View Full Version : dead flat

12-06-2008, 09:28 AM
Trying to figure out how to tap 12 acres of reds in a wet area. Its dead flat 1000' across and 1200' from the sugarhouse location which is 30' above the swamp.
If I tap this vacuum will be part of the expansion.

Seems sap ladders might be useful to keep sap flowing and to keep the tapping height from getting out of hand. I can pump from the releaser up to the sugarhouse.

Any ideas?

This year i'll run 10-20 taps in there as an experiment to see if its worth ramping up.

Haynes Forest Products
12-06-2008, 06:36 PM
Find the center of the bush and dig in a old dairy bulk tank as low as possible . Run all you mainlines in to the realeaser over the tank. Run wet and dry lines to the releaser. run your vacuum threw a Zero vac tank and install a bypass line and valve at the sugar bush tank and when the tank is full suck all the bulk sap to the sugarshack. SIMPLE Git er done