View Full Version : Tapped in Southern Lake County
02-16-2009, 04:20 PM
Tapped this weekend just couldn't wait any longer. Sap was running a little on Saturday but nothing yesterday. Has anyone else tapped around here yet? I was late last year with a new 1/2 pint to put together and didn't tap until 2nd week of march, don't want to miss anything...
We're just south of I 90, at the extreeme southern border of Lake County - northern edge of Geauga County about half way up Little Mountain. Sap last year was amazing, any ideas on what this year may bring?
Jeffery G.
02-16-2009, 07:20 PM
Tapped a week ago today, 145 taps. Sap was running good for a couple days. Brought in 225 gals. It shut down this weekend, and I'm hoping tomorrow and wednesday's 40+ degree highs get something moving. I'm about 20 miles due east of you in Jefferson. Good luck to you, its still early.
02-16-2009, 07:42 PM
i tap about 400 or so in north madison, dock rd, going to wait alittle longer...and yes you will out grow yourself every year
02-16-2009, 08:12 PM
We are about to purchase a Half Pint.
How do you like it?
Any advice on operation?
We are located 15 miles south of Oberlin.
Young forest with 50 taps.
Got the bug last year with a broiler pan over a grate in the back yard.
jason grossman
02-16-2009, 08:36 PM
we still haven't tapped yet and i think we will probably wait until this wekend or next week. kind of just in a holding pattern.
02-16-2009, 08:46 PM
I tapped this past weekend mostly because it was a convenient time for me to get it done. Wasn't much flow over the weekend or today. I expect to get a decent run mid week this week and we'll see from there.
02-16-2009, 11:19 PM
We are about to purchase a Half Pint.
How do you like it?
Any advice on operation?
We are located 15 miles south of Oberlin.
Young forest with 50 taps.
Got the bug last year with a broiler pan over a grate in the back yard.
My first year was also a broiler pan over some cinder blocks in the woods. The half pint is setup number 3, second year was a little box stove with an 18x24 flat pan on top and I could only do batches with it- small batches at that.
The half pint is great, and for me was an introduction to real boiling. One day last season I was able to put up 23 - 8oz bottles after one day of boiling - my total for 2007 was 24 bottles with the little box stove. That's not much compared to some on here, but this is a small hobby operation at present with only 3 years under its belt. I have 35 taps in so far this year and am shooting for 40.
The half pint is rated for "50" so we'll see where we end up.
In short, I don't think you will regret the Half Pint, it's much better than batch boiling and produces some very nice syrup. By the way I purchased it from Richards in Chardon, they are great folks and had 2 in stock last year.
02-16-2009, 11:21 PM
Tapped a week ago today, 145 taps. Sap was running good for a couple days. Brought in 225 gals. It shut down this weekend, and I'm hoping tomorrow and wednesday's 40+ degree highs get something moving. I'm about 20 miles due east of you in Jefferson. Good luck to you, its still early.
Thanks I thoght it might be early, but couldn't sit still any longer. Hope to have something to bring in by Thursday-Friday.
02-17-2009, 10:20 AM
Hello all, I tapped Feb. 6, we have had one of those years where nothing seems to go right. Washed tubbing on over 2feet of snow and tapped 400 after that. The sap came in at 1.75, 49to1. This is the lowest ratio I have ever started at. We tap all Hard Maples and usually start at 32 or 34 to1. Is anyone else seeing low sugar? Made 24gal. taste is very good but a little darker than usual due to the longer time cooking. We should get a small run today and some tomorrow. To Matt in North Madison come over sometime we are in South Madison .
Hello all, I tapped Feb. 6, we have had one of those years where nothing seems to go right. Washed tubbing on over 2feet of snow and tapped 400 after that. The sap came in at 1.75, 49to1. This is the lowest ratio I have ever started at. We tap all Hard Maples and usually start at 32 or 34 to1. Is anyone else seeing low sugar? Made 24gal. taste is very good but a little darker than usual due to the longer time cooking. We should get a small run today and some tomorrow. To Matt in North Madison come over sometime we are in South Madison .
might be from tapping too early.most have not tapped yet in portage and summit, too many cold spells
02-18-2009, 07:11 AM
sure love to come over and see your set up. where abouts in south madison?
02-18-2009, 10:39 AM
Was able to collect 15 gallons of sap from 35 taps at 7:00 this AM, there was nothing in the bags as of 8:00 PM yesterday so it must have started running during the night.
Trees were running pretty good -about a drop every 3 seconds or so - if I can get another 15-20 in tonight I will be able to do a small boil on the half pint this weekend. Have'nt checked the sugar content yet but will tonight and let you all know what we're seeing over here.
By the looks of the weather after today it will probably shut off, that's Ok though I'm itchin' to get started again.
02-18-2009, 12:39 PM
Haven't tapped in Medina yet. The Amish guy I buy my supplies from taps every year, March 1st, regardless. His rig boils off 800 gph, and he bottles the steam and sells the water besides. If he can wait, so can I. Gonna be selling my half-pint next year and move on up to a 2x6. Have a good year!
02-18-2009, 12:45 PM
Hey Dave,
I bought my half pint from Tom Razzanno, right on rt 58 in Sullivan. Ya know him? He was a great help. I'm sure you're aware of Isaak Keim right off rt 301 in Homer. A Leader dealer. Good luck w/ your half pint. I've enjoyed mine but don't klike the slow boiling of 5 gph. Gonna go bigger next year.
02-19-2009, 07:18 PM
From our 35 taps, at 6:00 last night I collected another 28 gallons which gives me a total of 43 gals sap for wed 2-18-09. It was running like crazy after the rain and for a 12 hour period since the am collection, it was a pretty decent run and crystal clear. This morning there was another 3-5" of sap in the bags although pretty iced up, I'll go after that when this wind dies down.
Tested the sugar content and the hydrometer read 2% at 42° F. Not sure how to compensate for the temp, my sap hydrometer is certified at 35°. Any body here have a chart to do that, or is it not critical.
Anyway, its all sitting and waiting for this weekend.
02-20-2009, 07:43 AM
We saw the sugar shack on 58, south of 224. Do you have contact info for Tom Razzanno? Isaak Keim has been helpful. Would not mind a good used half-pint, but would prefer a WF Mason 2x4. They are out of stock everywhere I have checked. Going to tap early next week, 50 taps. Where do you get your tapping supplies?
02-20-2009, 09:31 AM
We had a good run late Wed. and boiled all day yesterday, made 12gal.. The sap started at 49 to 1 on the first 3 runs. Went to 38 to 1 on this last run. Very strange It has always started out sweet and gradually going down in sugar as the season progresses with small jumps of a quarter to half a degee here and there, usually during a big run. Anyway things look better than they did. Hope everyone is ready for a good slow warm up!
02-20-2009, 12:43 PM
Brought this over from the Brix Thread. Maple Marc provided sent this in this morning. Clears up the sap hydrometer temp conversion a bit.
I think this is what you are looking for. Most sap hydrometers are calibrated for 38 degrees F:
for 32-46F, add .0 brix
for 47-56F, add .1 brix
for 57-61F, add .2 brix
for 62-64F, add .3 brix
for 65-68F, add .4 brix
for 69-72F, add .5 brix
for 73-75F, add .6 brix
Above 75 degrees, I think you need to hit the beach.
02-21-2009, 08:10 AM
Hello to Matt, check your inbox, sent you a message, let me know if you received it or not. I am new at this and need to know if what I do works.
02-21-2009, 04:31 PM
Hey Dave,
I go to Izaac's for my supplies. Hard to catch him home though. Sometimes go to Fitch Pharm in Ashland also.
Tom's # 419 651 7158
address 400 st rt 58
He's a talker and very helpful. He just bought a Leader "American" last year.
02-22-2009, 12:09 AM
Someone was asking about low sugar content. If you have had drought conditions like I have it will be a bit low. I have not has as good of ratio this year. Gary Ghaham from OSU told me last year that drought can impact sugar content. I assume that is why I am only finishing a gallon per 45-50 gallons of sap.
02-22-2009, 10:27 AM
I still cannot figure out the reason for such a jump in sugar. We didn't have a dry summer that I recall, cannot remember even having to water the garden. Like I said in an earlier post it has now gone up to 38to1 with the last run, but was 49to1 on the first three runs. Sugarin sure is interesting, never dull moment and nature sure can throw curve balls.
02-23-2009, 08:46 AM
I boiled on Saturday and Sunday and ended up going out to bring in the ice that was in the bags to try to have enough to get some syrup. Close but no cigar. Tried melting down the solid ice from the bags to keep up and ended up tossing whole chunks into the pan.... it stopped the boil in the first section but the others kept going strong. So far I'm burning all locust.
I thought I was not pushing enough sap and shut it down. I know the ice thing has been beat to death, but has anyone got any good ideas on how to deal with it, if you need more sap?
chase with water its alot safer than ice
02-23-2009, 10:24 AM
I did use some water (about 4 gallons) but thought it may affect the taste of the syrup and stopped. I learn something everyday here.
nope. if you chase it far enough to the front pan,you can shut down and plug it, then when cool you can drain and start fresh next time
uhhh just dont use creek water :)
02-23-2009, 02:42 PM
So I should stop using water out of the livestock trough? I wondered why my syrup had an extra "earthy" taste to it ;)
02-23-2009, 02:46 PM
I was thinking of using the Budweiser, but there was only so much I resorted to the water.
03-01-2009, 10:18 PM
After 104 gallons through the half pint, I finally pulled 4 draws Thursday and 5 more Saturday and was able to put up 10 - 8oz. bottles tonight. Light colored, real clear and has a great taste.
We had one helluva run here Thursday. With my meager 35 taps I pulled in 40 gallons, ran out of storage so I left the rest on the trees - it froze Friday - so I collected again Saturday.
Most of the full bags were frozen on the outside with the center still liquid sap. So I busted open the ice and poured out the sap which was still only 2% on the hydro and boiled away. Not wanting to waste any, I spent an hour melting the ice down in the wife's oven last night only to find it measured 0% this AM - "oh crap" is putting it lightly.
From here on in, if there's anything liquid in the middle, that's all I'm taking, if it's froze solid - I'll melt it down and take my chances.
Still more taps to put in for this year and lots of learning to do.
That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.
03-04-2009, 11:53 AM
Well, Finally got 35 trees tapped last Weds. Collected 42 gal. on Thursday and another 22 on Friday. Boiled all down to a little more than five quarts on my half pint finishing in the ol' Turkey Fryer. Good Quality, light colored syrup. Then this dang cold spell hit. sposed to warm up again this week. Will tap five more trees tomorrow and be up all night Friday cookin! Hope the season goes another couple of weeks. Have fun out there!
03-04-2009, 01:12 PM
With the weather forcast sap should run like crazy later today and for sure on Thursday.
Get your taps in a soon as you can so you miss it, I also have 35 taps in and could not get all last Wed and Thurs - didn't have any more storage places!
Looks like it'll be too warm this weekend for much to happen other than boiling it all off.
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