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02-23-2009, 02:45 PM
Do you leave the end of your main line pipe open or plug it on a gravity line?

Do you plug the end of all lines?

I have been told both ways just trying to understand which is right.

Having fun trying to understand this new adventure :grin:


02-23-2009, 03:05 PM
I have a book on taping with tubing and all the info says to plug and cap all ends so you can make a natural vacuum good luck.(I'm trying tubing for the first time too)

3% Solution
02-23-2009, 03:09 PM
My mainlines are plugged.
Doesn't mean it's right!!
I have heard doing it both ways.
Oh yeah, it's an adventure alright!!!
Good luck.


Haynes Forest Products
02-23-2009, 03:37 PM
Plug it.... trees push the sap out of the tree with gas pressure and you want that with the natural vac to move the sap. We ran a single 5/16 line down a steep hill just for one season and we started at the top and spooled the tube out to the trees about 45 and started cutting in drops and tapping and at the midway we had sap spraying out the end of the line. It did this for a week and it was from the tree pressure not the gravity. You need the closed system to let the gas pressure push the sap.

02-23-2009, 05:00 PM
Plug it.... trees push the sap out of the tree with gas pressure and you want that with the natural vac to move the sap. We ran a single 5/16 line down a steep hill just for one season and we started at the top and spooled the tube out to the trees about 45 and started cutting in drops and tapping and at the midway we had sap spraying out the end of the line. It did this for a week and it was from the tree pressure not the gravity. You need the closed system to let the gas pressure push the sap.

Thanks for the great reply. That makes a lot of sense. Makes me think the lines almost need to be air tight. So much info on this site. Thanks again.

02-23-2009, 11:53 PM
i know a guy that vents his 5/16 and mains, the sap flows very fast but usually a short season

Haynes Forest Products
02-24-2009, 12:00 AM
Open ends lets in bacteria, bugs

02-24-2009, 07:11 AM
Not only do you want them closed but keep them up off the ground and tight. No sag you can pull those lines nice and snug. That and a little pitch and they will run great. Off subject a little but I have 73 on gravity nice tight closed system. (First year with tube so I don't clam to know anything Just what I saw) I visited a guy that has 800 on gravity good pitch not real tight some sag, close to the ground if not on it mostly on it. taps the bottom of the tree. Lots of pitch as it comes off the hill. He's Just down the road from me same weather... The other day my 73 ran more then his 800???? I contribut it to not being nice and tight and open points in his system. Will it move sap I'm shure a lot of it when it runs good. But not as much or as long as it could!!!!!!