View Full Version : log market
12-10-2008, 06:34 PM
Does anyone know if there is a market for basswood logs?I also have soft maple that I was wondering if there is a pulp market?I am in the process of logging off my basswood and soft maple.
Thanks Lee
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Last I knew Baille lumber in Booneville was paying pretty good for soft maple. About $500/mbft for good stuff. They will buy at roadside and give you a check the day they scale it. There is a charge for trucking but I always felt they were very fair with me. Right now I don't know of a good market for good basswood. Most quotes are in the 100 to 200 dollar range. I have a market for a very limited amount that I mill myself and sell the resulting lumber to some Amish basket makers for $500/mbft. By the time I harvest, mill, and deliver, I about get paid for my time and input. Not much real return for the logs. Give Baille a call (315) 942-5284. Get a current price list and ask who their local buyer is in your area. Hope this helps
12-10-2008, 08:08 PM
most pulp markets around here are tanking...hardwood (i.e. soft maple) included...and no, I don't know about much of a market for basswood either...
12-10-2008, 11:28 PM
We have 16,000 ft. of stumpage, white, red oak, basswood and ash, small amount of maple. Also 240 cord of hardwood pulp and 40 cord aspen out on bids right now. The bid opening is on 12-17 and so far there has not been one logger ask to look at the trees. Kind of scary.
I will keep you all posted as things progress. According to our forester and this was one month ago.....the price for pulp was ok, but he said red oak sawlogs were really in the gutter.
12-11-2008, 07:29 AM
Around here pulp is holding steady. Log market is down.
12-11-2008, 05:54 PM
Thank you for the input.
I am logging my 50 acres of grade A white pine (20+") right now. ITs not great, I think I am gettign $250/mbf.
12-13-2008, 06:47 AM
What does the (M) stand for?Where in the adirondacks do you live?Sounds like you are not getting enough $.Poss.can help you out.
Thompson's Tree Farm
12-13-2008, 07:05 AM
M is the roman numeral for 1000 so mbf is 1000 board feet.
12-13-2008, 01:20 PM
adk1- are you getting that for stumpage or is that a mill delivered price?
hard maple
12-13-2008, 04:19 PM
what are loggers charging for a log truck load of firewood (tri axle) up there??
12-13-2008, 08:25 PM
I am doing some select cutting also now, i don't know the price but there is a market for basswood pulp and logs. My logger told me that soft maple logs 10" and up are at 750.00 per thousand, also a good price for the pulp. I am not cutting any maple but if you want to get rid of your soft maple seems like this would be a good time. I am in Vermont but shouldn't be much different in NY so MERRY XMAS
12-13-2008, 10:15 PM
hardmaple- the delivered price for cordwood is between 100-120 per cord log length. So a tri-axle averages 8-9 cord per load- so 800-1000 per load. But that was last summer/early fall when pulp mills were pushing the prices for hardwood pulp up. So my guess is things now are coming back to earth...haven't sold any in the last 2 months. Our hardwood pulp market has taken a hit in the last couple weeks- I'm in some Pine right now, but I'm not sure how long that market will hold up also.
Parker hopefully will chime in also...
hard maple
12-13-2008, 10:28 PM
I just paid 800$ for a load. Up from 700$ this spring.
Who knows maybe with all this storm damage there will be a lot of firewood on the market...
12-18-2008, 01:39 AM
I am reporting to all what happened with our timber bids, Nothing!! I atteneded the bid opening Wednesday afternoon. There were only a 1/2 dozen people there which did not look good to me at entry.
Our forester marked 9 stands this fall, roughly 1/2 were similar to ours and the rest were a wee bit smaller and one with alot of maple coming out.
Guess what, only 2 bids on all 9 sales and ours was not one of them. The forester told me this was the worst he has ever seen. The economic situation has everything coming to a standstill in this business it seems. What should be worth 8-10,000 is suddenly worth 0 because no one wants it. The forester will try the bids out again in the spring on all of them. He is more optomistic that things will turn around by spring. I beg to differ and think it will get worse, we will see.
I did find out that the one landowner that did accept has a pine plantation. I'm not sure what kind of pine, but it fetched $28 per cord. Maybe someone else could tell if thats a fair price or not. Mark
06-09-2009, 07:02 AM
I received a letter yesterday from our forester and the results from the 2nd bid opening. The results........NOTHING.....NO BIDS again.
Theres 16,000 feet of sawtimber, 250 cords of hardwood pulp and 28 cord aspen.
The forester noted that the sales that did receive bids were even lower in $$$$ than last december.
Of the sales that did get bids, the following was a breakdown of prices for each species:
Red Oak Sawtimber: $125/MBF
White Oak " : $45-140/MBF
Bur Oak " : $100-140/MBF
Hard Maple " : $75-150/MBF
Soft Maple " : $55-90/MBF
Ash " : $55-100/MBF
Basswood " : $55-90/MBF
White Pine " : $50-80/MBF
Aspen pulp :$10-15/Cord
Mixed Hardwood pulp : $8-15/Cord
Oak pulp :$12/Cord
06-09-2009, 08:42 AM
We have paid the following for 6-7 cord firewood loads here in Washington, VT.
Its averaging around $100/cord. We are splitting and stacking the wood in the field and will sell in the fall. We hope to get $250/cord delivered.
Amber Gold
06-09-2009, 11:48 AM
I paid $775 for a grapple load of mostly white oak. Got two loads...figure I won't find that price again. They were logging 1/2 mile from my house and may be why I got it so cheap...everybody else was $1100 +/-.
06-09-2009, 12:10 PM
I paid $550 for 8-9 cord of oak log length two months ago. Ours is so cheap because of gypsy moth defolilaition for three staright years that have killed alot of oaks. I ordered another two loads for later this month.
06-09-2009, 05:44 PM
i work part time at a good friends sawmill running the log debarker.soft maple is moving well rite now,weve been sawing it all week and he just bought another big woodlot of it.cherry and red oak are coming back up as well.but from what i no basswood is still in the tank.
all the mills in this part of ny were way down in sawing hours the last 6/8 months.45 hours was the norm for years but most were down to 24/32 hrs a week.where i work he has a pallet mill and fire wood processor as well as the sawmill so he never dropped below 40 hrs a week but he was the only mill in the northeast that i no of who did not drop below 40 hours.
my brother works for one of the biggest hardwood mills in the east(waggoner lumber inc)and he tells me there going back into 45hr weeks on august the market is on its way back up.
ill get the current markett prices tommorrow and post them.
06-09-2009, 08:07 PM
around here pulp isnt too bad basswood is in the tank but basswood vaneer is nice my ad got $54 for a 14-18inch other sawlogs arent great either
06-12-2009, 05:36 PM
current as of this morning
basswood-150$ -thousand b/f
soft maple-350$ -thousand b/f
hard maple 550$ -thousand b/f
all on stump prices
06-12-2009, 09:03 PM
Spile- not to second guess you, but those prices are closer to what we are getting for DELIVERED wood- not stumpage....
the only hard wood doing okay in our market is yellow birch.
part of my job with the NH Timberland Owners Association is I compile the market prices for both stumpage and delivered wood in north, central and southern NH. Sugar maple prices are very low right now...leaves more of them for us to tap...
06-13-2009, 05:01 PM
Eric- what are the prices now,(on the stump),,I sent a dump truck load of very nice red oak to green crow last week to test the waters,,,,got a check today for $168,,(565'),,,,,HHHMMMMM,,,,I get $350 for a load of firewood,,,,,not alot more work,,,,,,I can see Ill be doing firewood for a while till the mills start paying something,,,,,,
06-15-2009, 05:44 PM
ill have to check on that tucker,i got the prices from the mills forrester,the mill i work for is owned by a friend of mine and he has his own trucks,loggers.he buys very few logs from independant loggers/truckers.ill check tommorrow and post it .ill find out the prices on oak and burch as well.:mrgreen:
06-16-2009, 05:20 PM
current prices as of this morning 6/16/09 prices are for standing timber.FROM the mill where i work part time in central ny.all prices are per thousand board feet.
BIRCH-150 TO 175$
RED OAK-150 TO 175$
ASH-200 TO 225$
SOFT MAPLE-200 TO 225$
HARD MAPLE-550 TO 600$
06-16-2009, 09:06 PM
Spile- those sound like good prices for the hard maple. Our top grade of hard maple sawlog around here is 350-500 delivered. not sure which birch your speaking of, but around here the white birch top grade sawlog is going for 250-325 delivered.
I could go on and on about prices- heck I get paid to at work. Prices are down for delivered wood across the board so stumpage should follow suit...
06-16-2009, 09:29 PM
i dont know about the other mills in the area but the only birch we saw is yellow and very little black,ive never even seen a white log in the yard.i really love the yellow,it has some great color to it when its sawn.i do alot of fur trapping in the fall and ive made several fletching beams out of it,man are they ever solid and hard.;)
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