View Full Version : Sap Prices 09

01-17-2009, 08:04 AM
Anyone know where I can get sap prices for 09 for delivered sap of various sugar contents? Thanks.


maple flats
01-17-2009, 08:58 AM
Last season there were posts about sap prices being posted in the MAPLE DIGEST. If none are there yet I think you would be very close if you used 08 prices and went up slightly. Syrup is now considerably higher than what it was worth when sap was being bought last year. The huge price rise came after the season. Personally i would not think a 5-10% sap price rise would be out of line at all. Just my 2 cents!!

NH Maplemaker
01-17-2009, 09:06 AM
Chris, Maple flats is right ! The prices will be posted in the first 2009 Maple Digest or at least they have been for the last four season or more !

Jim L.

Dave Y
01-17-2009, 09:17 AM
Prices depend on who's buying an who is selling. While syrup prices have gone up considerably from early last season, I do not expect them to hold. I think when it all shakes out we will end up where we started last season. So, I would use last years price which was 30 cent a gal for 2% sap delivered. That was a guideline. If you have to pick it up that would factor into the price also.
My thoughts