View Full Version : polishing SS
02-23-2009, 05:57 PM
Does anyone have any EASY methods of polishing SS pans? After a few years of use mine does not look as pretty as it did in past years. Waiting for season so I was thinking about polishing her up.
Haynes Forest Products
02-23-2009, 06:25 PM
I take a rag with Vinagar and as im cooking I walk around looking busy wiping it with a rag. Now if your really intent on Polishing it get yourself a polishing kit from Mothers and get the SS polishing compound.
OK what is polishing its removing the big scratches making them smaller until all you have is really really really small scratches. I think what you have is oxidation on the surface and that can be cleaned off with SS cleaner.
Father & Son
02-25-2009, 05:21 AM
Barkeepers Friend works well also. It comes in a gold container like Comet. It's a white powder. I make it into a watery paste so its not grainy. I haven't used it in the pans just on the outside and on the arch.
NH Maplemaker
02-25-2009, 07:15 AM
Now don't hold me to this! But my wife said that on one of the cooking shows the other day.They were talking about olive oil being great for cleaning stainless steel. It's the only oil that doesn't leave a oily film ! I haven't tried it yet so don't know if it is true or not!! But I will try it just as soon as we get going !!
02-25-2009, 08:59 AM
b r a s s o works well find the kind that says ss
02-26-2009, 09:23 PM
when i was in the U.S. Navy i was assigned to work in the fire fighting school galley after the companies were fed we cleaned all the steam tables and ss in the galley with catsup ,put it on liberally let stand for 15 minutes rub down and rinse the shine on the ss would make a crow envious and it sure pleased the Navy brass at inspection time guess the acid from the tomato combined with the vinegar made it shine up well also ask most any fire house in the nation what is a good cleaner and they will say either vinegar or baking soda they are safe and enviromentaly green hope it helps!
newby this year 25 taps on 100 yr old trees
home made evaporator
old border collie named kate she gets from tree to tree faster than me wish she could tap trees
sap hauler powered by sweat havin a great time and plenty of winter fat to loose!
Haynes Forest Products
02-26-2009, 11:30 PM
Catsup will clean cement like new.................How do I know My house got hit by my daughters high school seniors and they wrote not so kind things on my driveway with squirt bottles of catsup. I caught them and they paid dearly to acid wash the hole drive.
02-27-2009, 05:08 AM
At our firehouse we use stuff called speedy all metal polish and wow does it work! No acid and it only takes a small amount to clean stuff up, especially aluminium, but does work on stainless We get ours here in central pa at cumberland truck parts.
02-27-2009, 07:06 AM
I will be polishing my pans and hood in the off season, thinking of using a drill and pad plus various comounds down to the finest.. like someone said to get real shiny you have to get the scratches finer and finer.... I did it on my motorcycles aluminum.. but stainless will be a lot more work... heck I have nothing to do in the off season right??? yeah sure
02-27-2009, 07:08 AM
at our firehouse we use flitz we use to buy it in a gal can ... the trophys in the cabinet for our trucks is all the proof we needed
oh and the first can was free lol oh and when i was test boiling last week i rfound a problem the spark arrestor was stopping my draft which also allowed ice to build on the spark arrestor well to make a long story short before i fired up the first time i brassoed the front of the pan the smoke and flames where so bad before i could cool it down the front of my new pans where black ...i damped a rag with brasso and it wiped right off
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