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View Full Version : drawoff pipe size on 2x6

01-29-2009, 09:53 AM
On a 2x6 evaporator, what is the common pipe size for the drawoff valve? I'm guessing either 3/4" or 1". I plan to order a new pan from Patrick P. for next season but am going to buy some valves this season and don't want to have to re-buy them next year.



01-29-2009, 09:58 AM
I have 3/4 on my Leader 2x8 and that is plenty. You could probably get by even with a 1/2" on a 2x6 or 2x8 if you wanted too.

Haynes Forest Products
01-29-2009, 10:36 AM
My 3X10 came with a 1 1/2 and we had a good laugh and put a 3/4 on it. Im with WVM 1/2 would work fine. I think the bigger you go the faster the draw off and thats not always good. Syrup flowing out and down from your drawoff valve is alot faster than the syrup can flow from one pan to the other. I will drawoff slower than the valve will allow so sap and syrup can fill the void at its pace. When im board I will open the drawoff just a trickel and get it to flow at a steady pace and see how fast the syrup is produced.

01-29-2009, 12:38 PM
My Leader 2x6 drop flue is 3/4". I put a ball valve on the draw off so I can control the draw off. I would put a ball valve over any other manual valve any day as it opens and closes easy and you can tell it is open or closed on sight alone.
Just my 2 cents

01-29-2009, 02:56 PM
Thanks everyone for the info. I was planning on a 3/4" valve and your input confirms that is what I'll keep it. I'm finishing up my home built auto-drawoff and this is a high temp solenoid valve so it's a bit more expensive than your average ball valve which is why I wanted to buy it only once for current and future use.
