View Full Version : Sight Level
12-18-2008, 04:12 PM
I just bought a berger sight level and im wondering what the best way to use it someone said have a guy go every 100ft and have him hold his hand up and then look though the sight and put it where u want but im just wonding the best way to use it and how do u read the sight level thers lines but they aint maked like 2% or 3% is 2% slope the line up from the middle ?
thanks nate
Not to hijack but anyone use a line level to make sure you are sloping the right way?
like this
12-18-2008, 04:39 PM
When I'm on somewhat of a flat I use the same sight level. n the open I set my posts, in the woods I use trees, tie a piece of plastic flagging to the first point then go to the second and find the level and then go higher if I'm going up or lower if I'm going down. Tie on a piece of flagging and keep going till I get to a slope.
12-18-2008, 06:41 PM
yes i think it is if ur using it to look upp hill of ur wire and its the bottom one if ur lookin down hill, i have one i will look at it tommarrow, i dont use it much because both my bushes have ssome steeeeeepp hills and u can just look at it and tell from the bottom of the hill, i think i might have tooo much grade on some of the lines like 40% on one, there isnt any thing i can do about it though ive lowered it as much as i can
Clan Delaney
12-18-2008, 07:49 PM
Not to hijack but anyone use a line level to make sure you are sloping the right way?
like this
I made my own: ( ( (
The black line was a screw-up. The red line marks a 3% grade... I think. Three degrees anyway.
12-18-2008, 09:00 PM
I have a Berger sight level. From what I remember Glenn Goodrich saying, the first line above or below level is 2%, next line 4%. I have my dad go out a ways and hold an orange marker, find the right spot, then mark it with a little orange paint. Works for us.
I would recommend checking your sight level with a transit, perhaps periodically. I checked mine and it was off by 1%or so. There is an allen head adjustment you can make on it.
12-18-2008, 09:15 PM
alright thanks how would i testto see if it acurate
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-19-2008, 04:38 AM
Along this line: When marking trees or a line I use a "cow crayon" or paint stick available at most farm supply stores. Get a bright colored one and a quick awipe makes a very visible mark on the tree.
Amber Gold
12-19-2008, 06:34 AM
I've been trying to find a sight level like that and haven't had much luck. Thanks Acer. I've been using my 4' level. It works, but it's pretty clumsy.
12-19-2008, 07:50 AM
I've been trying to find a sight level like that and haven't had much luck. Thanks Acer. I've been using my 4' level. It works, but it's pretty clumsy.
Amber Gold, sorry for using your quote. I intended to quote Caseyssugarshack and can't seem to change it so.....
I'm going to assume that your speaking of a hand held unit as apposed to a tripod set up. They, hand held, can be a bit difficult to hold steady at long distances. You may find it best to simply sight a level line to your target then, by using a tape measure, raise accordingly with your percentage of slope vs. distance as desired.
You can also check the instruction booklet or on-line for instructions to your particular unit.
Dave Y
12-19-2008, 08:32 AM
I site with my level from tree to tree and tie flagging around the tree at the line I want to be at. then hang the line at that level. After doing this for awhile you will not need the level as you will be able to judge fairly well by eye.
Jim Brown
12-19-2008, 08:46 AM
Gentlemen I found the sight levels in Home Depot made by Stanley Think we paid around $15.00
They are lined at 4-8 and 12%
Jeff E
12-19-2008, 09:11 AM
I use an old survey hand level, similar to this.
It allows you to determine level through the sight. I have a 8 foot stick with markings at each foot.
If I want t 3% slope, I begin at my start point, lets say the releaser, and make a mark at my eye level on the nearest support tree. Then I simply go from that tree 100' up hill on the line I want to do the install.(for me about 35 steps) and sight back to the stick, left at the first marked tree. I need to now make a mark 3 ' above my starting mark near the releaser. I use the hand level to determine where I am relative the first mark. Say I look at the sight stick, and I am only 1' about the first mark. Without moving my feet, (changing my eye elevation) I sight the tree I want to mark, note where level is on it (which in this case is 1' above the original mark) pull out a tape measure, and measure up 2 more feet and make a mark. This mark is 3 feet about the first mark.
I continue on for the entire sap line length doing this. This creates a reference line that is sloped properly. Once this is done, I look over the entire length, and taking the high points and low points of the ground into consideration, determine the actual line elevation. For example, looking at where the reference line is closest to the ground, lets say 4' above the ground, I want the sap line to be 2 feet above ground. This means that I will put the sap line 2 feet below the reference line for the entire length.
Russell Lampron
12-19-2008, 04:51 PM
The Berger and Stanley hand held sight levels are getting hard to find. Home Depot and Lowes don't carry them anymore. I had to order one through a local hardware store. Their supplier only had 6 in stock.
12-19-2008, 04:57 PM
Find about anything on ebay for good prices.
12-19-2008, 05:00 PM
Here's a nice one: faultDomain_0?_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
12-19-2008, 05:05 PM
I had to buy mine on ebay for 26 bucks i went to every place in plattsburgh and nonne carries them anymore..
soo ebay is ur best cheap bet.
Russell Lampron
12-19-2008, 05:09 PM
Brandon that is the same one that I got at the local hardware store. I only paid $17 for mine and no shipping.
12-19-2008, 07:56 PM
I thought price was a little high as the price is always higher in the ebay stores and not just an ebay listing. Go to the manufactures website and print out what you want, I bet if you have a good local hardware store, they may be able to order you one if you don't want to pay $ 26.
12-20-2008, 04:07 PM
they want 40 for the same sight level at leader..
12-20-2008, 05:06 PM
With all the maple dealers, everything is priced thru the roof. Just like the USDA grading kit that was posted on her for $ 125. They all sell it for probably at least double that and that is why it pays to shop around.
12-20-2008, 06:13 PM
yeah tell me about it .. cant afford to pay top dollar for somthing that aint worth it
12-20-2008, 06:47 PM
That's why I love ebay. I bought a brand new in box Tanaka pump a couple of years ago for aprox $ 90 shipped to me. It was probably 20 years old but have never been used and box even looked new. It was so old it was called a TAS Tanaka or something like that. If it tells you how old it was, mix ratio was 25 to 1. LOL.
Just be patient and do your research and there are good buys to be found if you aren't in a hurry and sometimes you even find them when you are in a hurry.
12-20-2008, 06:50 PM
yeah im looking for a old milk can right now and i noticed that there are 13qt foodgrade stainless pails on ebay for around 30 bucks im thinkin about getting one and for a canner im gunna use a coffee urn but i need a cannin unit soon but if i can get a milk can that will help me out alot. but ill wait till like feb before i worry too much
12-22-2008, 09:19 PM
When I'm using my site level I either paint marks on the tree or use flouresent flagging. Anyways since I do it by myself I mark my starting point and then go to the next tree and site backwards(downhill) that way I'm at the next tree and can mark it. Siting up hill you need 2 people or you are going to do alot of walking back and forth
maple flats
12-23-2008, 06:05 PM
When alone I do it like Brookledge, with help I sight uphill and helper ties ribbon tape to tree. In reality I only use my CST/berger pocket sighting level if the tubing is running close to 2-3% rise, on steeper spots I just run it by eye.
I broke my old pocket level (fell on sugarhouse floor) and just bought 2 from Ace Hardware, Gansevoort, NY 12831. I ordered on line and had them shipped. They were under $20 ea plus shipping. If you have an ACE hardward near you you should be able to get from there, might need to order in. The cat. #17-620A is what I got. These are a cast metal body, my old one was plastic. I got my new Bascome catalog today and they sell the same thing for $39.50. Now I think that is too much mark-up, and I bought mine at retail, not wholesale like I imagine Bascome does. I got 2, 1 as a spare.
Russell Lampron
12-23-2008, 06:10 PM
I got mine from an Ace Hardware store. I talked to them over the phone and they ordered one for me and had it shipped with their stock order and I didn't have to pay shipping.
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