View Full Version : spouts or spiles?
Sugar Sue
01-27-2009, 12:16 PM
Any one going to tubing this year? I am looking gor some good conditon 7/16" spiles. I would need someone who can send them to me with in the next week. Willing to pay. I am scared that waiting on shipping from ebayand don't won't to risk it! I only need 50-100. I'm thinking that we will be tapping up here in Northern In. soon!!!!
01-27-2009, 03:18 PM
Bascom's has used 7/16 spiles and hooks. I think they are $1.00 a piece
1 603 835 6361 Store is open 7:30-4:30 DLST They can send them out right away.
maple flats
01-27-2009, 06:05 PM
You might consider 5/16, less damage to tree. Most dealers have them whether you are on tubing or buckets. Try the Maple Guys, they ship promptly.
01-27-2009, 08:04 PM
not to step on toes but 5/16 are the way to go, i ran both on my buckets last year, almost all the 5/16 holes are healed, the 7/16 arent even near 1/2 healed, some never do, i was in my new sugar woods today, it hasnt been tapped in 45 years, and i was looking at the trees, some have holes that just never healed, ive never seen a 5/16 hole that hasnt healed, my 2 cents,
you can use 5/16 or 7/16 tubing spouts and just run a drop line into a 5 gal bucket at each tree too, thats easyer to deal with on a 2 tap tree than 2 individual buckets, its what i learned in my first 2 years tappin'
bascoms is a good place, i do all my buisness with them, your get your stuff the next day on a small order and a large one the day after, if your just getting spouts you will have it by wed. if you order tomarrow. good people, honest people, thats why i like them
01-27-2009, 09:00 PM
All my 7/16th holes heal up each year, just my experience. That being said I''m always open to learning. What kind of production do you get with 5/16? Any notable difference from 7/16?
01-27-2009, 09:44 PM
I had been thinking about switching from 7/16" to 5/16" because of what I've read about the long-term benefits to the tree with only a small decrease in sap yield. I think I've made my decision after seeing many of my '08 holes healing up pretty slowly. Some of them look like I drilled them three months ago instead of almost a year ago.
Dumb question of the day: Are "tree savers" and "health spouts" trade names for all 5/16" spiles or is there something special about them? Please, no jokes about smoke shifters, buckets of steam, or left-handed hammers.
01-27-2009, 10:46 PM
there a verry veryy small decrease in sap yeild sometimes you will get the same somtimmes you get more really depends on your woods and BACTERIA Go with the 5/16 and keep ur trees nice and heathly and you can tap them forever.
just what i think.
Dave Y
01-28-2009, 06:21 AM
The tree saver spiles and health spiles are trade names for 5/16 splies. The production on those spiles, reshearch shows that they proudce about 80-85% of daily flow compared to the 7/16 spile. However they will run longer. So there is not much difference in prouduction of sap. Always use the 5/16 spile when you can.
01-28-2009, 07:41 AM
I will be trying both 5/16 and 7/16 this year as it will be my first time trying this project. What really confuses me is when I went to Dominion and Grimm they had all these tiny little corks but I have yet to see anybody mention what they are for. I assumed they were to plug up tap holes at the end of the season.
Clan Delaney
01-28-2009, 07:57 AM
I will be trying both 5/16 and 7/16 this year as it will be my first time trying this project. What really confuses me is when I went to Dominion and Grimm they had all these tiny little corks but I have yet to see anybody mention what they are for. I assumed they were to plug up tap holes at the end of the season.
Oh, those are for in case you lose the cap to your nip bottle of, um, tapping juice (not to be confused with boiling soda). Get's cold out there, gotta keep warm! :D
01-28-2009, 09:58 AM
If you put a hook on a 5/16 tap will it hold a 2 gallon bucket and lid with out pulling out? Has anybody tried this?
01-28-2009, 11:26 AM
I use 5/16 health spouts with a short piece of tubing to go into the bucket and the bucket on a regular hook. Never had any pull out. Even better is a 7/16 spile with a 5/16 adaptor, hook on the adaptor. It is easier to take the bucket off the hook with no tubing going into the bucket.
01-28-2009, 12:01 PM
If you put a hook on a 5/16 tap will it hold a 2 gallon bucket and lid with out pulling out? Has anybody tried this?
those little 5/16 hookless spouts hold a 3 gal bucket no problem, it wont make a difference if its a hanging hook or not
01-28-2009, 06:11 PM
Here is a good study on 5/16 vs. 7/16, the impact on sap production and the impact on the tree health.
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