View Full Version : Scotch

12-20-2008, 06:04 PM
Few years ago a neighbor introduced me to scotch. the good stuff.
Not sure if I should curse him or thank him.

What are your current favorites?

for me
Dalwhinnie (sippin one now)
Glenfiddich 18yo
Balvenie Doublewood (12yo)


3% Solution
12-20-2008, 06:15 PM
Don't do Scotch.
Now if we're talking rum, it would be Bacardi Light.
Yeah, I know I'm off the subject!!!


12-20-2008, 06:30 PM
BEEEEERRRRRR! It never tastes bad no matter how much you drink it must be a miracle. Theron

Russell Lampron
12-20-2008, 06:32 PM
That's a boiling soda Theron.

12-20-2008, 07:13 PM
if it's Rum it's Sailor Jenny or Admiral Nelson... or if you really want the best and smoothest spiced rum... you cant beat Cockspur Gold from Barbadoes !!!

Beer.. I love our local BBC Steel Rail Pale Ale... Berkshire Brewing Co. out of deerfield Ma.

Clan Delaney
12-20-2008, 07:32 PM
There's a few new producers out here in the western end of MA.

OpaOpa just opened a new brewery in Williamsburg (http://www.opaopabrewing.com/williamsburgpics.html)

And there's an actual distillery in Berkshire County now! Berkshire Mountain Distillers. (http://www.berkshiremountaindistillers.com/photos/)

12-20-2008, 07:34 PM
Yes OPAOPA is good too... it's the brewmasters resturaunt they opened... nice place

Clan Delaney
12-20-2008, 07:34 PM
There's a few new producers out here and the western end of MA.

OpaOpa just opened a new brewery in Williamsburg (http://www.opaopabrewing.com/williamsburgpics.html)

And there's an actual distillery in Berkshire County now! Berkshire Mountain Distillers. (http://www.berkshiremountaindistillers.com/photos/)

Deja Vu !!!!

12-20-2008, 07:49 PM
3% you are right on topic.
Keep 'em coming.

Maple,Clan, nothing like a local brewed ale. Ipswich ale is a good one if it makes it that far west. I'll keep a lookout for bbc ales.

Think I'm gonna have to bribe Russ with a six of Killian's to show me how to tube a bush.

That sounds bad.................... but ar least you guys know what I mean.


NH Maplemaker
12-20-2008, 08:12 PM
Sounds like another Maple Holic anonymous meeting to me !! Jim L

NH Maplemaker

12-20-2008, 08:24 PM
A cheap one: Glenmorangie