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12-10-2008, 06:48 PM
I purchased a de filter for sap and am currious how to use it?Any help would be appreciated.If anyone has pics that would help also.Before I start using it do they help filter better than sap filters?Or if I use it am I wasting my time?
Thanks Lee

12-14-2008, 05:31 AM
No one has anything to say?

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-14-2008, 05:37 AM
Seems like there was an article in the Maple Syrup Digest in the past year or so comparing sap filters and the amounts of debris and bacteria and yeast removed. I think the DE fared very well. That is just recall so can't say for sure. I'll see if I can locate the article.

NH Maplemaker
12-14-2008, 06:30 AM
Lee, as I recall you must wash them after every use as they will continue to grow bacteria in the canister.Then there is always the worry of it freezing, if you can't keep it warm. I have 2 of them, always thought it would be a pain to keep them dry and warm. Jim L

NH Maplemaker

Haynes Forest Products
12-14-2008, 09:02 AM
Are we talking about Diamateous earth filters that use air pressure or gravity to filter syrup?

NH Maplemaker
12-14-2008, 03:02 PM
I think lmathews is talking about a used pool filter for sap! At least that is how I under stood it. Jim L.

NH Maplemaker

12-14-2008, 07:02 PM
I believe the DE filter was rated 1 or 2 out of about 5 methods for removing bacteria. But as Jim said, I think they'd have to be washed real well after each use. Actually, seems like you might even need to change the powder each time. Have you every noticed how disguisting the stuff is when you replace the DE on a pool setup? I suppose you could get by for a few uses, but any residual bacteria is just going to grow exponentially, unless you can wash it sort of like an RO or something.


12-14-2008, 08:22 PM
I don't have one that is why I didn' respond before. But I agree with the others that I have been told that they filter out virtually every thing. I believe they go down to under 1 micron and they filter out yeast and bacteria. That is good but once it is trapped in the filter it needs to be cleaned frequently.

12-15-2008, 02:47 PM
Thank you all for the help.I will probably try it and wash every other day in the begining and every day later.

NH Maplemaker
12-15-2008, 03:31 PM
Lee Keep us posted on how it works out! as I said i have a couple of them and may want to try one if it works OK for you!! Cleaning is what I'm worried about with out running water.Jim L.

NH Maplemaker

Haynes Forest Products
12-15-2008, 03:52 PM
Imathews Im still not sure how a DE filter works??? I know one thing about filters that use diamateous earth is they work well with hot syrup and if the temp drops off so does the ability to flow threw the filter. I can tell you the quick way to take a shower in nice cool syrup is to turn on a filter press after it has cooled down. You cant restart a cold DE filter.