View Full Version : Wholesale-Retail

11-29-2008, 03:10 PM
Currently i sell my pints for $10.00 i'm new to wholesaling cases out to stores for resale.

I'm wondering as to how you price it to them. I don't want to price it too high and have it not move and i don't want to price it too low so the store makes more then they should.

I only sell in pints whats a good price to sell pints to a store. I just sold some for 8.50 a pint at a 30% mark up puts it around 11.15 a pint in the store. Is this high enough above my retail pint or should i price them higher to the stores in the future?

11-29-2008, 03:54 PM
Are you having a problem selling your stuff? Why would you take $1.50 less than what you get your self? I have an organic veggie stand that did really well this summer. Sold all I had for sale without one problem. the best part was I didn't have to transport it and I did not have to cut some one else in on the profits. Unless your looking to get your name out there sell the stuff yourself. IMHO>

11-29-2008, 04:06 PM
Thats the thing, this year i started getting my name out there i did the county fair and a heritage day. I don't have a shack and a real place to really sell out of my house yet so its hard to move it when i don't have time to go to all these shows, crafts fairs and such. I'd like to but don't have the time with my job. I made 70 gallons ish this year and i only have 11 left. Recently though i've had a lot of interest in resale syrup so i'm trying to figure out how i price it vs. what i sell it for. If i could sell it all myself i would but it doesn't seem possible unless i make this my fulltime show.

super sappy
11-30-2008, 08:18 AM
We are roughly the same size. I have found that it isint worth it to take the hit on wholesale syrup. I have done it in the past with one roadside stand where the sales were tremendous but I was giving them a 15% off retail and delivering syrup. When I went this year in the spring I told them that if they wanted that deal they had to order 5 gallons at a time and they tossed me out. This was a blow to me because they had been my best sales outlet. But what also happened this year is that people came to my house and bought syrup. This is how I got the word out. Our local library has 2 bake sales per year. I donated several 1/2 pints. I attached a note about supporting local farmers etc ... and even said Id drop it off if I was going to be in their area in the next week. I also donated 2 gallons in small glass containers to the fire depts. mothers day pancake breakfast. " donations put my product in peoples mouths and that is the best advertisment you can get" not my words Larry Myotts who gives presentations at the the open houses etc. Last year we sold maybe 20 gallons at the house this year we sold 70-80 and are out of syrup. Yea we gave some away but we also kept the retail profit for ourselves. I think we dropped off maybe 3 gallons total and never went more than 2 miles out of our way. The way I see it the fire dept and library made money off us and I dont mind that at all because I have alwayse donated money to both organizations, We got a ton of free advertising and I feel we made more money by retailing all our syrup . I did sell 15 gallons in bulk also just to pay some tax bills on the Sugarhouse and had planned on doing so. I also think that you might want to expand into larger sizes. I seem to have steady customers and they want 1/2 gallons the gallon jugs dont fit in the refrigerator as well. -Just my 2 cents good luck

Clan Delaney
11-30-2008, 10:16 AM
That's some good reading, Sappy. The part about donating syrup locally to get your name out sounds great.

I haven't given a lot of thought yet to selling my syrup to local businesses. Sales had never been my strong point. But I'm working on it. For now, i'm still just thrilled to know that I can sell whatever I make @ bulk. I stopped boiling about a week early last year because I wasn't sure I could sell what I would make, and I couldn't justify the production costs for syrup that I thought would all be for home use. But then I found the MapleTrader!

MPM- I agree that you shouldn't be selling below what you can get for bulk.