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I just got back from the local supermarket (Wegman's). They had a sign up about the shortage of Maple Syrup & that it may not always be available. They had quarts of medium amber syrup in Maple Hill plastic bottles selling for $22.99. They were $16 a couple weeks ago.
We're past $90 bucks a gallon folks (retail). Time to tap every tree you've got, maybe even telephone poles & maple furniture.
Wegmans is usually alittle higher on everything than what we are used to here. having siad that, I think in the Local Price Chopper the canadian syrup is running around $50/gallon and most local makers get $40/gallon
12-08-2008, 11:03 AM
We've been above $50/gallon in Ontario for many years.
maple flats
12-08-2008, 12:17 PM
I wish I had some left. I had a huge turnout at my Maple weekend after having 3 articles about me in the local papers, one was even a 3 page spread. I had lines waiting for most of the 2 days of maple weekend and I sold out before I saw a price increase. I made 186 gal+ on 500 taps gravity and it all sold in season at $45/gal, $15/qt etc. I am in the process of adding 300 more taps, will add more after I can get an RO.
12-08-2008, 06:47 PM
Well were I am 4 liters (1 gallon) is selling for $95.
Canadian or American $$? I have no idea what the exchange rate is anymore.
12-09-2008, 09:22 AM
Canadian or American $$? I have no idea what the exchange rate is anymore.
$1 Cdn = $0.80 US
$42/Qt at the local market an hour ago.
That's $168/gallon. truly insane.
12-09-2008, 02:15 PM
hard to beleive someone would pay that amount
12-09-2008, 02:19 PM
I like maple syrup a lot and would hate to have to do without it but it isn't worth $ 42 a quart to me and I couldn't sleep at night charging someone that much. I doubt I would pay $ 20 a quart myself if I had to buy it if I quit making it.
I don't have that kind of extra money floating around for luxury items like that but the income level and cost of living is less where I am vs NE.
12-09-2008, 07:25 PM
$42 per Qt thats crazy talk!
I would not pay that and hate to charge $15 per quart now. Maybe I am behind the price curve a little, but folks are going to stop buying at those prices? You can ask what ever you want but I wonder how much they sell at 42/ qt? Sure that wasn't a 1/2 gallon? Even then its a little on the steep side!
12-09-2008, 07:29 PM
you can ask any amount but if sits on the shelf and doesnt sell= zero
Dunno how much they sell, just thought it was outrageous. Like you I thought 42/gal that's about right or a little on the light side, till I got closer and saw the per qt on the shelf tag. an eye popper for sure.
12-09-2008, 08:18 PM
aren't they paying 36 to 44 a gallon wholesale?
12-10-2008, 08:03 AM
I know many years ago, we were always told you should be setting your retail price of a gallon about twice the price of a gallon bulk, which in today's market would put a gallon of syrup retail about $88, I don't know that the market would pay that price.
What I do know is that this past weekend I was at craft show selling at $55 a gallon and $19 a quart and had many customers commenting on how reasonable my prices were. And by the sales we had they meant it.
And yes I slept well charging those prices, if customers keep telling me my prices are quite reasonable I am going to raise them again.
12-10-2008, 08:10 AM
Ziggy you are at $19. a qt and sugarmaker seen it at $42.00 = $23 quiet a difference i think
12-10-2008, 09:01 AM
Price chopper label Dark amber $17.19, $23. a qt. for some sugar house I can't remember. Talked to a couple of customers yesterday who wanted to place orders for a gallon each. told them it would probably be $60 this year and they didn't bat an eye. So I quess it's another example of what the market will hold.
12-10-2008, 07:08 PM
I checked a while ago on buying some bulk syrup this fall. Cheapest I found bulk was $4.00 lb and most was $4.50. That puts it at $44 and $49.50 a gallon in the drum. Not included is cost of getting the syrup home, container, labels, and shrinkage. On top of that you have time involved in reheating filtering and bottling.
Specklefield Farm
12-10-2008, 07:59 PM
We're out of what we made in 2008. Just bought a qt. of grade A medium amber from another local sugarhouse (to calm the natives) at $16.99
12-10-2008, 09:26 PM
Where are you located? I think that is great you are getting $55 per gallon.
Wow I think we in NW PA ( and maybe other places) really need to look at this pricing issue and whether the price of bulk is going to drive us to raise our pricing. I dont want to get to greedy but if syrup is going to sell for $4.00 plus per lb bulk then we are leaving a lot of money on the table in retail sales of packaged syrup. (Had to buy a small amount of dark for $3.75 per lb)
Maybe Pat( Clan Delaney) can set up a pricing chart to show real trends?
Man I just dont feel good about going to $60 plus dollars a gallon from $42.
I really dont want to be like the price of gas! up then force to come down too.
Lets see:
$60.00/ gal
$36.00 / half
$22.00/ QT
$14 / pt.
$10/ 1/2 pint?????????
Wow, maybe thats where we need to be but not sure how to get there and not chase a lot of customers out of town?? Have to sleep on this one and would like some more feed back too.
12-11-2008, 06:40 AM
Hi, Just checked Anderson s Maple Syrup in Cumberland WI. 65.00 per gallon. Hope the prices stay up,But I agree with Sugermaker .
12-11-2008, 07:03 AM
I am located on the western end of NY, but from producers I have talked with around the state if you are willing to charge that price the consumer will pay it. I think they will pay $60 a gallon, I just have not raised my prices that high yet. As to prices going up and then coming down like gas. If we all hold our prices that won't happen. I am not planning on dropping my prices. If the price of bulk syrup goes down some, the price of oil is down, we might actually get to make a decent profit for a few years. I know as sugar makers we seem to be scared of the word profit, but new equipment is not cheap.
220 maple
12-11-2008, 07:19 AM
One gallon of syrup more expensive than a barrel of crude oil. Go Figure!
Jim Brown
12-11-2008, 07:36 AM
We have raised our price over the last two years and seem to be behind the curve at $48.00 gallon..We don't intend to raise at this point due to the fact we don't think the local market will stand it. Like most of you we have a few and I stress FEW customers who would pay it. But we have to look at the bulk of our customers who even tho they love syrup and the other products we sell would not be able to justify $50+ dollars a gallon. I'm not so sure I would pay $50+ dollars per gallon for syrup. I know for sure I did not drive any un necessary miles when gas was $4
12-11-2008, 08:21 AM
i dont think customers will keep paying the high price. syrup is going to peak just like oil did.
12-11-2008, 08:30 AM
as some of you can tell by my handle I'm a chef. Presently I'm paying $65.87 a gallon and $18.23 a qt. from my supplier. In my case there is no other choice, because the people who come here expect it.(of course that's until I make enough to sell to the center I work at). I think the chart is a good idea, with the price, area you live in and who you sell to. I guess I'll start. Mid hudson valley, NY. People who came to my farm stand. $8 Pint and $4 half pint I sold two gallons for $50.00 ea. which I feel was low. Mde 10 gallons and sold it all. I think it will be easier for me to get a higher price now because this will be the second year that I'm selling it and don't really have a large customer base. which leads to another point, that we have to be sure we start off charging enough.
12-11-2008, 09:46 AM
I sell quarts for $ 12 and pints for $ 7 in WV Sugarhill bottles and I don't plan on a price increase for next year. I have almost sold out of last years crop, but start of next season is less than 2 months away and I will probably have enough syrup to last almost that long. Way I look at it is that the demand is not over supply yet and once I can get my customer base higher, then I may raise prices. My next raise would be to $ 13 quart and $ 8 pint or 2 quarts for $ 25 and 2 pints for $ 15.
Clan Delaney
12-11-2008, 04:37 PM
One gallon of syrup more expensive than a barrel of crude oil. Go Figure!
Well, yeah. It sure does taste better on pancakes!
12-11-2008, 04:47 PM
I been getting 13$ for quarts and 9$ for pints..I went to bascoms last saturday and there price dropped a little for bulk $3.50 lb for C grade $3.75 lb for everything elese.It was $4.00 all the way around...Still good money either way
Friend of mine just bought a winery in ca.
Consultant tells him he can sell fermented grape juice for $70/bottle, some fancy soil mountain thing I guess.
That works to $280/gal and he doesn't have to boil. or freeze in the winter.
or swat bugs, or string tubing, or tap.
Hope he has as much fun as us.
12-11-2008, 06:58 PM
Dean, he'll never have the satisfaction of slogging through thigh deep snow with two 5 gallon buckes full of sap and a smile on this face. You just can't buy this kind of fun.
12-11-2008, 07:01 PM
called bascoms today to find out pricing on 5 gal jug so I can keep some customers happy- we are almost out of the syrup we made last spring...
their wholesale price was $234 per 5 gal...which is $46 per gallon...
not a judgement either way- just for folks information...
12-11-2008, 09:52 PM
So Tucker, what would your selling price be?
12-13-2008, 06:45 PM
I've been at 52/gal 16/qt 9/pt and 6/half pint since summer. I just sold over $500 dollars worth last weekend alone... syrups about all gone now!!
folks are haven't stopped buying syrup yet gentleman. but some of those prices out there are INSANE. I feel good at my prices.
12-13-2008, 07:37 PM
You ( your pricing) may be about where we need to be in this area too. Was just discussing with the little woman last night and may need to increase to that level for spring syrup. Thanks for sharing the pricing with us.
Our syrup is about gone also for the year which is good.
12-13-2008, 07:40 PM
Jim do you sell in halves? Whats that price point?
12-13-2008, 10:07 PM
mfchef- I would probably keep my prices what they currently are...15 qt and 8 pt. I know it means only a minimal profit- but it keeps folks coming back...
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