View Full Version : what temp rated insulation?

01-30-2009, 07:32 AM
need some of your knowledge, i am going to be building a new cooker and am wondering what temperature rating do i need for insulation. also i was thinking of insulation under firebrick in firebox area, is this overkill.

this all started two years ago with hand carved sumac spouts on some box elder trees, i made about a half-cup of syrup.....last year i made more than five gallons off some mix of maples.....now i am like expected to keep doing this....it has been fun/work and this web site has been visited many times, i lurk,listen, and learn..i hope, thanks

Clan Delaney
01-30-2009, 08:06 AM
Let us know the specifics of the arch you're building, that way we can make better recommendations to fit your application.

Generally speaking, there's firebrick, arch board and ceramic blanket, all rated for firebox temps. Red brick is an option, but it won't last as long. Maybe not a full season. I'm almost certain that you don't want to use fiberglass insulation.

01-30-2009, 04:10 PM
The 2300 degree insulation would be fine as a backer between arch and firebrick and it wouldn't be overkill and help extend the life of the outside of the arch and it would keep it safer as it won't get extremely hot as it does without out.

01-31-2009, 05:59 PM
i was gonna build a oil tank flat pan rig. was intending to put insulation down then fire brick over it in the area of the fire box, then insulation in the rest. sorry i wasn't clear, i was questioning the need between 2300 or the 2600 degree rating since there is a price difference. my initial guess would be the 2300 stuff would suffice. any other ideas or experience always welcome.

01-31-2009, 07:39 PM
This got me to thinking I have a pretty good supply of mineral wool fire blanket that is rated to 2200 degrees for little or no cost. Will this work to insulate my arch? Can I leave it exposed in the flue area and only brick the fire box area? Am I all wet and just need to spend some money?

Uncle Tucker
02-01-2009, 07:27 PM
I used mineral wool in my arch last year and it held up fine where it was bricked but where it was not it turned hard and fell a part. I think it would work with ceramic blanket on it.