View Full Version : Repairing Tin Flue Pan

01-07-2009, 07:31 PM
I picked up a 2x4 Grimm tin flue pan recently. What's the best way to fix a pinhole leak? It's actually on the part that sits on the rail.


01-07-2009, 07:51 PM
Get a good tin smith to do it. Other than that a small screw would work. If you decide to do it yourself you will need a soldier iron and heat source to heat the iron and the right flux and soldier. Cleaning the area well is always good. If you are handy this would work. Try to practice on some other pieces of metal its cheaper. Good luck

01-07-2009, 08:01 PM
I can solder well enough, was a tin knocker for 12 years. What's the best way to clean up the pan before hand?

01-07-2009, 08:16 PM
i've delt with this a while back and i'll tell you what don't clean to much because 1 hole turns into 10 fast . i used some high temp liquid weld and plug hole then just let it sugar over. i think this will be your best bet . i think this is why i'm going bald i pulled alot of hair!!

01-07-2009, 09:00 PM
If you are going to solder it clean it with some steel wool and then use the right flux and solder. As tree finder said you need to be careful because 1 hole can turn into 10 or at the very least 1 larger hole.
Definitely use an iron. Don't use a torch or open flame unless you are skilled because the torch can quickly make the hole twice as big.
You might even be able to go to a radiator repair shop. The key is experience.
Good luck

Haynes Forest Products
01-07-2009, 10:12 PM
Keep in mind that the tin is a special type of Galvinized metal. I have a set of 2x6 english tin pans and they have to weigh more in lead than the tin Hell I cant give them away. If after you solder them if they leak just beat the area with a small ball pean it will seal.....................you hope. The problem with english tin or any galvinizing is heat from a torch will cause oxidation and solder will run from it so as stated use a Iron and clean clean clean both sides and use tining flux yes tining flux

01-08-2009, 09:12 AM
having soldered tin for my many mistakes as a young sugarmaker. this is what i did. to heat soldering iron take a piece of steel or iron pipe. place the iron in one end and a propane torch in the other, that will heat the iron. then you will need some acid to clean the area real well. to get the sugar off. then i have used the lead free bars. but i found the silver brite works just as well with the flux core. of buy the flux and solid lead free solder. the test is to get the area clean. it will work good luck

Dave Y
01-08-2009, 09:17 AM
If you cant get is soldered use JB weld. It will last along time. My first evaporator was held together with the stuff.

Bucket Head
01-08-2009, 05:00 PM
JB Weld is great stuff! I've used it on a lot things, including the radiator of a Model T Ford.

However, I do not know if its "food safe". I would be carefull about its usage on food making equipment.


01-08-2009, 05:04 PM
Thanks guys, solder it is!

01-08-2009, 07:58 PM
If it's a small pin hole, the niter will fill the hole pretty quick and will stop the leak.