 inches. That size pump will handle 1500 taps if tight.

If you are going to run at 19 inches you MUST have a reclaimer and a drip oiler on the bearings and a drip oiler on the intake is a good idea, it will not survive long if your just giving it a few drips a minute from a bottle.

03-01-2009, 05:32 PM
how would i get a dripper on the intake port ? it has a muffler on it, im looking for a recaimer, it going in the woods this week, So haynes let me know on a reclamier. heres a picture of the pump http://s374.photobucket.com/albums/oo181/Caseyssugarshack93/Vac%20pumps/?action=view&current=surgealamo001.jpg im going to have it on 700 taps this year and around 900 next year or maybe a totaly differnt pump if i can find a nice piston pump, so are you saying i can only run 15inches of vac without a reclaimer? the pump i have has a oil dripper but no reclaimer as u can see and a 2.5 inch pully should be good for the gas engine ?

Haynes Forest Products
03-01-2009, 06:30 PM
Cassey: The pump you have is a great looking set up. It would be easy to install a reclaimer on it. The reclaimers that I have thread onto 2" pipe and then there is a 1/4 NPT port that allows the reclaimed oil to gravity feed back to the pump. If your dripper is under vacuum it will suck the reclaimed oil back and just keep recirculating the oil. Reclaimers are a form of muffler so you dont need it.
I didnt mention how much Vacuum you can pull but over 15 and heat becomes a problem so more oil will help with the heat. I sent you a message with my number so call if you want to talk about the reclaimer.

03-01-2009, 06:38 PM
I sent you a pm Hanyes

If i can get a relamier id be set for now, even tho id like to get 20inches but 18-19 is good if i can get that with a relamier

its still double the production at 18-19 right ?

Haynes Forest Products
03-01-2009, 07:01 PM
Cassey: You dont have a great pic of the oiler but it looks like oil is sucked into the intake side of the pump with a metering type oiler. Your pump can be converted to a flood system by having a reclaimer that puts oil back into the intake. I got a little carried away when I made my vacuum pump set up.
On my setup I made up a reserve tank that holds 7 gallons of oil and I put a transmission cooler between the tank and pump. On the Massport oil was pumped into the bearings at both ends buy a diafram oiler that meterd oil from the speed of the pump. I removed the oil pumper and use the reclaimed oil to enter the intake side of the pump.
I recirculate about a GPM into the pump. The way it flows is oil leaving my pump goes into the supply tank and the oil mist that doesnt settle in the tank goes out into the reclaimer that has Coalesing filters that oil runs down the filters and returns to the intake side of the pump. On the bearing caps/ends oil is sucked from the tank and thru the oil cooler and into the pump and out to the oil tank.

03-01-2009, 07:14 PM
heres a other pic u can kinda see the dripper the dripper is going into the intake right ? http://s374.photobucket.com/albums/oo181/Caseyssugarshack93/Vac%20pumps/?action=view&current=surgealamo003.jpg

i send u pms, haynes

03-01-2009, 07:48 PM
I have the same pump as you. The oiler is going into the intake. If I'm correct adjust the oil flow to a drop of oil every 10 seconds once the pump starts pulling vacuum. With no throttle on the engine make sure you have a good vacuum regulator. I wound'nt push the pump past 19", I ran mine up to 22" for an half an hour and it got very very hot.

03-01-2009, 07:50 PM
does urs ahve a reclaimer tho mountainvan? mine just has a oil dripper going into the intake, and my engine has a fixxed thoddle is that a problem?

Haynes let me know though a messsage when u get the time to read them

03-01-2009, 10:08 PM
All my pumps have reclaimers. The fixed throttle won't be a problem as long as you have a good vacuum regulator. Electric motors run at one speed and lots of pumps run off of those.

03-02-2009, 07:28 PM
I got the pump going, The motor seems to run high, (it has a fixed thoddle), I can adjust it down, Where do i neeed to run it just a little above idel? I have a 5hp honda with a 2.5 pully,



03-02-2009, 09:18 PM
I would wait till it's hooked up to the tubing system, you find any leaks and make it tight, and then adjust the throttle so you're pulling 19" of vacuum. You should'nt be pulling any air through the regulator unless there's no sap flow. The reason to go above idle is the spark plug fouling. Run the engine too low the plug will foul, too high you're wasting gas.

Haynes Forest Products
03-02-2009, 11:26 PM
Mountainvan has a good point about idling. You need the motor to run in its power band. That motor should have a governor on it. Lugging a motor is hard on them. Plus cooling the engine depends on air movement and speed equals cooling .

03-06-2009, 07:06 PM
how many inches can u pull without a reclamer, i wont have time to hook up the reclaimer this weekend,


Haynes Forest Products
03-06-2009, 10:45 PM
SASSEY CASSEY CASSEY Lets all gather around class and go over what a reclaimer does. IT reclaimes the oil that comes out of the vacuum pump. THATS IT..............What happens before the vacuum pump is what you should be thinking about. Your pump is ment to create vacuum for a dairy operation and that vacuum is generally 12/15 HGs to suck on cows. If you want to get higher vacuum you need to also control HEAT and that is how a reclaimer can help you.

A reclaimer will seperate the oil from the exhaust air. NOW the key is what do you do with the reclaimed oil 1) you can store it in a holding tank. 2) send it back to the pump. 3) send it into a oil cooler and then to the pump.

How can we help keep the pump cooler is to reclaim the oil ...cool the oil.....reuse the oil.........and send it back into the pump at a higher rate to help cool it. Your reclaimer is ment to reclaim the oil and allow the oil to drain back into the holding tank or back to the pump..... YOUR choice.

03-07-2009, 03:01 PM
Alright thanks haynes, Were do u fill the pump up with oil i can find a plug on teh pump to fill it, pump ran out of oil and seesed up put some oil down the intake and spun the pully by hand to free it up, were do i fill it up with oil ? or is just the dripper the oil supply? if so i dont think my dripper is working,

03-07-2009, 03:46 PM
Hi to all, We have a surge sp11 piston vac pump. just rigged it up to the motor and ran it for 20 minutes. with a perfect seal and vac gauge on it i got 26 inches. I felt the cylinder walls and the top of them and i could only keep my hand on it for maybe 3 seconds. had good oil in it. is this a normal temp for the outside walls? I have a 2 inch pulley on the motor and a 5 inch on the pump. I know its probably turning faster then a dairy operation would run it. the pulley on the pump is welded on because the shaft was wreaked. if temp is not normally high on these anyone know how i can keep it to a manageable operating temp? thanks

03-07-2009, 09:59 PM
Rhino- yes your pump side pulley is pretty small- I have a 12" on my sp-11. Are you running it on electric or gas motor? If your doing electric you can get a speed reducer which may help get your RPM's down...

Yes 26 is doable- mine maxs out at 25. I generally run it at 22-24 depending on ambient temps. try spitting on the head of the pump- if you spit sizzles, then its too hot. Can run a box fan blowing air on it to keep some heat down...


Haynes Forest Products
03-07-2009, 10:34 PM
Cassey that drip oiler is ok at the slow RPM of a dairy operation but as higher vacuums are reached by increasing RPM and restricting the intake air you will suck the dripper dry fast. There are two parts to a dripper the resevior and the metering valve. Is the valve open enough to allow oil to drip in? When you checked it was it empty when it ceased up. Did you order the filters for the reclaimer? If not you need too. If they are on the way and you need to make do try and see if a cotton water filter from HD (3) of them if they will fit over the holes and be high enough that the screw caps will hold them in place you can get by.

If you get temp filters in place put that thing on and get a return line from the port marked return oil into the port that the oiler is in and plug all the small holes and and run about a quart of non detergent oil in it and when it gets going the oil will stay in the reclaimer and be sucked back into the pump and back out.

03-07-2009, 10:51 PM
Do i need to call the guy and order then ? and what ones,????, and i dont know were the adjustment is on the dripper theres a glass jar and then that goins into a resvoior with the pump, So there is no filling the pump with oil? just the dripper does the work,And when i hook the reclamer the drain goes into the pump, how do iget it into the pump take the dripper off and have it go in that way,? and im going to need somthing to go from 1/2inch to 1/4 inch copper line to the pump ? my pump is running right now at 15inchs idont want to burn it up, is there anyway i could get by without the filters,cause im using the pump,and id have to wait for them to get here and in the meanwile id like to have the pump already have the reclamer, and when the filters come in just thow them inthere

03-07-2009, 10:53 PM
What kind of filters can i use as temperay filters ? for right now, ill order them filters monday since i cant order them online? ill just call that guy and tell him need coalceing filters , or is there a idem number and do u know hte demections of the ones i need

03-08-2009, 04:57 AM
thanks eric, the speed reducer sounds like the best thing. the pump is set to go on with a termastat so hopefully that speed reducer will work good once it is set to the right speed without much watching.

Haynes Forest Products
03-08-2009, 09:03 AM
CASSEY call me 303 8105501 Chuck

03-08-2009, 03:46 PM
sorry chuck just got in from the woods, long day
my dad will be calling

03-08-2009, 06:11 PM
Will you be up at 9 930 haynes ? my dad will be inside then, if not he will call tomorow;;

And do i just take the dripper off the pump them plum the relcamer drain into the intake port were the dripper was, or leave the dripper there and Tee into it?