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View Full Version : Hood and Pre Heater

02-14-2009, 06:33 PM
I have 2 questions about steam hoods, actually about 200. I have a 2x6 homemade evaporator with a 2x4 flue pan and 2x2 syrup pan. I am going to build a hood for the flued pan and possibly both pans. I have a commercial exhaust fan that I was planning on installing in the hood. I was also planning on putting a pre-heater in the hood consisting of several lengths of 1/2" copper pipe running back and forth.

First question how many feet of pipe should I run to pre heat the sap?

Second Question how do I keep the condensation on the pipes from dripping back into the pan?

Third Question is can I just build a hinged section that will flip down over the front pan and duct it right into the rear section?

Haynes Forest Products
02-14-2009, 06:58 PM
Im would go the the Sugar Inn and go to the steam hood section. We had alot of these discussions about all this. But lets get to work. Do not put a suction fan in the steam hood. Steam will move by itself. If you have a hood and a suction fan outside air will be sucked into the hood and cause all sorts of trouble it will cool the sap and preheater. read the posts and ask away.