View Full Version : Wse 2x6

12-15-2008, 06:43 PM
Does my wse suppto have a drain plug for the flues cause i see in leaders cat that there is a hole in the arch where theres a drain but theres not a hole in the side of my arch for a drain.


12-15-2008, 07:34 PM
Not all many drop flue rigs have drains, i never understood why, I guess being down in the fire as the flues are, there is a good chance you could have problems in the drain pipe. the newer rigs may be designed different in that aspect. how old is yours??
My raised flue does have a drain , sure make it easy to drain and clean.

12-15-2008, 07:51 PM
I got it lastyear

12-15-2008, 07:56 PM
have you called Leader?

12-15-2008, 09:34 PM
No not yet but im going to and ask. im gunna upgrade next year to a 3x8or 10 next but i dont know we will see how this year goes

12-16-2008, 07:31 AM
WSE are economy evaporators and I don't think they have a flue pan drain in them, but I could be wrong. They are basically a bare bones unit with no extras.

12-16-2008, 12:16 PM
casey where do you get all your money? i worked all summer at $10/hr and didnt have enough to expand to 600 taps, do you have an ro? 1500 is alot on a 2x6
cool to see another person my age sugaring, and not just doing it with dad but doing it on your own like me. good 4 u

12-16-2008, 03:20 PM
yeah ha thats why im hopfuly upgradingin 2010 so i can atleast put a hood or preheater if i want i think im gunna go for a 3x8 or 10

but thanks for the help what kind of pump could i use ? a grease pump or somthing.?


12-16-2008, 04:26 PM
ahh go for a 4x10 i think you would be happier with it, although a 3x8 is a rise rig i always wanted one just cause i like the sized, but i dont have the money, for 2 evaps right now..... someday

12-16-2008, 04:38 PM
I have my parents help me with the money an im getting a r/o and prob next year ill get a 3x8 or 10 new or used who knows an what i do when im putting up tubing i go to one of my buddys mike parker at parkers maple farm and he lets me get all my tubing set up and then he lets me pay him back when needed and somtimes i pay with syrup like last year but this year il be paying him every 30 days cause he has to pay leader then.

nice to see a 16year old like me well i aint 16 yet but in feb and ill be paying the r/o that i get with with syrup this year but ill be getting hte money then paying the bank back the loan or whatever my dad does. how about you what do u have goin on in ur sugarbush. buckets tubing vac ? im setting up vac this year.


12-16-2008, 04:40 PM
ill just be burning more wood with a 4x10 so i figure with my r/o the 2x6 would keep up cause ill be conintrating it to like 20% prob and if i get a 3x8 or 10 it should be perfect with an r/o i prob wont upgrade till next year or the year after

12-16-2008, 07:01 PM
i meant if u didnt have the ro if you do get the ro i wouldnt go bigger than a 3x8 unless your planing to go to more than 1500 taps w/ ro
man i wish i had 1500 taps right now

maple marc
01-29-2009, 06:07 PM
I have a 2x4 WSE--same as yours, just smaller. No drain. Enlist a strong friend to help you lift and dump when you need to at the end of the season. I've experimented with a syphon hose, and it works somewhat. Have a great season.

01-29-2009, 07:11 PM
Save the money for a bigger evaporator and get a steamaway and a steamhood with a preheater you could save lots of wood that way. That seems to be the new trend smaller evaporator Big RO and steamaway

01-29-2009, 07:17 PM
I use a (new and clean) kerosene hand siphon to drain my flues when needed. Not as as nice as a drain but it goes pretty quick and does a decent job.


01-29-2009, 07:17 PM
Got a r/o coming and sitting on a leader wse 2x6,1700 taps this year around 600 to 800 on vac, if i could go back in time and if i new i was going to get alot of taps more than a few hundrend i would of got a bigger evap. i never knew i was going to even get up to a 1000 next few years ill be upgrading and growing. a 2x6 with a r/o i should beable to handle the taps easy.

01-29-2009, 07:20 PM
nate get a 12 volt pump a tsc it will drain the pan nicely

01-29-2009, 07:57 PM

I don't think there is anyone om this site or in the maple industry anywhere that has been in it for a while that would not do a lot of things different if they knew then what they knew now. We all live and learn, it is part of the growing process.