View Full Version : filling and emptying barrels partialy

01-27-2009, 09:33 PM
i have a question about syrup in barrels, i know that alot of people will fill a barrel over the course of a few days and have no problems as long as its hot and full right to the top. but what about emptying it? say ya have a 15 gal barrel of syrup and you take out 5 to bottle one day, will the rest go bad now fast? or will it be ok for a while? days? weeks? months?

01-27-2009, 09:47 PM
It depends on the temps. In the winter it can last along time but during the summer months I wouldn't leave it uncanned for more than a week. I have never tried to keep it uncanned. Once I open a keg in the summer I can it all right then and there. It is worth too much to have it ferment and get an off flavor.