View Full Version : How do I finish of this sugar
02-22-2009, 12:48 PM
I overcooked the other day and ended up with almost a gallon of gooey sugar. If I was to choose to refine it on down to granulated. How would I go about this feat? Without burning and ruining it. Thanks
02-22-2009, 01:24 PM
heat it til its liquid again, using a double boiler. whats this gooey stuff in a glass container? pan etc? if glass place it in water and bring it up to just about a boil turn off the heat cover and let it become more runny. Then you can transfer into a pot to boil down to the correct temp which is escaping me right now and then stir it up till all the moisture is gone.
If its in a pan place it over a bigger pan with water in it and boil the water and the steam will make the stuff in the pan transform into liquid form again. If its really gooey then as its steam heating add a little boiling water too (i know counter productive but will get the job done) and stir and then place that pan on the heat and do the same as above
02-22-2009, 03:02 PM
32 degrees over boiling point for soft sugar and 40 to 45 degrees over for hard sugar. Hard means like a rock by the way.
02-22-2009, 03:08 PM
It is currently in a stock pot.. I was about to pour it into jars when I realized it might never come out of one again. LOL
Thanks for the pointers
02-22-2009, 07:36 PM
Just made sugar today from some failed cream. I reheated the mix to 260 deg F. and then took it off the heat and just stirred. It should turn to sugar by continuous stirring. Watch it like a hawk, put a metal spoon in the syrup to help prevent boil over. add defoamer or butter arounf the edge of the pan to help prevent boil over and use a fairly deep pan.
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