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View Full Version : Main Line & lateral Lines

02-20-2009, 05:48 PM
New to installing pipe line. My new bush is in a hole. Our main line is going to be 4800 feet to the sugar house of this 4800 about 900 feet of it have to climb 119 feet.

From that point the next run I only have to climb another 50 feet. In that 1019 feet I will tap around 4000 taps. Then the rest of the distance is cross lot with no more taps.

Will vacum pull up this hill? The next 3800 feet is all down hill to the sugar house with 6 to 7 % slope. Any help and Idea's would be apreciated.

02-20-2009, 06:07 PM
Sounds like to me your going to want to put the pump at the shed and run a dry line to the trees. Run your taps downhill however you have to and put a releaser at the bottom with your dry line hooked to it. Dump it in a tank there and then pump it to the sugarhouse or go get it with the tractor, etc. You can only lift sap one foot for every inch of vac. Ive tried it and its true. So keep the pump at the house if its feasable so you can watch it and do that or take the pump right out there and save on dry line tube. Only thing is electric at the house beats gas in the bush for the vac pump. 4000 taps is a lot take a pretty good size dry line to run the releaser and for that matter a pretty good pump. Theron

Haynes Forest Products
02-20-2009, 06:12 PM
No but you could pump it. I dont think you could put that many ladders in that much of a rise. Other options. You say you have 119 of lift out of the bowel after that how much down slope do you have to the sap shack? If you had down slope after the 119 rise you can use that to your advantage. In theory if you pump up 119 and the rest is down hill you will get a siphon effect and a boost with the vacuum. If you install a pump at the tank and push it you would be better off. The pump would have to be able to pump that high (119 of head). A suction pump would be fighting the vacuum problem and would take hrs of priming to get it up the 119 plus the distance.
If you have vacuum on the entire line and then you open a valve by the tank and pump sap into the vacuum line that would be fine. you dont need a seperate line just for sap. I think if you go eaqsy with the pump once sap starts flowing down to the sap shack you wouldnt blow taps down stream. You could use check valves in branch lines down on the gravity lines as a fail safe.

02-20-2009, 07:25 PM
like the others said you can't lift sap that high with vac. How far from the sugarhouse or an area you can drive to is the lowest point?
It sounds like your best bet is to put the releaser at the low point and pump it out. However 4800 feet is along way to pump also

Haynes Forest Products
02-20-2009, 10:12 PM
The good thing is once you get a full pipe full of liquid the pump will be a helper with a down slope. you still have to figure 119 of head even though its down hill from there.

Big John
02-21-2009, 05:59 AM
Never ever try to suck sap up hill!! don't you know sap runs down hill. The best vaccum system is the best gravity system!! you should put a tank at the bottom, dumper or vaccume tank. Then with a deep well pump and a float switch pump it back up to the sugar house, it will work fine.

02-21-2009, 12:31 PM
Deep well pump is what you need to lift sap 119 feet