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View Full Version : flexible hose from vacuum to releaser

02-09-2009, 03:12 PM
I want to replace my 1 1/2" black plastic water pipe that runs from my sp-11 (former milker) to my single mechanical releaser. I want to use a flexible hose and Bascom's sells something they call Flexible Plasic Poly Pipe W/ Nylon Cord. Does anyone know if this is ridged enough to not collapse on itself under 23" of vacuum?

Haynes Forest Products
02-09-2009, 03:51 PM
I think it would be fine I use the same type 3/4 on my suction side of my filter press and that is 220 degrees It will collapse if its totaly clogged. I think out in the cold it would be fine. I use the same type from H.D. I put a small section out in the woods in the mainlines so I can watch the sap go past. Hey it doesnt take much to thrill me!

02-09-2009, 09:01 PM
Mark, are you using the SP-11 at 23" of vacuum?? I have one also and am wondering how hard to work the old girl this first year. Someone told me "all she has" but I am afraid that might be too much. Don't want to wreck it. Seems like around 23-26 is "all she has" so if that is within its capacity,would I even need to use the regulator that came with it?
Thanks Larry

Grade "A"
02-10-2009, 04:29 AM
Larry, I would put the regulator on the pump because you never know what can happen, and it could save your pump. As far as how much vacuum you can pull , it is all about keeping your pump cool so pull as much as you can without overheating. Different ideas to keep them cool are blowing a fan on them or some trickle water over them. Keep oil in it and keep it cool, other than that there is not much to worry about.

Mark, silicone hose that farmers use work great but if you have a long ways to go it could be expensive.

02-10-2009, 01:13 PM
thanks guys. I try the flexible hose and let you know if I have any problems.

Used the sp-11 last year for the first time and it ran flawlessly at 22". Did not have a problem with heating up at all. I probably could run it at 25" if I wanted to max out the Honda gas motor but I was more worried about the motor than the pump.