View Full Version : Almost time
01-16-2009, 10:24 PM
Looks like this deep freeze will break late next week. It will be running great if the forecast is correct. I am going to watch closely and start tapping if it looks good. I started tapping last year Jan 27th. I am not going tap everything at first so I can make sure everything is going to work as planned. I had 65 taps last year and plan on about 125 counting a niece looking for some extra money. I ride with my brother-in-law to work each morning and my niece plans to have buckets ready for me to load in the truck each evening when it is running. How much should I give her for a full 5 gall. bucket??
01-17-2009, 10:48 AM
As much as you can believe the long range forecast, it looks like Thurs and Fri will be the only two days above freezing in January.
01-17-2009, 11:02 AM
The forecast has changed since yesterday. It showed temps higher than the current forecast. It now shows 35, 41, and 40 for next W-F. I will just keep watching and see what happens. I am fine with waiting until February. I just do not want to miss that first run as I want to test my equipment with 100 gallons or so of sap before tapping everything.
Jim Brown
01-17-2009, 05:36 PM
Newmanmaple; 35-41-40 sounds like sap weather to me! How hard of a freeze have you had and how long doyou figure it wiil take to thaw out the trees?
01-17-2009, 07:36 PM
It has been cold here for a few days. It has been below freezing for about a week. It was below zero a couple nights and we had highs around 12, but it is warmer today. It got to 31 today and isn't supposed to be bitter cold again anytime soon. If it climbs to 40, those trees will run for sure. It is supposed to be 28 - 32 for highs before getting warmer next Wed
01-17-2009, 09:01 PM
It would take about 5 days of 40 degrees to get the trees thawed out as hard as they are frozen. It was -14 last night at the sugarhouse and I way further south than about anyone else on the trader and if it is frozen as hard as it is here, I know it is as bad or worse further north.
01-17-2009, 10:12 PM
Got down to -13 by 11:00 last night. Weather forecast for here has temps dropping tomorrow evening to 20. saying right now hitting low to mid 30's Fri. and Sat. then back to highs in 20' for the rest of weekend to Tues. Had lows from -10 to -15 from Wed night till last night. Cut up a tree today that dropped last week and was like cutting an ice sculpture with the chain saw.
01-17-2009, 10:45 PM
It is 34 here right now, but isn't supposed to get above freezing again before Wed. The trees I would be tapping early are in the open and thaw quickly.
I am in the warmest area of Ohio. I know a few tap in warmer areas, but my elevation is under 1,000 feet here which does make a difference to some areas south of me. I am sure I will find myself tapping earlier than most each year. I am just going to watch the forecast and seek the advise of the experts on here!
WESTVIRGINIAMAPLER, do you really think it will take several days to thaw a tree out enough to run?
01-18-2009, 01:27 AM
Brandon is right, it will take several days to thaw a tree out. You may get a little runnage on the immediate south side. All the rest will be nil.
If you have a foot or 2 of frozen ground in the woods, like we have here, it takes 2 weeks of above freezing temps to make them start running. BTW....last year we had no frost in the woods all winter due to early snowfall. This year will be different here, I don't know where you are.
I had -34 on Friday morning. It is not going to be an early season this year, unless we get an extremely warm Febuary.
01-18-2009, 02:00 AM
The ground hasn't froze deep here in 30 years. In 1977, everything froze, but that was the year we had temps like had never been recorded here. We had -35 below that year. It killed off some of the indigenous birds and plants. Some still have not recovered completely.
I bet it doesn't go below zero (on average) once a year here these days. The -6 here was the lowest in 5 years. When I was stationed in SD, we had a week it never got to zero. I guess it is just what you are adjusted to.
My grandfather has been gone for almost 20 years and was 90 when he died. He told me (and my Dad reminds me) that "in these parts, it thaws every day of February regardless of the temperature". I know that cannot be 100% accurate, but my grandpa farmed here for 70 years so he must have known something!
01-18-2009, 03:56 AM
Funny you should bring up 1977.
I pasted a post of mine from 2 years ago for peoples enlightenment.
Maple Addict Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Knapp, Wis
Posts: 560
Writing to find out if any one ever experienced the spring of 1977?
I was not making syrup at the time, but my neighbor was and I will share with you his story that he will freely share every spring, whether you want to hear ir or not.
Its like this: The fall of 76 was extremely dry. Not as bad as 1988, but still darn dry. The whole winter of 76/77 was VERY cold and very little snow. In fact, if you pay attention to the weather records, the months of Dec, Jan, and Feb had many record lows set that year(s).
The neighbor usually set around 1500 bags each year. His brother-in-law also makes syrup and they both had the itch to drill a few test taps as it was already March 15th of 77 and the weather had finally started to warm up. They both drilled a few holes in their respective bushes and the holes were completely bone dry, as if you were drilling into a 2x6 that had been laying in the shed for a few years. Their decision was this, there was going to be no tapping and no season that spring.
Lo and behold the next day became overcast and by evening it was raining, after a few hours HARD. Sometime that evening the cold air came in and the rain changed to heavy wet snow. It was determined that there was 2 inches af rain and 8 inches of HEAVY March snow. Later on in the morning , that being St. Patricks Day, March 17th, the sun broke out and was very wonderful.
My neighbor recieved a call at his work from his brother-in-law who had phoned him to let him know that the holes they had drilled 2 days before had erupted with sap. My neighbor left early from work that afternoon (he was a loan officer then) and headed right up to the woods. What the brother-in-law told him about was confirmed true. He had no bags put together, soon his kids came home from school and they all started working feverishly to put some bags and holders together. They headed out to the woods and managed to tap in 125 that day yet. The next day was a Saturday and all of the kids were home. They all pitched in and got 775 tapped that day. Interesting to me......about 80% of the bags that were hung the night before were running over that next morning. The trees had ran all night.
By Saturday noon, they also had to start gathering. By Sunday the 19th of March, they had the pans down and were boiling and gathering frantically.
It was like this ALL season. It didn't matter if it froze or not....the trees ran solid for 3 weeks straight. There was only one day out of the entire season that no gathering took place, and that day it was raining.
Soon, Easter Sunday rolled around, that being April 10th. My neighbor recalled gathering with the kids in shorts, with the afternoon temp. reaching 86 degrees. That was the last day of the season. They made 710 gallons of syrup out of 900 taps. The syrup was all light amber, except one milkcan full which was the last one in the evaporator.
Roughly 1/4 of the syrup had gotten real buddy towards the end. When the local vocational ag. teacher stopped for a visit, he spit it out it tasted so bad. Luckily, he hauled all of that up north and the packer bought it all, no questions.
My neighbor has told of this spring so many times.....I just had to share. He never has seen a season since, but he attributted the HUGE run due to the extreme dry winter. Plus the fact that everyhting fell into place....the trees got moisture, the temps were right and BANG. I cannot understand though, how could they run so solidly without it freezing. Only God knows I guess.
So...does anybody recall that year out in syrup land?? If so, please share. Mark
01-18-2009, 04:33 AM
Mark- I like the story. Theron
01-18-2009, 10:47 AM
Hard to beleave as cold as it is here in NY that we could have some good runs in just six weeks, maybe even sooner!!!! I hope not much sooner. I'm not at all ready!!! I do know that the last of our syrup hit that plate this morning. All that is left is some rock candy in the bottom of a jar. Better keep a little extra this season.
01-18-2009, 12:44 PM
Patheron, I hope you think it was real, it was. Some do not believe me. You can ask anyone in this area that was actively making syrup in 77 and they will all recall the year. No vacuum either!!
01-18-2009, 01:30 PM
great story. i cant wait to tap and collect the first sap. im shooting to tap feb 10 if temps allow. still have to get jugs and get buckets out
01-18-2009, 01:33 PM
Let's hope that it doesn't do that this year, at least in Theron's area. I would hate to have to attend a funeral about the end of March.
01-18-2009, 02:29 PM
i don't remember that cause it was befor my time but i think it was like 91 or 92 i was helping my cousin and the trees ran strait for two weeks we gathered buckets twice a day and they were running over when we got to them
01-18-2009, 07:14 PM
Mark- I dont doubt it for a minute. Things like sap running arent totally scientific I dont think. Must be things were just right and thats what you get. Boy, Id like to see that happen. Brandon- Im telling myself that Im not going to let myself get all freaked out this year. Im just going to work at it steady and have a good time. Theron
01-18-2009, 10:20 PM
Could you imangine if we all had it run so hard that we wouldn't be able to handle 1/2 the sap??
01-19-2009, 07:31 AM
I know you aren't, I have to give you a hard time. As far as what Mark said, if it ran that hard, bulk would probably be at $ 1.00 to $ 1.50 @ lb. So it would be all that work for next to nothing.
01-19-2009, 05:18 PM
so when is everybody planning to tap in ohio?
01-20-2009, 05:47 PM
OK, here is the current forecast highs for me: W 32, Th 43, F 43, then a week of 28-35 highs. The long range temps change daily so who knows what it will do. I was considering tapping some trees Thursday afternoon and hoping to have sap to boil this weekend. I would likely only put in tap 30-40 taps, but that could give me enough to try out everything.
Any thoughts?
ive always shot for the 20th of feb. dont jump the gun youll be sorry maplekid.
01-20-2009, 07:04 PM
yeah i was planning for the 10-15. depending on whaether
01-20-2009, 08:12 PM
With that forecast, I doubt you would get much if any sap as it has been so cold the past couple of months for the most part. You tap too early, your trees will dry up. Wait at least another couple of weeks unless they are forecasting temps 40+ for 5 or 6 straight days.
Sap is always slow this time of year because even though it might hit 50 one day, it is only that temp for maybe an hour and it is noon before it gets much above freezing and by 4pm the temp is already going back down.
01-20-2009, 10:29 PM
Tradition in North East Ohio is to tap on presidents day. Some of the old timers wouldn't consider tapping before that and some will tap on that day regardless of the weather. I however have tapped as early as Jan. 11'th and as late as march 1'st. Just play it by ear and wait. Keep an one eye on the forcast and one eye on what everyone else is doing.
01-20-2009, 10:40 PM
I will likely wait to do much tapping. Half my trees were tapped last year Jan 27 and 28th. I boiled 8 straight weekends. I would have 2-3 days of it running each of the first 4 weeks then it would freeze. I made 9 gallons in Feb and 17 gallons in March. Looks like I will just have to be patient this year. I just don't want to miss something being so much warmer than areas not too far north of me. For example, Columbus is only 100 miles north, but I know my temps are generally several degrees warmer.
maplehound, I wish I could watch the others around here, but I am the only person making syrup around here.
01-21-2009, 07:34 AM
Supposed to be 41 and sunny tomorrow and 47 and sunny Friday here, but them back to colder again and it would take these 2 days just to get the trees unthawed, so still too early to tap.
01-21-2009, 12:43 PM
newman, i would wait till you see that the forcast is for 38+ temp for at least 4 or 5 days straight. Then I would tap on the 3'rd or 4'th day, to give the ground time to thaw. Also try not to be fooled by a January thaw. I (speaking for myself) don't like to have a week or 2 of freezing temps right after I tap. It just gives the hole more time to dry out then you will be looking to redrill at the end of the season.
01-21-2009, 08:05 PM
We use to break a branch or small twig off of a sugar when we were kids this time of the year and on those January thaw days we would have sap Popsicles. boy does that bring back memories. Tapping wouldn't be far behind.
NH Maplemaker
01-21-2009, 08:16 PM
TapMe, your still not to old to make a few sapssicles !! It's all maple!!LOL
Jim L.
David Powell
01-22-2009, 08:32 PM
Got up to 48 today and hitting 50 tommorrow. I am still banking that the trees are still froze up becuse of the 10 days of extreme cold. It is back into the freezer this weekend.
01-22-2009, 09:25 PM
I tapped a few trees this afternoon. I put at least one in all directions. All taps ran right away. The north sides have not done much, but the south sides put out about a gallon each (in five hours). I may not have enough to boil, but it will keep when the temp drops again. We have a big warm up in the forecast for next mid week.
My main objective in tapping today is data. I have two temperature sensors in the woods my brother-in-law and I use at school for science and math classes. Later on, I will download the data and see how my collections compare to temperature data. It records the temperature once each hour. This will let me know know what it really takes to get the first big run and so forth. I keep records on number of taps, dates tapped, gallons collected, etc.. I think I can learn a great deal from all this data.
01-22-2009, 09:41 PM
Newman I love the spirit. I am just outside of Columbus and noticed as i was travelling up from Cinci today that it seemed pretty warm down there. I would like to get going within the next week or two if temps accomodate, but i am also waiting on a new custom pan.
David Powell
01-23-2009, 09:01 PM
My itchy tap finger got the best of me and I did a test tap. The sap was flowing good but we are going back in the freezer until mid to late next week so the fun is over for now.
Buckeye mapler
01-23-2009, 11:23 PM
Where do you tap David? my mother lives in hartwell. Newman dont for get to keep me posted cause I really want to get some experience. Dont do all your tapping without me. I will bring up the barrels and help out man. I am so looking forward to this.
David Powell
01-23-2009, 11:27 PM
I live really close to your mom. I am on the hill in Reading. I tapped a single sugar maple that is in my front yard. I plan on doing the majority of my tapping at my brother-in-laws farm near Bethel.
Buckeye mapler
01-23-2009, 11:32 PM
oh yeah, i know all about the reading area. I grew up in westchester. i was curious where you might tapping down there. bethel is a little more out my way, but further east. I am by blanchester in midland. you are very close.
01-24-2009, 12:25 AM
Those taps gave me a little over a gallon each so it was not a big run, but I can have a little finished syrup in January! I may tap some more next week if the weather forecast warms up, but I will not tap the new trees on my Dad's place for awhile. The forecast dropped big time in the past two days.
Buckeye, I will try to let you know when I am going to tap. I will make sure I do not tap everything without you. Usually, the kids fill the mule when I tap! They really get into tapping and collecting sap early on. They lose interest as the year goes on. My oldest (12 in Feb) will be helping a lot. The other two are fair weather helpers. It will be easier to find some company boiling this year since I will be inside. Those 30 hour weekends boiling outside are over!!
David Powell
01-24-2009, 12:04 PM
It is cold but with the sun being out the sap is still running on the south side of the tree. If things pan out we could see some snow this week.
Greetings! You folks and your discussion here inspired me to (a) do one test tap yesterday morning and (b) register here (after just lurking last yr, my first yr doing a little sugaring). I'm in Springboro and put in one tap on the south side of my best tree (only have 8 that are tappable) and got almost a gallon over course of the day. Looks like it'll be about a week at least before there's much chance of even a little run. Good luck to all in getting ready for the season.
Oh yeah - also have a few questions: anyone in SW Ohio been thinking about how the trifecta of stresses last yr (near drought, big cicada hatch and wind damage) might impact this yr? are any of you cutting back # taps on bigger trees as a result? Thanks for any thoughts on this.
01-25-2009, 03:12 PM
I wondered about drought in 2007 and contacted Timothy Perkins of the Proctor Maple Research Center. He referred me to Gary Graham (Ohio State University). The 2008 drought was as bad and did not break in the fall as it did in 2007. Below are the two responses I received:
The main issue involved is that drought causes a stress to trees, reducing their carbon production (via photosynthesis) and reducing growth.
How severe was the drought? It might be best to check with a more local Extension specialist, Dr. Gary Graham (Ohio State Univ Extension), as he might be more familiar with the situation there.
Tapping generally doesn’t have a large impact, but it is one more stress factor to be considered. If you do tap, you should do so very conservatively, tapping only trees that are at least 12” in diameter, using only one spout per tree, and using small spouts if possible. Since you’re not in this for a living, you might also consider not tapping this year….but much of that decision should be based upon how severe the drought and other stress factors were this past year.
Timothy Perkins, Ph.D., Director
Proctor Maple Research Center
University of Vermont
Hello Eric,
I know that in your part of the state you are much dryer than here. As Dr. Perkins said tapping is just another stress to the tree. I would only tap the trees over 12" and drop to only one tap per tree. It really depends on the tree health and condition. That is a judgment call that you will need to make for each tree. The tree has more reserve sap in its roots than it needs to function. However you may find a lower the normal sugar content, it just depends on a lot of condition out of your control.
Newman, Thanks very much. That's helpful info; I think I'll be adjusting the tapping plan to be on the safe side - got two trees that are probably over a hundred yrs old - dont want to take chances with them.
01-26-2009, 04:57 PM
I plan to be conservative tapping the new sugar bush this season. I will have many more taps this year anyhow with the new trees and what a couple family members will collect for me.
I also hope this snow then ice storm does not pan out. I am in the warning band of .5" - 1" of ice Tuesday night after 3" -5" of snow tonight. Snow is no big deal. I enjoy that, but the ice is never good. I won't ask about damaged trees yet as I hope I won't need to!
David Powell
01-26-2009, 06:53 PM
Well we are supposed to get 6-10 inches of snow over the next couple of days and then it looks like we will be in the freezer the rest of the week. My finger is getting itchy but good ole mother nature is not cooperating.
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2009, 12:11 AM
well it has already been snowing for about 2 hours and it looks as if we have about an inch and a half. i agree with Newman, the ice can stay away. what is really bad is the fact that we have snow that will turn to ice and back to snow. the snow on the branches will help freeze the ice rapidly and the snow that falls after the ice will surely stick to the branches easier putting more weight on the branches. Drought,a bad wind storm, and ice damage in consecutive seasons is bad news. hopefully we will be without damage from ice, but I would suspect we will here of some from one of us on here. Keep our fingers crossed and pray, thats all we can do.
01-27-2009, 11:48 AM
7" on the ground here and it has started to sleet lightly. I told the kids to get out there and enjoy it before the freezing rain moves in. Every forecast looks bad for ice. Some give 1/2" and up. I am gonna pull the kids and their sled around with the Mule this afternoon. I don't think it will work well tomorrow if there is ice everywhere.
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2009, 12:01 PM
I saw the forecast this morning when i got home form work and they were calling for alot of ice in your area Newman. i toly wife, man i hope he doesnt get any ice damage.
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2009, 10:03 PM
So how much ice did you end up with? the maples around me were icy, but seem to be holding their own. i will see in the morning!
01-27-2009, 11:15 PM
Just under 3/8" on everything, but that will increase a lot over night. The power has flickered a couple times. That is my big concern.
I got a kick out of the Duke Energy spokesperson on Channel 5 this evening. She said the easiest way to get the number to call in the event of a power outage was to look at their website for the number. That is the first place I will look if I do not have power!
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2009, 11:24 PM
No ****, and these people provide our power and charge us for it! you got a generator? hell, i know its late and all, and we arent exactly right next door, but I got one you can use if it comes down to it, its a big one. I even know a way to power most of the house. I use to wire houses so I got a few tricks. seriously, if it comes down to it i could meet you anywhere, anytime.
01-27-2009, 11:35 PM
I have a small generator I can run some lights, TV, Internet, computer (all the important stuff) and my small fridge I keep my arthritis medicine and beer in. I could take out the beer if necessary... I also have a kerosene heater I got to thaw out sap ready to go so I have this storm covered. Since it is going to stay cold, I can empty the big fridge a freezer if I have to and be fine.
I do appreciate the offer. My Dad has a 5000 watt generator we cranked up in September when the wind knocked out the power for a day or so. We used it off and on to cycle the deep freeze and fridge.
Buckeye mapler
01-27-2009, 11:41 PM
yeah, we used ours then too. i was thinking most people's worry is the freezer/fridge, and with it being an ice storm, well outside with all the food items that needed cold. at any rate, hopefully it doesnt even come to that. and by the way, I am sure you sould remove the beer, and put it right outside the door, not to far though. enough to stay ice cold and within reach. been there and currently doing that!!!!
01-28-2009, 12:05 AM
I am doing that too. No school tomorrow so it is another weekend night! Talking about that wind reminds me of last Feb. We had a night of wind last when I had taps out on buckets that the wind broke hooks off of cast aluminum spouts. It also pulled some taps out of the trees. I had lids and buckets everywhere. I found one lid this summer in the pond while fishing. It all keeps it interesting!
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 12:13 AM
I would say, I mean I can see the buckets giving the wind a little something to pull, but those taps are pretty snug. yeah i will be home tomorrow as well because it is my usual day off. kids are all off school obviously. last night i was stuck at work until 3am cause my relief called off. been a long day. we are planning on going to look about some more barrels this weekend. i also have asked a dairy farmer i know about some ss milk containers (5 gallon). i can get those epoxy lined metal barrel that they put plastic liners in to hold the syrup long term, but i wouldnt fill them all the way since they are 55 gallons.
01-28-2009, 12:32 AM
I think those lined barrels would be fine. They would be harder to handle for sap storage, but I am sure they could work for sap or syrup storage. I am sure those SS milk containers would be nice. A lot of folks use milk cans.
Maybe you will be able to fill a 55 gallon barrel with finished syrup in a year or two. I hope to get to 50 gallons in a season this year or next. I will be bottling as I go so my finished syrup storage does not need to be more than a few gallons.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 12:39 AM
that is what i was thinking. finished syrup storage, i read in the N.A. m.s.p. manual a.k.a. Maple Bible that once canned in plastic containers,the shelf life is limited, and that you should store in containers like the epoxy lined until ready to can. i wouldnt be canning no 55 gallons worth at a time, which is why i said i wouldnt fill them all the way. but the milk cans would be nice too, but have you priced them bad boys? over a 100 bucks for 5 gallon storage capacity!
01-28-2009, 12:52 AM
I know those SS cans are pricey! I bought some 1 and 5 gallon plastic jugs from Anderson's that I plan to use. I will never be storing for more than a few months at most. I can't imagine more than a few weeks at this point.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 12:57 AM
so in your experience, would you say that you could get rid of all the syrup you could produce or is there a limit at this point? it just seems that with so little part of the world that can produce this, the market is open. have you made it a point to expand a little each year? do you expand according to how you sold the previous years syrup?
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 01:06 AM
just went outside to check it out, it has changed to a wetter ice, the kind that glazes everything and is more dangerous. my wife has to work in the morning, but i kinda think she oughta leave 'em short tomorrow. we are 45 minutes from her work on a dry day! hope your trees are holding their ground and limbs!
01-28-2009, 01:17 AM
I just went out to see if I could hear limbs breaking yet. The bad news is I heard one big time crash in the front yard and one in the woods along with some cracking. I did notice puddles of water over the ice, but that is gonna freeze. I hope it freezes on the ground, not in the trees. This will be bad; I just hope it doesn't get brutal.
I still have a 20 8 oz. bottles and 10 pint jugs that the feed store has not sold. They started with 48 of each last April. They are seeing return customers who want the pints. They have leased a store in Felicity and are opening one in Mt. Orab so I am thinking I can sell all I can make from now on. I will take the 2008 syrup and mark it down or give it to my Legion Post to use as door prizes for Bingo night. That is good advertising.
If you can find some businesses in Hillsboro, you should have a good market.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 01:24 AM
hopefully the branches you heard were from ones that may have been dying or something. i only hear the ice hitting the porch roof. i too saw puddling on the ice. like i said earlier today, when i came in and saw the forecast for your area, i told my wife that i hoped you wouldnt suffer any tree damage. i saw the pics of your knew sugar house and you have been busy there! should be exciting!
01-28-2009, 01:33 AM
I am going out and getting the kerosene heater. Something just fell in the yard that woke my wife up. This is one of those things that you can't do anything about that just makes you sick. The new sugar house is going to work out I really stresses out on the steam hood and tweeked it with water boils until it vented almost everything. I just hope that hickory and walnut tree don't do damage to it tonight.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 01:39 AM
i was going to ask what it was under. man that would be a bummer to have damage before you even got a season in it! hopefully you got plenty of kerosene on hand cause this aint no weather to be going after kerosene in.
David Powell
01-28-2009, 06:47 PM
How did you fare last night and today? Hopefully the freezing rain did not tear things up too bad.
01-28-2009, 07:54 PM
Our elec. just went out at 7:30 tonight. i had everything ready to go in case thankfully. We are not exactly roughing it. The keresone heater is on and the generator has some lights and the TV running.
It warmed up last night for a time. It must have kept the ice total down. There were large water puddles over the ice early this morning. We did have just over 1/2" everywhere. i have some damage, but most of it is manageable. All my paths in the woods are blocked, but nothing bigger than maybe 6". More firewood! i do have one maple in sad shape. Not sure what I will end up doing to it. There is small stuff everywhere and there may be a lot more damage with the colder weather. Seems like everyone around here is now out of power. We will manage fine. The county just plowed the road for the first time today. Things will be fine.
01-28-2009, 10:04 PM
Our elec. just went out at 7:30 tonight. i had everything ready to go in case thankfully. We are not exactly roughing it. The keresone heater is on and the generator has some lights and the TV running.
It warmed up last night for a time. It must have kept the ice total down. There were large water puddles over the ice early this morning. We did have just over 1/2" everywhere. i have some damage, but most of it is manageable. All my paths in the woods are blocked, but nothing bigger than maybe 6". More firewood! i do have one maple in sad shape. Not sure what I will end up doing to it. There is small stuff everywhere and there may be a lot more damage with the colder weather. Seems like everyone around here is now out of power. We will manage fine. The county just plowed the road for the first time today. Things will be fine.
Buckeye mapler
01-28-2009, 10:44 PM
i hope you get power back soon. i was hoping it wouldnt happen.
01-28-2009, 10:57 PM
We have American Elec Power here. They said they had 115,000 w/out power. They also said to expect power by 11:59 p.m. 1/31/09 Real encouraging, huh? Three of my wife's siblings lost power not long before us all at different times. That sounds like multiple issues.
Buckeye mapler
01-29-2009, 12:46 AM
yeah well, i imagine the weight of the ice gets to branches at different times and eventually they give. unfortunately some are over power wires when they do give and its lights out. hopefully it will come on in the middle of the night. so one maple is damaged? that hurts.
01-29-2009, 01:08 AM
The maple that is in bad shape lost part of its top in Sept during the hurricane effect wind storm in Sept and I decided to keep it. Much of what was left has broken down this afternoon. It will likely have to go.
I went out to gas up the generator and heard more limbs cracking and falling. I really think it is mostly little stuff falling. If the wind picks up before it thaws, it could get ugly.
01-29-2009, 09:56 AM
I guess we're lucky that we didn't get much ice build up on the trees. I was out in the woods and didn't hear any breaking - just some trees and ice creaking as normal in the wind.
Looking at the 15 day forecast it looks like next weekend (Feb 7th) will be a good time to tap, so far they are calling for a good run of temps above 35 starting a few days before the 7th.
Buckeye mapler
01-29-2009, 10:19 AM
we shall see! hopefully this is the case.
01-29-2009, 04:29 PM
Still no electricity here, but some had theirs come back this afternoon. Hopefully, it will not be long.
I hope we get some tapping weather soon. I have to do some clean up to clear my paths, but that should not be too big of job.
01-29-2009, 05:33 PM
Hi guys. I live hear in Greene county. I have been watching the weather and I think the 7 will be a good day to tap allso . The outher night when we got all that rain and ice the ice built up on the snow and then water ran into my sugar house. At least 1 inch water every whear. Had this problem three years ago. The weather has to be just right for it to do this. Got it cleaned out and ready to go. Good Luck guys talk to you later
Buckeye mapler
01-31-2009, 12:20 AM
sounds like you got to dig a trench around the old shack. first time i heard of a flood in the sugar shack! but, there is a first time for everything. plan for all possibilities! keep us posted and welcome to maple trader.
01-31-2009, 12:55 AM
The 7th is looking good to tap. I will have to clear some paths before I tap the new sugarbush. I cleared my paths here today. The ice did bring down some decent sized limbs. I hope to tap my trees on the 7th and the new sugar bush on the 8th if the weather holds up. It is messy out there now and will be a muddy mess next weekend if it is as warm as predicted.
Buckeye mapler
02-01-2009, 12:49 PM
did your electric stay off for long? so the seventh is a tap day? I am off the 6th, but work the 7th and 8th second shift.
02-01-2009, 05:55 PM
The elec. came back on late Thursday night so we were only without 1 day. I have some neighbors who are still in the dark. They lost power on the 27th. I spent a few hours yesterday clearing my paths and I tapped some trees today because I have a very busy week. I know it is going to be cold Tuesday and Wed, but with no time available before Friday, I felt it was best to tap the rest of my close trees. They were all running when I tapped. I will not have that much sap from today and tomorrow, but it will keep with the low temps this week.
Buckeye mapler
02-02-2009, 10:40 PM
it looks like the forecast is looking good for tapping.
02-03-2009, 10:37 AM
I wonder about the 15-17th (as far as the forecast goes right now). Looks like it will be 32 or 33 for highs so the trees probably won't run then. Looks like about a good solid week of warm (hot) weather before that where they will run strong. But that cooler spell could give the holes time to dry up a bit and cut down on the sap we get after that. Just trying to think about the balance of the whole season.
Buckeye mapler
02-04-2009, 12:51 AM
what is your plans newman? is friday still a go?
02-04-2009, 09:26 AM
Yes, I still plan to tap Friday. It is going to be a bit messy with all the snow and ice. I am sure the sap will be running hard over the weekend. I will send you some directions later.
Buckeye mapler
02-05-2009, 10:38 AM
are you doing any boiling friday after we are done tapping? wasnt sure if you have any accmulated from the taps you already have in?
02-05-2009, 11:46 AM
Man I'm waitin a couple o' weeks yet. I hate havin ice in my sapbags. I don't think I'd get through all that snow in the woods anyway. More than 20" on the ground in places. I'll let that stuff get down a little more. I'm only tappin 30 trees anyway. You guys all have a good time out there!
02-05-2009, 11:52 AM
Sounds like most people in the Columbus, Dayton, and Cinci markets will have their taps out for sure this weekend. If anyone in those areas are in need of supplies let me know, I am a local dealer.
02-05-2009, 03:28 PM
I have 40 gallons or so frozen solid in a barrel. I am not going to thaw it out until I have to. With the warm days coming, it will thaw on its own and keep quite awhile. I would like to have had some to boil tomorrow evening; just hasn't been a good weather week for it.
02-05-2009, 08:06 PM
From the weather forecast for my area I think I will hold off till Thursday of next week to put some taps out. They are saying the lows starting tomorrow night till Wed. will be in the mid to upper 30's with highs from low 40's to mid 50's. Sounds like after Wednesday the temps will be above and below freezing to get stuff going in the trees. temp last night was 7, already 15 now. Give a little more time to add some more stack and move the cover and tweak a few things on the forced air and pre-heater.
Mackdaddy, be ok if give you a call this weekend? Might need a few last minute things.
02-05-2009, 08:19 PM
It does lookk like good weather for the next week. It will give me a chance to finish setting up in the woods and maybe get the tubing flushed out. I will probably wait till the next warm spell to tap.
02-05-2009, 08:27 PM
Give me a call anytime. I and another gentleman in the area are putting our taps out this weekend. We can't seem to sit still any longer!!
Buckeye mapler
02-07-2009, 01:35 AM
I got back home tonight from Newman's sugarbush around 8:40 pm! Let me tell you all as a guy getting into this, I am ready to do anything to get ready for next season. This guy has made some serious steps in one season! I really enjoyed my first venture into the sugarbush. He is a great host and just really lets you get the feel for it. I helped tap over 30 taps tonight. I believe Newman has the potential for a whole lot more than his time will allow, but he will do what he can for sure. It was a very good experience and I could not ask for a better mentor. One side note is this guy has got a boy that was born to tap trees! I mean, I had a cordless Dewalt drill and as quick as I could drill them he was there hammering the tap in and putting a bucket and lid on!!!!!! What a combo they will make!! Any new comers should schedule a date at Newman's Maple in Adams County. Thank you for the invite and opportunity!!! I only hope I made up for the time he put in.
02-07-2009, 02:01 AM
I appreciate Buckeye's kind words and I am trying to make major strides this year. I was lucky enough to stumble on the mapletrader site not long before I tapped last year. I learned a lot as I went through last year reading and asking questions. I hoped for 10-15 gallons last year and made 25. That really made me think I could do better. With Buckeye's help, I am right at 100 taps (65 last year) and I will have another 20-30 with some of my own and some my father-in-law will do from his town trees and my niece at her house. I look at 50 gallons as a possibility now. I may end up way short, but that is my new goal. Five years ago, I had 7 taps and that gave me the bug. I can't see shaking it now!
Last year, it was 95% me, but I think this year I will see it becoming a family venture. As Buckeye said, I have one son who is really getting into it. Sugaring is contagious for sure!
Buckeye mapler
02-07-2009, 10:41 PM
Was wondering how the sap was running out there today?
02-07-2009, 11:31 PM
I brought in just over 75 gallons today to go with the 40 I already had. Some trees ran great; others very little. I really don't think it will run too much more until it gets cold again. I started boiling earlier, but haven't got very much done. I will collect tomorrow and boil as much as I can and hopefully finish all I have.
A guy called me this morning asking if I bought sap. He had put in 12 taps and his means to process fell through. I reluctantly told him I would trade him some syrup for it. I am sure I will not come out much ahead on the deal, but it is all part of the game I suppose. The person who told him to call me is a good friend so I felt like I should work with him. The bad thing is that I may end up in the same boat as last year boiling 30 hours on a weekend when it gets running hard. I will do some mid-week boiling this year since I am inside.
do you think it is because the trees have not thawed out yet. we had 18 inches of snow and is mostly gone but everything else is still frozen solid
02-07-2009, 11:42 PM
I am no expert, but from what I have read on the subject and from my limited experience, the trees and the ground thaw at different rates and the north sides will run better later than sooner, etc... Every tree is different. I only have a handful I have tapped more than a couple years and I know which will do better before I tap. I had taps produce 2 gallons today and some only an inch in the bucket. I do think the ground is too cold for a big run this week.
Buckeye mapler
02-08-2009, 01:26 AM
Not bad, did your fathers property do well? how about the big boss at your dads, how well did it run?
02-08-2009, 02:10 AM
The 30 taps we did brought in about 25 gallons. I tapped that sloped path with another 13 today. The 43 total on Dad's gave me about 35 of the 75 I brought in. The "boss" gave me 5 gallons today. It is a very stately tree and hopefully will be a big time sap producer. It was the best tree today.
Buckeye mapler
02-08-2009, 02:14 AM
I was stuck at work all day, but I stepped outside a couple of times and couldnt help but wonder how well those taps were running.
02-08-2009, 07:57 PM
We got 18 taps in after 1:00 p.m. today and when I went back just before dark to put in 6 more we collected what we had and it ended up just over 10 gallons. With the temp dropping below freezing tonight I would expect tomorrow to be a great day, we shall see. I am hoping to get more in but it depends on my bucket source this week. We are using tubing spouts and and 4-5 gallons buckets on the ground.
02-08-2009, 08:03 PM
How does putting buckets on the ground work out for you? I've thought about going that route but I'm afraid the buckets will tip over with melting snow, deer, or other changing things.
02-08-2009, 08:17 PM
I'll let you know as this is our first year of trying it. We used gallon milk jugs last year for our trial run and realized that we lost a lot of sap on big run days(not always someone around to empty them). We already had a start on buckets and I liked the idea of the smaller taps and not wanting a big run to hang a lot of weight on it I opted for the ground. We just make sure they are close to the tree and level, in some instances to make sure it was on a level spot the bucket ended up on the opposite side of the tree. I'll let you know if we have any problems.
I tapped on Thursday, 12 trees with 14 taps, in the Westerville area. I had some sap early Saturday afternoon, but nothing after that. The temp never did drop Saturday evening into Sunday. Hopefully a better temperature difference this week will get the sap running.
Buckeye mapler
02-09-2009, 12:22 AM
I know Newman has some buckets on the ground and he never said anything about any problems.
02-09-2009, 07:58 PM
I am finishing off 200 gallons now, will finish inside. I have 50 gallons in a tank, a guy bringing me 50 gallons tomorrow and I will collect well over 50 gallons myself tomorrow I am sure. I will be doing some boiling during the week this week for sure.
Buckeye mapler
02-09-2009, 10:45 PM
sounds like it is starting to pick up out there Newman. i am glad to hear that. looks like after a few days of unfavorable and unseasonably warm weather, we will get ideal conditions for the sap to run.
02-10-2009, 08:23 PM
From the forecast just heard it will be real good weather end of this week till next week. figure start Thursday putting taps out. He also said there is wind warning tomorrow for 65+ winds and a lot of rain. Hope everyone has all there buckets and stuff well secured.
02-10-2009, 09:49 PM
I secured my buckets this evening. Last year I had buckets everywhere after one of these winds. I hope to weather this one OK. Some of mine are near the top of some very steep long hills. I would hate to go looking for lost buckets down there. I only tied down the buckets and may have some spiles pull out, but hopefully they won't go far.
Buckeye mapler
02-10-2009, 10:32 PM
Way to jump the (wind) storm Newman! I would imagine the wind combined with a "heavy" bucket may be to blame for the spouts pulling out. if the sap isnt running to good before the wind starts the buckets may be lighter.
02-13-2009, 08:00 PM
It took awhile to cleanup after that wind. I lost one bucket (in my pond I assume) and one lid. some of the buckets had to be rinsed out. I was able to bring in another 35 gallons today and a guy is bringing me 25 gallons in the morning. I am finishing this weeks sap now. With this, I will have boiled 415 gallons so far. I haven't bottled anything yet. I need some time away from the sugarhouse. My wife thinks she overboiled the first big batch so I am going to read up on mixing two batches to correct this. I saw it in the NA Maple Producers Manual. I am going to test the first batch and go from there. It had a lot of sugar sand, but I don't know if it is too far along or not. I will see what tomorrow brings before deciding when to boil again.
Buckeye mapler
02-14-2009, 12:06 AM
new season new problems. you get that experience buddy, cause I will be turning to you next year, but isnt that what we go through all this for? on the serious side, its just another learning experience. you will figure it all out I am sure. chapter 8 in the manual has a section called blending syrup flavors. hope that helps. good luck
02-14-2009, 12:30 AM
I filled a wine bottle with what I finished last weekend for the guy who brings me sap. It does not look or seem much heavier or thicker than normal syrup. If it is too far along, it is not much. It has a nice light color and tastes excellent. I will blend it if needed after I test it. I read the manual on it tonight. I need to bottle some. I hope to bottle some tomorrow if the sap is not running too much.
I hope I can afford to get away from batch evaporating. It is nice as I can leave it and tend to the bush, but there are major drawbacks as well.
What does everyone do with bottled syrup from the prevous year? Give it away? Sell it cheaper?
What does everyone do with bottled syrup from the prevous year? Give it away? Sell it cheaper?
syrup is sirup is syrop.unless it is spoiled it is worth as much as any other.remember until two years ago canada was selling syrup that was up to 3 years old
02-14-2009, 08:29 AM
I allways wondered about how long syrup lasted. When I was a kid my mother gave me a limited edition Turkey Hill ceramic maple syrup decanter with these little cups to go with it. I never took the cork out of the bottle and thats 30 some years ago. I have allways wondered whats in the container and if its edible. I only buy canned syrup around here so who knows when its been made.
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