View Full Version : Dorsey Logan

3% Solution
01-09-2009, 01:33 PM
Let's do this right!!!!

As asked in another thread;
How's the little guy doing?
We know your busy with him, but would like an update!


01-09-2009, 08:18 PM
Dave, Thanks
Copied this from the trader family page we can move this back to that thread if it makes more sense too:
Dorsey Alexander Logan is doing fine in recovery after his heart surgery yesterday at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus Ohio. Just talked to Stacy she and Dave are very relieved! They had to sedate him a little more to keep him still today. His blood pressure is good and all indicators are that the surgery was a success. Now to wean him off the oxygen and get that darn tube out of his throat. Plus about four other things: like reconnect his lower intestine, take care of the hernias and remove his gall bladder. Did I mention that his ribs were broken on his back and his left femur leg bone was broke too. Dorsey was born Sept 18 2008 and weighed 2 lb 12 oz. he is now at about 6.5 lb. Might have to just go bust him out of there! We talk about crosses to bear this kid got enough for a whole darn family!


3% Solution
01-09-2009, 08:40 PM
Poor little tyke!!
He must be a trooper!!!
He'll be out there helping you (or trying) before you know it!!
When my grandson was 4 years old, we almost lost him to meninjitis, so I know what your going through.
He's my right hand man now when he comes to visit.
Naw, I'd say leave it right here, where it belongs.
Really glad things are coming along for you and your family!!!
We'll keep praying!!!
Keep us posted.


NH Maplemaker
01-09-2009, 09:20 PM
Chris, Little Dorsey may have a lot of things going against him right now !But it sounds to me like he's got a lot more going for him. Like a grate loving family! At least one grate set of Grand parent Who are in his corner all the way! Also a lot of good folk on here praying for you all, including my self. Good luck to you and your family. Jim L.

Grade "A"
01-10-2009, 07:28 AM
Glad to hear the surgery went fine. We wish Dorsey the best.

Dave Y
01-10-2009, 07:37 AM
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am sure Dorsey will come thru this with flying colors.It is amazing how resealant kids are. My son, who you met when i bought the pick-up tank from you. Had to have 4 pieces of his skull removed when he was four months old. He is now 24 and is receiving he's Masters deg. in Conservation Biology the of this month.And they thought he would be mentally retarded. Now if that wont give you hope nothing will. God Bless your family

Jim Brown
01-10-2009, 08:19 AM
Chris; Glade to hear the GOOD report!!. When our Grandson was born they didn't give us any hope the word was take him home and love him, he won't walk or see his 2 second birthday. Well our GOD is bigger than that and we had ten wondeful years and he walked just fine after a couple of surgerys.

Prayer is a powerful thing we only need to use it.


01-10-2009, 07:21 PM
Thanks folks,
Always nice to know there are good caring people out there. Times like these seems to reinforce the fact that there are powers much greater at work than we can see.


01-11-2009, 06:16 PM
Dorsey did not have a good day yesterday or this morning. Hopefully he will be improving soon. This is a picture from a month ago.


3% Solution
01-11-2009, 06:38 PM
There is no doubt going to be some ups and downs here.
His progress was good the other day, so just hang in there for the little guy.
He's a cute little fella!!


01-11-2009, 07:16 PM
Dave and All,
Just talked to Stacy and Dorsey is doing much better today. He has had several of the tubes removed and he handled it well. He did not get agitated or distraught. So that's a big relief.
Pictures from a while back with (mom) Stacy. And one with (dad) son-in-law Dave.

3% Solution
01-11-2009, 07:38 PM
Hey that's GOOOOD News!!!
Looks like a couple of PROUD Parents!!!!!!
Keep us posted!!
We'll keep the little guy and his family in our prayers!!


01-11-2009, 09:22 PM
hope the little fellers doing better.

proud parents ;]


Jim Brown
01-12-2009, 05:48 AM
Sound like a pretty proud GrandPa also !!
We'll keep praying Chris


3% Solution
01-15-2009, 09:46 AM
How's that little guy coming along???
We haven't heard anything lately!!!!


01-15-2009, 07:55 PM
Dave, Jim, Nate and traders
Here is a picture after Christmas he is waving at all you folks. That's his favorite toy , Merle the monkey.

He has alternated between good and not so good days. But seeing that only a week ago they patched up his heart I think that is doing pretty good. Today Stacy said he did very well and the doctor said he might be able to come home soon. Not sure when, but he is close to 4 months in intensive care. Stacy was glad to here that good news.

Chris & Cheryl

3% Solution
01-15-2009, 08:01 PM
That is great to hear!!!!!
Sound like he is doing ok considering what he's gone through.
I bet mom and dad can't wait to get him home!!!
He's got a nice wave there!!
We'll keep praying for the little guy!!
Keep us posted!


01-16-2009, 09:54 AM
Sugarmaker,hope the little guys doing good:]

3% Solution
01-17-2009, 07:26 AM
I bet it's cooooooold out there!!!!!
-5 here this morning.
Now for the important stuff!!
How's that little guy doing??
Keep us posted!!!!


01-17-2009, 03:39 PM
Yes very cold! -12 this morning.
Dorsey is having a good day today they moved him back into the NICU. Stacy said they had him all covered with blankets and he was resting well today. Still lots of meds. and sedation's but he wakes up occasionally. Hoping they can continue to reduce his need for oxygen and get him off the ventilator soon.


3% Solution
01-17-2009, 09:24 PM
Thanks for the update!
Good news!!!
All the traders and their families are pulling for Dorsey and his family!!
Thanks again, keep us posted!


3% Solution
01-22-2009, 07:02 AM
What's going on with the little guy?
Nothing since last Saturday!!
Hope he is still on the mend!!!!


01-22-2009, 09:34 PM
Dorsey Is doing much better today and is now off the vent. They still have a little oxygen in his nose but trying to wean him off that too. Also the meds are being backed off at the same time so he is much more awake and starting to get a little voice back too. Stacy sent us a really nice cute picture of him smiling today. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Its working!


3% Solution
01-28-2009, 08:04 PM
It's been almost aweek since the last report ........... how's he doing????


01-28-2009, 08:16 PM
Dorsey has had a good week. He is off most of the meds and is letting everyone know he is around since he got the vent tube out. Stacy said he may have the colon reattachment operation within the next week or two. That is very good news too. She also said he is awake a lot and laughing and smiling some too. He is back in the ICU but in a big boys crib. They are a little concerned that he has not gained much weight. He is still about 6.5 lb. I think he need some maple syrup!

01-29-2009, 05:01 AM
Thanks for the update, he has almost become part of the family. Our prayers are with him and the family.

3% Solution
01-29-2009, 06:27 AM
That's good news!!! :-)
He may end up being the biggest kid on the block when he gets older.
I don't think the nurses will allow the syrup!!
Keep us up to date or I'll be calling. :-)
We all want to know what's happening.


01-29-2009, 08:21 PM
Sugarmaker, new here but have been reading updates on the little guy for awhile, good to hear about the positive progress. Maybe you should give the nurses some syrup so he gets extra attention.

01-30-2009, 07:42 PM
That's a great idea. Stacy and Dave were looking for a swing for Dorsey they couldn't find one, but one of the nurses found a old one at the hospital. He just loves it! I may need to make some candy and send it down to them! thanks for the suggestion. Yea great folks taking care of those little babies!


3% Solution
01-30-2009, 07:47 PM
Good idea by the 3rd!
Yeah those folks that take care of little kids, I just don't know how they do it day after day!!
God bless them!!!
Glad to hear the little guy is doing better, that's great news!!


01-30-2009, 07:48 PM
Would like to talk any time its been a while since we talked. Last time it was about the special steam unit!
Short Story about the syrup. I tapped trees at this one house and since I pay in syrup I went to pay my bill. The lady comes to the door and says that one of their kids had been real sick (in the hospital) and that they could not get any weight gain and food just wouldn't stay down they fed her syrup and it worked to help this child recover. Strange but true!

Thanks, Its folks like you that make this hobby really enjoyable. Yes, one big maple family!


3% Solution
01-30-2009, 07:57 PM
Well you can't get any closer to nature than syrup!!!
It's a natural, so it's got to be good for you!!
I don't have your number, but I can go to your web-site and get.
Maybe I'll give you a call sometime soon!!!!!!


3% Solution
02-06-2009, 07:01 AM
It's been awhile since the last update on the little guy.
How's he doing?


02-13-2009, 02:01 PM
Our grand son is doing much better. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers, they are working!
Stacy said Dorsey was smiling and almost laughed yesterday. He just had surgery again on Monday Feb 9 and it went well, he was in recovery several hours, then back in his room the same day. This was to reattach part of his intestine to his outer stomach wall for the colostomy bag to be in place long term (until the next surgery to pull through and reattach his intestine).

Looking forward to getting down there and seeing the little guy soon. I still think he would like to have some syrup! And might be good for him!

I sent maple mustard maple BBQ and honey for the nurses that have been caring for him.

3% Solution
02-14-2009, 06:01 AM
That's great news.
I guess the little guy is getting stronger all the time.
Bet the nurses are eating those treats right (no pun intended).
We'll keep prayibg for him.
Keep us posted!!


02-14-2009, 09:38 PM
Some very good news about Dorsey!

Stacy called today very excited and Dorsey has been taken off any type of oxygen and seems to be handling it very well today! He has been on some form of oxygen since birth (almost 5 mo.) and its a big relief that his lungs may be improving. Thanks again to all the traders that stop by this post to drop us a line.

Stacy said they loved the maple and honey treats as she presented them as Valentines gifts to them!


3% Solution
02-14-2009, 09:44 PM
Now that is SUPER GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
We all wish him more improvement in the future!!!!!!!
Must have been the smell of maple near by!!!


02-15-2009, 04:37 AM
Great News!

Sounds like he could be hauling sap by the time he's three.

Our thoughts and prayers are still going out to him and your family

3% Solution
02-25-2009, 08:38 PM
We need an update about the little guy!!!


03-25-2009, 09:25 PM
Dave 3% and folks,
We visited Dorsey this weekend. He spent a hour sleeping on my chest and a hour sleeping on Cheryl too. Nice to cuddle a little baby! He is doing pretty good at home. Stacy and Dave are learning to adjust and care for him. He has real chubby cheeks and very dark brown eyes like his dad. He has been taking a bottle for about 3 weeks and is getting better at that. He is on low pressure oxygen. He sleeps good and has a very faint cry when things don't go his way or he needs attention. Dorsey has very cute smiles and shares them with us at times too.
I do have some pictures and will try to get them loaded into Photobucket.
Thanks to all who have kept him in your thoughts.


3% Solution
03-26-2009, 07:26 AM
Chris and Family,
Alright, sounds like the little guy is making progress by leaps and bounds.
He knows where he is comfy!!!!
Chubby cheeks are good!!!!
Soon he'll be following you around checking out the bees and making syrup!!
We will continue to keep him in our prayers and thoughts.
Keep us posted!!


04-14-2009, 09:11 PM
Talked to Stacy today, Dorsey is not coping well with having a cold last week and may have yo go back in the hospital. Stacy was not happy but will do what's best for the little guy.


3% Solution
04-16-2009, 12:39 PM
I guess that's understandable.
His little system is no doubt built up to where it should be.
He's been through alot in the past few months.
Keep us posted.


04-17-2009, 09:49 PM
Its like a roller coaster ride with this little guy. Stacy took him to the doctors and he got a breathing treatment and she said he was like an new kid. He was gabbering like crazy and gobbling his food down. We take it one day at a time. But its was very good to hear he had a better day.

Dave 3% I need a push to get going on this evaporator enhancing Unit!


3% Solution
04-18-2009, 07:04 AM
Well that's great, just a little tune up for the little guy.
Must have been congested, that does me in too.

EEU Push,
Come on get with it, times wasting, it's going to be sugaring time again before you know it!!!!
That thing will add to your evaoration rate, by half anyway.
Cut your time down, also cut your wood down too!!
How's that did it work!!!


04-18-2009, 07:21 AM
Needed that, and made me smile!:)


3% Solution
07-22-2009, 07:46 PM
Wow an update about Dorsey was quite sometime ago!!!!!!
So, I think we need one, if we can get one!!!!


07-30-2009, 08:49 PM
Thinking about you and the EEU. ( Mine is not started yet!)

Dorsey is about 12 lb 2 oz which is the reverse weight he was born at 2 lb 12 oz:)
He is a little chubber. Still on oxygen for another several months. Stacy would like to get that off of him so they can do more, but his lungs just are not ready yet. being teathered to a hose and lugging the tanks around is some what like having another kid with you.


3% Solution
07-31-2009, 02:15 PM
Hi Chris,
Big thumbs up for the little guy!!!!
He'll be wandering around behind you before you know it!!!!!
Ahh tell Stacey she's just in training for the second one!!!!
What do mean no EEU yet!!
Glad things are going good out in Erie County!
My grandson heads out for college soon.


07-31-2009, 04:08 PM
My daughter was born a just under 3 pounds so I know what you went thru. I actually know more then that as her brother never made it and we lost another one before it was born so I value children a lot now. My daughter is 28 years old and has two boys and I would do almost anything for them. Unfortuantly they live a long ways away so I never see them but I think a lot of them.

07-31-2009, 08:20 PM
Ken and Dave,
Yep the grand kids are a lot of fun too! Ken you have to make a trip to see those boys! Dave hope the grandson does well, as he is getting closer to the real world.


Does it count if I think about a EEU?:) Guess not!

3% Solution
07-31-2009, 08:55 PM
Hi Guys,
Yup grandchildren are great!!!
Granddaughter says she wants to learn the trade, ok, no problem!!!

You've got to go see them, or they need to visit, how old are they?

Yeah he's a smart kid, he'll do well.
It's ok to dream (about the EEU), cause that's where all good things come from!!!


11-12-2009, 08:04 PM
Dave and maple folks,
Just a brief update on our youngest grandson.
Dorsey is now off oxygen during the day and probably will be able to have it removed at night soon too. He is about 15+ pounds and is rolling all over the floors instead of crawling. He is setting up a little and biting his toes too.

Thanks for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers for the little guy.

We went to his first birthday party mid September and will be seeing him over Thanksgiving. It will be his first trip to our place. Hope to get him out in the sugar house for a little while!


3% Solution
11-12-2009, 09:12 PM
Really glad to hear all the great stuff about that little guy.
The wife asked about him just yesterday.
Yeah, get him started early or should I say "HOOKED" early.
Keep the updates coming.


05-17-2010, 09:29 PM
Just a brief update on our grandson Dorsey Logan.
He is in recovery this evening at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. He underwent 3 hours + of surgery today to re-attach portions of his lower intestine. He is doing well and mom (Stacy) and dad (Dave) hope to have him home in two weeks. His dad stayed with him tonight because each time he wakes he is pretty scared. Dorsey is 20 months old. He has just learned to set up and he bounces like crazy in his bouncer. Eats very good at 18.5 lb now. He is very shy around us as we don't see him that much. We were able to spend most of the weekend with them and he is quite a little man. He has big brown eyes and a mass of brown curly hair.
Did I mention cute and kissable too:)


Grade "A"
05-18-2010, 05:18 AM
Glade to hear Dorsey doing well. Hope he has a fast recovery so he can get home were he belongs. We'll be thinking of him and your family.

07-06-2010, 10:36 AM
Dorsey update!
Dorsey and parents visited over the fourth and he had a chance to dip his toes in Lake Erie. We rode on the Cub Cadet tractors and he liked to drive.
Dorsey is learning sign language and has about 10 words down pat. He is a very smart little boy that just happens to have Down Syndrome. He is getting stronger all the time, weighs about 20 lbs and can scoot around a little to get things that are a little out of his reach.
We love him to pieces! His smile lights up a room. He is a little spoiled:)


07-06-2010, 11:03 AM
Chris that is great news. I can hear the passion in your words when you talk about Dorsey and it is nice to know such passion still exist in the world today.

Jim Brown
07-06-2010, 12:08 PM
Chris; All our grandkids are special and then some are MORE special!! We had one of thoses for 10 years!



09-18-2010, 08:15 AM
Dorsey is two years old today! His mom Stacy and him came up from Columbus for the week end so we will be parting this afternoon. He is upstairs screaming and laughing as I write this!
We are off to the fair for breakfast. I will try to get some pictures on here of him.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!


09-18-2010, 08:18 AM
Dorsey is two years old today! His mom Stacy and him came up from Columbus for the week end so we will be parting this afternoon. He is upstairs screaming and laughing as I write this!
We are off to the fair for breakfast. I will try to get some pictures on here of him.

Congrats to you all Chris. I'm certain that breakfast will include maple syrup.

09-18-2010, 06:46 PM
Wow time flies! I would have guessed he was just turning 1! So glad he's doing well. All the best to the family and Dorsey's health.

02-02-2015, 04:33 PM
We are snowed in so, I had some time on my hands. Cheryl is texting Stacy. Lot has happened in Dorsey's life since I posted last. Wow how time flies! First he is doing very well. He is six and a half years old. Still a little small for his age. He is very mobile and manages the stairs pretty well on his own.
He is scheduled for colon surgery March 17. The first time they did this a couple years ago it was not successful and the technology has improved also.
Dorsey goes to school and interacts with kids very well. His speech continues to improve. He can sign many more words than his folks understand.:) He is still very quiet and shy. He loves several TV shows and Fresh Beat Band.
He has moved twice. From Columbus OH to Nanuet NY, then back to Columbus this past fall.
He now has a two year old brother Devin.
I will get some pictures gathered up and post them.
Thanks to all the Maple Trader folks for the thoughts and prayers for Dorsey and his family!