View Full Version : Conservation program lands and Use as a Sugar Bush

01-26-2009, 10:17 AM
Do any of you have info for tapping conservation land??? The reason I ask is this. I purchased a piece down the road, Part of it is in a conservation reserve program and part is not The best part about 350-400 taps on a side hill is about half in and half out. I know that the part that is out I can do what ever I want to, Build, Tap, cut ... The part that is in the program I can't do any thing like build, or cut but I can pull out downed trees for self use fire wood. No real mention of tapping for sugar?? Just wondering if any of you have or are able to use Conservation reserve land for a sugar bush?

01-26-2009, 12:15 PM
I looked into buying a piece of land and then putting it into a conservation easment. That would have been a goverment easment. With it I was allowed to do anything (other than build on the land ) as long as I had a managment plan in place that included what I wanted to do with it, and it didn't violate the terms of the easment. Private easments are negotiated at the time it is placed and vary according to what the landowner was willing to allow or give up rights to do at the time.
You will need to find out what the terms of the easment are by calling the agency that holds it. Most easment on woodlots allow for some logging and cutting of firewood as well as other types of woodland uses, as long as they are done with a managment plan.

01-26-2009, 12:58 PM
Thanks, This is going to take some research. The easment was on the land already so I have no idea what the arangments are. I was just over there today most of the trees I can tap are off the easment portion but there are a lot that are not. I close next week so maybe the info will be with the attorney??

Haynes Forest Products
01-26-2009, 05:36 PM
Easments mean that you own the land and the utilitys and goverment can use it for spacific uses. They have the right to install utility poles underground gas water and elec and data. You have the right to also use it but if they need to get over or under the land they can cut your tubing down for access within reason.

01-26-2009, 09:55 PM
Haynes, i believe that the easment that he is refering to is a conservation easment, not a utility easment.

01-26-2009, 10:43 PM
That is correct it is just a "for nature" easment ment to avoid clearing or building. I'm going to have to contact the agency and get the spicifics of it. I just hate to do that and have them looking for me to do something. When the only time they would normaly check is by satilite, which wouldn't pick up a few taps. Just if you built on it or cut it down. If it's against the rules of the easment then Ill just tap the ones I can thats all. I still need to find out what program it is under. I do know there are 49 years left on it.

NH Maplemaker
01-27-2009, 07:46 AM
I guess that the rules and regulations would haft to be disclosed at your closing!Being the new land owner I don't know how they can expect you to know all of them !! At the very least they should give you something in writing !!

jim L.

01-27-2009, 08:14 AM
Spoke to the attorney he has a package that is with the abstract or release from the other morgage holder or something like that. Need to get my hand on them. It would be a horadle travisty if I can't tape the hole 8 acres of south facing, side hill 12-20 inch sugar maple. About 3 acres is left out of the program, It is all maples. I have only seen two hemlock and a hand full of Beach with a few Walnut on the property almost all Maple!!! All comes right down to the road. Just the perfect set up!!!! The other 26 acres is soft wood, scrub and beaver swamp. I guess I'll know next week???

maple flats
01-27-2009, 08:17 PM
Your lawyer should be instructed to get the answer before you close. He works for you. If he is the seller's lawyer you need one on your side. I have bought and sold lots of land over the last 45 years and have never bought without a lawyer on my side except one tax sale piece. I did the research at the county seat myself before buying that too. I knew exactly what and where the boundries were and who had any claims to it before I bid. Please tell me you have a lawyer on your side.

01-27-2009, 10:36 PM
I do have a attorney that has made shure all leans and every thing is squared away... I knew about the easment before I even put the offer on the land. He has all that info... Just what I know about these programs, I have never heard any mention of tapping being aloud or not being aloud. Thought maybe some one else may have come across this at some point. I know more and more land is being put into programs like this every year. Some of them pay real well.