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12-05-2008, 05:47 AM
I plan on growing some sweet sorghum to make sorghum syrup this coming summer and I have all the equipment gathered except for my cooking method. I'm thinking about a flat pan(s) on my maple arch. It cooks at a 8-10 to 1 ratio. So if I were to have a 30X60 (equivelent) pans cross flow style run them close to full 8 to 10 in deep I figure this is close to 90 gals. Will this stess the structure of my arch? Do I need to reinforce the top rail to the floor? Looking for ways to get more use out of my investments of equipment and sugarhouse. Thanks for your responses. Going to 400 roadside taps for 09

Haynes Forest Products
12-05-2008, 09:43 AM
I cant think of a reason to change a thing. I dont recall back in the 60s reinforcing my water bed when we had more than 2 in it..........NEVER MIND