View Full Version : Milk tank parts
12-09-2008, 11:10 AM
Does anyone know where to get a valve for a milk tank. I beleive it is 1 1/2" threaded discharge port. Tried to covert it to sch 40 but no luck, threads must be metric?
Valley View Sugarhouse
12-09-2008, 11:11 AM
I mite have one, anybody know what they are worth??
Amber Gold
12-09-2008, 11:38 AM
I think it depends if they're part of PA Team Sap.
Haynes Forest Products
12-09-2008, 11:43 AM
I think the threads are a stright type that rely on a seal surface instead of a tapperd thread. Try your dairy COOP most have a repairman that has odds and ends.
Jeff E
12-09-2008, 11:50 AM
I just finished fighting this battle. I have a Stainless milk bulk tank with a disfunctional valve. I got a used straight pipe connection from a local dairy with the right threads (very dairy specific, no one else has them) and had a NST threaded pipe welded to it so I could connect valves, etc to it.
So go to a dairy, get what ever they have to thread on your tank, and fabricate from there.
12-09-2008, 12:00 PM
That's the problem I am having, our dairy industry in NEPA has long dried up and parts are becoming hard to find. Even looked for a supplier on-line and can't seem to come up with any.
although the pipe and coupler that connects my flue pan and syrup pan fits perfectly. hmm?
Father & Son
12-09-2008, 12:15 PM
You can also try a Fernco (I think that is how you spell it). Black rubber with hose clamps on both ends. Home Depot or similar stores carry them in the plumbing department.
12-09-2008, 02:30 PM
we also did what I would call a "no hub connector" for joining PVC rubber, hose clamps on either end...put a plug in it...or put a valve in it...
Jeff E
12-09-2008, 02:36 PM
Maplewalnut, give Steve Anderson a call, from Anderson Maple syrup, Cumberland, WI. He is in the middle of maple and dairy country, and he has a box of misc. parts for bulk tanks.
If you google Anderson Maple syrup he will be first on the list...
12-09-2008, 02:53 PM
Try Ray Shenk in Lititz, PA.
maple flats
12-09-2008, 04:05 PM
A company call Eastern Crown Inc. (ECI), in Vernon, NY should be able to help by supplying you a plastic adapter and nut, then just convert to common pipe or tubing sizes. Their number is 315-829-3505 They are a dairy supply store and have most of those parts. You will need to supply a manufacturer's name from the tank and then just tell them what you want to do. They can also supply SS parts but if you get the price you will likely go plastic.
Valley View Sugarhouse
12-09-2008, 04:07 PM
ok I guess mine is too expensive. good luck with the search...
12-09-2008, 05:23 PM
what i did with my 150 gallon round bottom milk tank is a little different than what ya may have in mind but here it goes. the steel outer skin was rusted thru and one of the legs had rusted off it, so i took and cut the outer steel skin about 4 inches below where it joined the stainless and lifted out the stainless liner and then made angle iron legs for each corner and welded them to galvanized pipe skids (carefull of the fumes when doing this) then for the outlet i simply cut off the tube and silver soldered in a short threaded piece of 1 inch stainless pipe which slid right inside the outlet tube
Russell Lampron
12-09-2008, 06:31 PM
Nicely done Marct. That's a pretty looking tank.
12-09-2008, 08:02 PM
If other suppliers suggested here do not pan out, try Hamby's Dairy supply in Missouri. Paul Hamby was able to help me convert a 300 gal ss milk tank over to NPT. SS parts are pricy, once done you will be glad you did it.
It may be best to work w/ Paul direct. Be sure to have mfg of tank and diameter size you feel tank pipe outlet is. Make sure you tell him you are converting tank for use for Maple Syrup.
Hamby Dairy Supply | 2402 SW Water Street | Maysville | MO | 64469
12-09-2008, 08:28 PM
If you know the brand of the bulk tank you should be able to find one from coubern dairy supply, they have a web page or you can order them through TSC. If the tank still has the outer shell on it, the brand should be engraved on one of the ends. On my tank it is on the same end that the valve is. Hope this helps Jeff
super sappy
12-10-2008, 01:43 AM
At Mc master carr they have stainless npt nipples that can be welded to the outlet of these tanks . Nice way to do it -neat and clean- but kind of a pain if you have to move the tank to a welding shop or pay a welder to come out and do this. I tracked all the fittings and proper valves for my tanks they are the older brass style Valves with a stainless insert,differant slipnuts etc. I just seemed to alwayse have drips. Switched everything to fernco then reduced to a 1-1/4 full port ball valve. It is not pretty to look at but works well and didnt kill the checkbook.-SS - Markct Nice job Had planned on doing that with a woods tank of mine only I wanted to put it on skis so I could toe it into the woods when the ground was frozen.
02-08-2009, 10:40 AM
All i did was take a s/s nipple drove it i the hole and welded all the way around it and then took a brass 1" ball valve and screwed it on. works good for me .
02-08-2009, 09:10 PM
supper sappy, thats exactly what i did, the pipe on the bottom is 2 inch galvanized and bent up in the front to act like skis, it dragged along nicely on the frozen ground today and on the ice layer covering everything else around here!
02-13-2009, 05:56 AM
maplewalnut I don't know how far you are from Milford PA but there's a guy calles his business (the hose man)he got me an adapter to a 1" pipe thread from the ss bulk tank. They ani't cheap but he can get them. He told there are more than 100 diferant threads. from fire companies to dairy and food to nut and bolts. so take something with you so they can match it.
02-13-2009, 07:10 AM
Thanks Sawyer. I actually got one from the Eastern crown company noted in a previous post. Very nice people, had the part three days later.
02-13-2009, 07:21 AM
Does anyone know where to get a valve for a milk tank. I beleive it is 1 1/2" threaded discharge port. Tried to covert it to sch 40 but no luck, threads must be metric?
Try Hamby Milking Equipment online part #1373. This part worked on my bulk tank. Works great. Hope this is what you need.
02-14-2009, 08:59 PM
RMG Sugar bush Inc. has all the parts for milk tanks. 906-478-3038
02-18-2009, 07:44 AM
I was approached by the old farmer up the road, offering to sell me sap. That would work out well for me, since I lost most of my buckets in our house fire last spring. I'm also short on sugar wood, so buying sap would give me time to top off the pile between boils.
Question is - What's a reasonable price? Maple News had published a list a while back, but it got burned up, too.
OOPS - this was supposed to be a new thread. How can I move it?
Thompson's Tree Farm
02-18-2009, 11:05 AM
The new Maple news (the one that some people have and some don't) has a new price list. 2.3% sap is 40 cents/gal. Goes up and down from there. I agreed to pay according to that chart even before I saw it. I think it is pretty fair to both parties. I have a contract and sap must be delivered fresh. Cloudy/late season sap is discounted 5 cents/gal.
Hope this helps.
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