View Full Version : New York Maple Producers Conference

Dennis H.
12-03-2008, 04:26 PM
I just found out that Jan 9 & 10th are the dates for the New York Conf.

Is there anyone from PA heading up that direction? I am planning on heading up that way again this year. It would be nice to meet up with anyone who desides to go.

I went last year and had a great time, learned at lot, I just wish there was two of me.

It looks like if you register by Dec 15th you get a discounted price, $34 for both days.

maple flats
12-03-2008, 07:14 PM
Yes, to get an App. go to www.nysmaple.com and scroll down or go to www.nysmaple.com/documents/RegFrm09.pdf for an application and go to www.nysmaple.com/documents/2009MapleConferencePromotion1111081.doc for the schedule.

maple flats
12-03-2008, 07:20 PM
By the way, my sugarhouse is about 10 miles from the conf. location. If anyone would like to visit we could do it after the activities on Sat. or before them on Fri. However, I won't get out of work til about 4 that Friday, so by the time we got together it would be with generator lights. A word of caution, I do not nor have I ever had any boiling water at the sugarhouse. In fact I only drink it when the weather is too hot during the summer.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
12-04-2008, 12:44 PM
sounds like B.Y.O.B to me??

12-08-2008, 03:17 PM
This is my first year with my 2x6 leader unit, last year I used two turkey fryers and made 5 1/2 gallons of very expensinve syrup. Had fun so I up graded this year with a new rig and brand new shack. I will be attending the conference for the first time and from the look of the adgendia I should be able to get alot of information out if it. I would like to meet some of the out of my area sugar makers to put names and faces together. I have been reading and posting on this fourm for over a year now and continue to learn new things all of the time. I see maple flatts is going to attend and has offered his shack open for our inspection and questions on his process so that might just work for me.
For those who have attended, is the vender area full of material? I can purchase, as I have a list of item I need to start up my rig and I was thinking I might buy them ther rather than purchasing them on line. Any info would help as on line ordering needs to be done real soon to assure that I will have them for season.
Thanks and hope to see everyone there.

12-08-2008, 04:14 PM
If you live in Canandaigua, I am within a half of an hour of you in Macedon. Send me a pm and I'll send you my phone number if you have any interest in coming over to visit and look things over. We have gone to the show the last few years and have found it to be beneficial. Try to sign up for the different classes, they are nice, especially anything Steve Childs does.

Thompson's Tree Farm
12-08-2008, 05:19 PM
Dealers don't always have a lot of stuff at displays but take orders. If you know what items you will be purchasing, contact the dealer ahead of time and they may bring it with them to save on delivery charges.

maple flats
12-08-2008, 05:22 PM
Also, there is a lot for sale in the Trade show. Some is at a reduced price but not all. You will learn a lot at both the show and the seminars. We will need to talk more as the conf gets closer. You can find almost everything you need there. In some cases you can order non displayed items there at a special price and have it shipped to you for less that getting it thru a dealer on a day in day out basis.