View Full Version : Spammers

01-23-2009, 11:28 PM
Thanks Clan for catching that last spammer, every now and then one will get thru the registration process... but thanks to everyone they don't last long. if anyone does see one you can either hit the report icon in the upper right of the post box ( the exclamation) or use the contact us link at the bottom of the page... both will shoot an email to me asap. and as soon as I can I will grab them!!! Thanks again...

01-24-2009, 06:42 AM
Another one this morning,, thanks Thompsons Tree Farm for reporting.

01-24-2009, 09:18 AM
and another one creasiape

Clan Delaney
01-24-2009, 09:58 AM
and another one creasiape

Taken care of. Thanks for the tip.

Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2009, 12:10 PM
How can someone get in and post with such ease and it took me 5 days 3 phone calls 2 apologies and I still cant get it right...............DANG IM AN IDIOT............Hey fellow maple traders How do I get spell check to pop up when im posting! It would make my 8 year olds life easier. Its hard enough to read some posts with Geek Speak but man I cant spell for *&^%##%. Between the dictionary and proof reading my work Im staying plenty "ACTIVE"

01-24-2009, 12:23 PM
seems like this site is getting more stupid by the day

01-24-2009, 01:04 PM
Spell check is in the upper right hand part of your message box (abc check) just click on it and whamo.

01-24-2009, 02:19 PM
Yes, thanks for keeping the spammers out.

Haynes....Firefox has a built in spell checker.


Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2009, 02:43 PM
Thanks With this tool I will try and not be stupid in the future.

Russell Lampron
01-24-2009, 04:31 PM
Hey Rich you aren't the only one to notice that.

01-24-2009, 05:19 PM
Just to let you guys know we get about 100 new members each day with 90% being spammers, it's not easy to weed through the bogus stuff and let the honest ones through. occasionally a few get thru and wammo spammers delight!!

We will do our best as always to keep them out

If you have trouble logging in it may be due to your profile/email/location was something of a question and you weren't allowed in. please use the contact us at the bottom and be sure to include your email, user name etc.

Thanks for your patience and support

Haynes Forest Products
01-24-2009, 05:28 PM
If 1 out of 100 gets threw then I would say your doing a great job. Now I see why you brought Clan on to share in the fun.

maple flats
01-24-2009, 06:24 PM
Wow, I never would have thought there would be so many spammers. I guess i am nieve to the problems the computor guru's have to contend with. I just think maple and don't look for the bad.

01-24-2009, 06:29 PM
I think it's not that many different ones but a handful that really work the forums to get in . going under a multitude of different emails and wacky user names.

most forums out there have the same problems

Clan Delaney
01-24-2009, 06:31 PM
If 1 out of 100 gets threw then I would say your doing a great job. Now I see why you brought Clan on to share in the fun.

Oh yeah... fun. I had to buy a new 32 gallon barrel to contain it all. :D

Clan Delaney
01-24-2009, 06:43 PM
Since the start of the new year I've tried to send a personal PM to all the new members to welcome them to the site. I had to re-evaluate this past week with SO MANY bogus new members popping up.

When you see spam, just report it. Click that icon up there to the right ( http://www.mapletrader.com/community/images/buttons/report.gif ) or send a PM to myself or MM3. Responding to their post is pointless. They don't care. They don't read it. Realistically, they'll probably never be back to post again after dropping their spam. They do the same thing on hundreds of other boards like our everyday, and all they need is for one person to buy in to their offer for it to be worthwhile.

Then again, I'm not going to stand between anyone and their righteous indignation towards a spammer. "Hey you! Get off my lawn!"

01-24-2009, 06:49 PM
Exactly what you want to do... ignore(don't respond)-Report and wait for it to be deleted....

Clan, I'll have to come get that barrel from you and toss in all the deleted bogus names... hmmm where can we get rid of that, would it be considered hazardous waste?? ;)

01-26-2009, 06:23 AM
Deleted about 15 already this morning.... it's amazing to see how many try to get thru, luckily there are a few tell tale signs that I can't divulge that give me a red flag to them being bogus... some are pretty hard to figure if they are real or not. so bear with me.

Also if your a new member that is having trouble, it may be due to the amount of spammers that I deleted you because the pertinent information that shows your for real wasn't there. My apologies , drop me a line and I will get you fixed up.

01-26-2009, 07:56 PM
Took a chance on one today that was iffy at best!! I hope it doesn't backfire and be a spammer... they are tough let me tell you!!!

AHHHH The Challenge of it all !! like a game!

01-26-2009, 08:47 PM
You guys are doing a great job keeping spammers out. Never would have guessed ther would be that many! Another forum I use has had much trouble and it would appear spammers have been gleaning contact info of thier site and spamming members. Keep up the good work!

01-26-2009, 10:50 PM
I would like to say THANKS to Clan Delaney and Mapleman3 for their efforts to keep this place operating. I have been on several bulletin boards throughout the past several years and this one is one of the best!! I sincerely appreciate your work!! THANK YOU!!

01-29-2009, 03:51 PM
Found a lot of similar IP addresses being used and bad email so banned them ... we're getting less and less now !! Things are looking up!

03-23-2009, 09:17 AM
Thanks everyone for your vigilant efforts in keeping the spam out of the forums.
I have been getting emails from members periodically about new member registrations that you see at the bottom of the page, saying that this one or that one may be a spammer from the websites they have in their profile.

I assure you that each new member goes through me, I have to ok each new registration. they are not actual members until that happens, so even though it shows that they are on the screen, they can't post until moderated.

no need to email me on those unless one slips by me and actually posts some garbage, then by all means report them to me or Clan Deleney

that said, due to it being "the syrup season" I don't get to each new registration "at the moment they register" I do them in batches, and I also prune out the bad ones then too...

so new members please be patient with my getting you fully registered, if I'm boiling or in the woods, I will get to it when back at the computer , I do send out notes from my Blackberry occasionally as some of you have seen.

Happy Sappin and good luck to all the rest of the season... May your nights be freezing and your days be warm !!

Homestead Maple
04-09-2009, 09:32 AM
I got a PM today from a, Maxtochneff, the title was something about an,"Anti Crisis Price". I didn't dare open it. I wondered if anyone got sometime like it?

Clan Delaney
04-09-2009, 10:31 AM
Another member PM'd me about this same issue. I should have known he wouldn't have been the only one affected. Here's what I wrote back:

I believe that when new members sign up, even though they don't have access to post, they have access to send PM's. That screen name reeks of an automatically generated spam account. You're not seeing it in the members list because Jim has already weeded it out. He doesn't just ban them, he physically removes them altogether.

It's good practice not to open anything that you're unsure of. I've learned that lesson the hard way myself. As far as PM's from the Trader, you never have to worry about getting a virus from one. The system only allows text messages with limited formatting, and no attachments. The worst you'll get is an eyeful of ads for increasing the size of, um, things.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'd like to look into cutting off that PM feature for probationary members. It may not be possible, though, because I believe that's the only way for new members to contact Jim or I if they're having problems with their new accounts. We'll see.

And as always, we're here to contact if anyone sees something untoward. It never hurts to bring something to our attention. Thanks for helping us keep the site as spam free as possible!

Mike Van
04-13-2009, 06:07 AM
An article in a newspaper the other day said 97% of all email is spam - Wow, some people need a new life.

04-13-2009, 06:28 AM
I guess that is their job. what I don't understand is who hires these people or pays for the "Bots" to flood email,forums,hack into websites etc? to have someone look at their product! I know I would never consider buying a product that was beaten onto me through spam!
The amount of Bots that try to get through here every day is staggering, But the great news is they are decreasing in numbers , I record EVERY IP address from unwanted members(Spammers) and it goes on a ban list on the registration app. so I am finally starting to see less numbers of them, still though there are thousands or more out there.. I'm sure way more than that , who work these forums just looking for a loophole or back door....