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View Full Version : Stack temp

02-14-2009, 10:00 PM
Have read alot about stack temps here. I remember when I was young on grandpa's farm he had a 4x10 evaporator it was all flat pans 3 if I remember correct, anyways a guy from leader stopped in with a drop flue pan he was promoting. He was trying to get gramps to buy it. Grampa being a skeptic wanted a good reason to buy it. The salesman told him how much better the evap rate would be cause it captured more heat instead of it going out the stack. The salesman took some bailing twine and tied it to the stack 2 feet up from the arch. He told grampa if he could burn that twine off by the end off the season he would return his money and let him keep the pan. Grampa bought it and tried as hard as he could to burn it off. That twine ended up rotting off before he could burn it off. Man did that thing boil sap.