View Full Version : Tapping in Perry County
Dennis H.
02-01-2009, 05:10 PM
I put out 40 of my buckets this morning.
I checked them this evening after supper and they are starting to run, not much but a little. I think Monday will be a better day.
I am waiting to see how this 40 run the next few days before I put out the 100 buckets on the loaned trees.
02-01-2009, 05:58 PM
Hope you get a run. Where are you located?
Dennis H.
02-01-2009, 06:06 PM
I am located down in South Central PA, about 20 miles north of Carlisle and 30 mile west of Harrisburg.
I am hoping for a good run, last year I waited till Pres Day and I only got a few small runs and that was it. I think I missed the best run last year by waiting till Pres Day. I actually wanted to tap a week ago but with that wonderful ice and snow that we got changed that idea.
Breton heart
02-01-2009, 07:06 PM
Hi Dan, I spent alot of time at my friends grandparents( Kistlers) place there in Elliotsburg, they had a beautiful large stone house and barn, I cant remember the road. I had lived in Carlisle years ago and my Aunt is in a nursing home there now so we visit quite often Do you have sugar maples there in Elliotsburg or are you tapping other types
Dennis H.
02-01-2009, 08:44 PM
Here at the house and the trees I have permission to tap on a neighbors land are all Reds.
Now up at my fathers cabin in East Waterford in Juniata County, he has Sugars. My plan for next year is to tap these with a small tubing system and collect once a day or everyother day.
Breton, how large of a sugarbush do you have? Are they Sugar's or are you like me up here, tap whatever is a Maple.
I just back in from checking the buckets, they are still running. If I only had a vac system I would have a boat load of sap right now.
There are a few trees that are a little slow getting started but with Mondays temp to be in the high 30's low 40's I think that will get the rest of them going.
I am thinking that I might hang the other 100 buckets Monday so they are ready for the promissing weather forecast for the end of the week.
02-01-2009, 08:49 PM
Pump daddy is getting low on dairy pumps but there's still a couple sweet hearts left.
Might see a couple listed on the trader pretty soon.
Jim Brown
02-02-2009, 07:33 AM
32 inches of snow in the woods as of Friday pm . 42 degrees on Sunday melted some of it. Supposed to get up in the mid 40's a couple of days next weekend still think we are going to wait and tap around Valentines day as usual. We still have a lot of cold weather to come yet!
02-02-2009, 08:40 AM
If the warm spell projected for next weekend holds I'm tapping some on Friday. I'm sure I have to work out some kinks on the new vacuum system anyway so better due it now before the big sap. Probably hold out on buckets another week or so after that and then its full bore pedal to the metal, sap, sap, sap!
Dennis H.
02-02-2009, 09:43 AM
32" of snow on the ground! I wish we got that kind of snow down here.
This last snow storm, if you would call it that, gave us 3" of snow and about 1" of sleet and ice on top of that.
With Sundays temps in the high 40's most of our snow is gone now, deepest on the north side of hills.
I put in another 5 buckets with drops this morning at my folks place, They are going to help me out with those by checking them. They are nice big yard trees so I think I will be getting a bunch from them.
I also collected a bunch this morning after work and I will go back and check this evening, I just might have enough sap to fire up the evap!
Dennis H.
02-02-2009, 09:46 AM
Matt who is the Pump Daddy?
I seen that there are a few pump in the classifieds, I just don't know what I would be needing for my size of operation.
I really haven't done much research on pumps either, which ones are better than others, which ones hold up better, how easy to find replacement parts, stuff like that.
02-03-2009, 04:58 PM
Dennis- Do you have a spot where you could get quite a few on one set up? Didnt you say your dads place was maybe a spot? Hows the tappin goin? Are you getting some sap? Theron
Dennis H.
02-03-2009, 05:44 PM
Yeah the sap is flowing. I have enough now to fire up the evap, Theres not enough yet to make a gal of syrup but I have enough to have fun firing the evap, we'll see.
I got 45 buckets out right now and when I checked the buckets this evening all but maybe 5-6 were running. Now they are starting to freeze up for the night and also the next 2 days the way it looks.
I am going to put the rest of the buckets, 100, out on Friday Morning. I think it will be a tsunomi come Saturday or Sunday.
Yeah the good stand of trees are up at my dad's cabin. I will be concentrating on that stand next season.
Breton heart
02-03-2009, 06:57 PM
Dennis, sorry I typed in Dan last time, We only have the reds and norways some that I can hang 3 buckets on and the silvers plus I have acess to 50 acres.I only tapped 20 last year as I was using restaurant lasagne pans to boil down and it went to slow plus like you with the weird weather last year I tapped late and it was tricky storing the sap as it turned too warm during the day.Richard Nixon park in York called me and offered me their excess sap, which I believe is true acer saccharum and I had to turn it down.I was ready to buy a new half pint syrup pan when I found an Amish bussiness outside Quarryville Pa. that makes these tig welded cookers and he was going to make me a 3 sect. pan for 200.00 not including the valves now I have put that on hold and we are headed out to Somerset Co. Pa. to Brennamens (Amish) who is the Leader and used equipment dealer. He has a cross flow pan that I might use instead, and that is my question for the forum if it woth getting a used one to use for a syrup pan. Also plan to pick up more buckets, gasket for arch etc, etc.
02-03-2009, 10:28 PM
Here in the Pocono's the weather is looking good for this weekend and next week. I usually don't tap until Presidents weekend but I think I might tap early this year.
Dennis H.
02-05-2009, 08:40 AM
we got a 2 day freeze up going right now, it should be over Friday.
Then watch out at least a 6 day prime Sap Flowing weather, gutter gusher I can feel it.
Dennis H.
02-06-2009, 11:44 AM
I put all my taps in this morning.
That will make it 145 total. 120 2gal buckets, 20 1gal milk jugs, 5 5gal buckets on drop lines.
The last 15 or so buckets were already dripping by the time I hung the bucket on the spile!!
All this and the temps right now are right at 30 degrees, but clear skies and sunny. I can't wait to see how they are running tomorrow when the temps are to be in the 40's.
02-06-2009, 12:22 PM
Hey Z-Man, I believe we have another hobby in common. Does 'Pocmts' from NEP Snotrails ring a bell? I am probably tapping this weekend also. Haven't been to attend the last two sno trails meetings since they conflict with me coaching 3/4 grade basketball but I'll be there in March.
How many do you tap?
02-06-2009, 11:52 PM
Yes, we share that other hobby. I rode Wed & Thur. this week and the trails were fantastic.
This is my 5th year tapping and I'm hooked. I tapped 37 last year and will probably do the same tommorrow. Have a small homemade barrel evaporator and it is doing the job so far. Managed to make just over 8 gallons last year. I'm kind of alone on this here, only know one other guy doing it in my area. Wouldn't mind seeing another operation in the area.
02-08-2009, 06:01 PM
Z-Man-I'm learning as I go also. Took the plunge this year and am running tubing, vacuum, and a 2x6 with floats this year. Graduated from a flat pan and buckets. I Pm'd you my number feel free to give me a call. You will find this site is the best for knowledge that people are willing to share.
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