View Full Version : A lot to do and a little time to do it

11-22-2008, 05:47 AM
Still stuck in Afghanistan and nearly got blown up this past week. The guy who blew himself up didn't make it (actually we couldn't find him or a piece of him or his car bigger than the engine block) and we only got one real injury (he will be fine with cool scar) and a flat tire and a few broken lights. Amazing what over an inch of stainless armor will block.

Anyway, It is getting close to the end and I am thinking about all I have to do to get this thing up and running. Luckily I will be on leave up to the sugar season after getting back in early January. I am free to play in the woods and the bills still get paid. Good thing too since I have to bring in the wood, Pick up equipment all over that I have found while I was here, run tubing and build a sugar shack. After that is all done I have to get all the pieces to work together and start sugaring. All I can really say is that this website has been a Godsend for info and finding equipment. I am posting this here since going from nothing to a working operation seemed to fit best here.

First question of many: How many cords do you think I need to bring in for a 2.5 x 8 with 500 taps? I have plenty that I cut down in the woods 18 months ago but have to cut split and move it. I can do about 3 cords a day so I have to plan accordingly.

This thing will come together this year if it kills me and my brother in law in the process. I think the thing I miss most here are trees. I should be getting plenty of them when I get home.

God bless,

11-22-2008, 06:01 AM
6-7 cords should be fine.

3% Solution
11-22-2008, 06:27 AM
First off, I would like to say "THANK YOU" for what you are doing.
Without people like you the rest of us would not have freedom!!!!
You keep your head down and get your butt back home where the maples are calling you!!!!!
All of the others that are around you tell them "THANK YOU" also.
Maybe someone over in NY can arrange a "Mapleholoc's Meeting" when you get back so as to help you out!!!!
Again, "Thank You."


Clan Delaney
11-22-2008, 07:49 PM
Absolutely, Ethan... make it back safe. Your country needs you to make maple syrup as well!

Building a shack in January? Hunting for those felled trees in the snow, then cutting and splitting 'em? Wow. I don't suppose trying to convince you that you're crazy will do any good? No? Didn't think so. I think Dave has the best idea... set a date when your local maplers can descend on your place and give you a hand.

11-23-2008, 02:37 AM
Glad to hear it will only take 6 or seven cords. I have close to 5 up there cut and stacked. We moved to a new house and stopped burining wood and there is still that much there. My father in law has another 24 or so in his wood shed and he will be fine with parting with a few as long as I put it back next summer. Thanks for the info guys I was thinking 15 to 20 cords.

As far as the shack goes I will be going with skids but something I can put on blocks next summer. I am going 16 by 16 with a barn style roof. I am going modular and building sections in the barn. As long as they can fit out a garage door I can build them in there with some heat a nail gun and power. Then I can put them on the wood trailer and pop it up quick.

I should have a good bit of help just in the family. There are four of us to work and an eight year old Rottweiler to supervise. Father in law also has a 40 horse New Holland with loader to lift roof sections into place. If you aren't cheatin you ain't tryin.


3% Solution
11-23-2008, 06:39 AM
That all sounds good.
Still should have a Mapleholics meeting, the guys on here would flock to your place.
The meetings I have been to are great, get to meet new people (friendly people) and I'm sure they would like to meet you also!!
Shake your hand and say "Thank You."
Just think it would be their turn to help you.
That New Holland will come in mighty handy.
Hey keep your head down!!!!
Get back here.


11-23-2008, 08:30 AM
Ethan - Once you get back, if you want to put together a work day, let us know and maybe a few of us Traders can make it over your way to give you a hand. Is Belfast down in SW NY. Probably a couple hours for me - but I'd be glad to lend a hand.

11-23-2008, 08:34 AM
Welcome to the trader Ethan, watch your buddies back and he will have yours. Can't wait for you to be home where the maples call your name. You have a plan and that is the most important thing for starting your project, Hope it goes well and quickly, and you make a lot of syrup.

11-23-2008, 11:08 AM
Belfast is in SW NY in Allegany Co. in the Genesee Valley. Gods country for sure and I love it. I think I will do a Mapleholics day but after I get all the equipment picked up. Problem is that is getting close to the season so a lot of the guys will be working on their own. Either way it will be fun

So I got to thinking about building the shack and have given up on the wood floor idea. Mostly just a waist of money as I would be putting it on blocks and probably pouring a floor over the summer. I also remembered that I have several hundred old red bricks on pallets I salvaged from an old building. Should be enough to just lay down for a floor and sweep some sand in the cracks. Some plate steel under the feet and arch and I should be good for a year. Then I got to thinking about what Danno was saying about an evaporator on blocks and the pros and cons thereof. It seems like having your arch over a narrow trench 6" or so deep extending a little way out from the front may be a nice idea. I guess I will have a while to work it all out. The bricks will do for now and save me a bundle towards a concrete floor later.

I should be getting to bed. Early day tomorrow. Some of our replacements are coming in. That is a sure sign we really are leaving soon and I am only too happy to wake up early and go pick them up.


3% Solution
11-23-2008, 11:50 AM
The thing of it is with a meeting, doesn't matter if those guys are in the middle of their stuff or not they'll be there for you, especially for what you have been doing for us!!!!
You get all the stuff and those guts will set it up for you!!!
Stay safe!!


3% Solution
11-26-2008, 09:04 PM
Has anyone seen Ethan around since last Sunday??
Hope he's ok!!!

11-27-2008, 12:18 AM
I just fine. A busy week with internet up and down. Mostly down when I had time. By the way I hear gas is way down. I think that will be helpful if it stays that way. >>>----S---->

Happy thanksgiving

3% Solution
11-27-2008, 06:14 AM
Happy Thanksgiving and please pass it on to the other folks there!!!!
Gas in town has dropped about $2.00 a gallon.
We're glad to hear your ok!!!
It's 26 here this morning and clear!

11-27-2008, 07:10 AM
Well I start the trip home soon but will be over a month in transit. At least our replacements are coming in. Bad for them but good for me. I have a question. Does anyone have any expertise in gemstones. I have picked up a good many stones here and was wondering what anyone may be able to tell. I have poked around on the internet but am looking for first hand info. Hard to believe such beautiful things can come from a country this ugly. I know it's off topic but I will probably sell some to finance the Maple operation. Hard to pass up at 10x profit plus they will look great on my wife. Happy thanksgiving to all. At least I am not missing an anniversary.


3% Solution
11-27-2008, 07:18 AM
There is a girl down the road a bit that works for a jeweler and has a certification in stones (if that is what I want to say).
Problem is it doesn't help you very much!
I can ask her what she thinks you should do if you want me to.


Clan Delaney
11-27-2008, 10:25 AM
Well I start the trip home soon but will be over a month in transit. At least our replacements are coming in. Bad for them but good for me. I have a question. Does anyone have any expertise in gemstones. I have picked up a good many stones here and was wondering what anyone may be able to tell. I have poked around on the internet but am looking for first hand info. Hard to believe such beautiful things can come from a country this ugly. I know it's off topic but I will probably sell some to finance the Maple operation. Hard to pass up at 10x profit plus they will look great on my wife. Happy thanksgiving to all. At least I am not missing an anniversary.


Former wanna-be geologist here. Are your stones raw or cut? If they're cut, you're in luck, since cut and shaped gems are worth more than raw, uncut ones, regardless of the quality. Do you know what you have (or what you were told you have)?

11-27-2008, 11:05 AM
So far I have been going for Tourmalines between 10 and 20 cts. A lot of bicolored green/yellow, purple/white, and a few pink. Might pick up some aquamarines tomorrow about the same size. So far no inclusions. Rubies are a crap shoot but most here have good color but little clarity. Our chaplain has a hardness tester which is how I have been checking along with a loupe. I'll let you know how I make out tomorrow but let me know if you have any suggestions.


11-27-2008, 11:07 AM
They are all cut and finished. We are not allowed to bring home unfinished stones.


Clan Delaney
11-27-2008, 04:27 PM
They are all cut and finished. We are not allowed to bring home unfinished stones.


Hmmm. I'd have thought it'd be the other way around. And I think you just threw out a half a dozen terms I'd never heard of. Sounds like you already know quite a bit about gems, whether you know it or not!

Jeff E
11-28-2008, 11:50 PM
Don't forget the work day. It would be good to post it and get run over by maple brothers and sisters from all over!

12-02-2008, 12:18 PM
I am done buying stones and have no idea if they are real or not. They are pretty and it was fun and I spent very little. So back to the Maples. I need you all to weigh in on this. Is it easier to go to the trees or bring the sap to you? Most of my trees are on the back side of the hill which is to say about a mile from the house. There is a good sight back there and I have a generator I can use. Should I start back there and just put up a roof and plastic sides. I think it would save over an hour a day when things are running. I could also afford a vac. if I put off building a year. I think it may be wise to concentrate more on the trees and sap than a shack.


12-02-2008, 12:22 PM
so do u mean build a temp shack there then next year build it permante could u someday have electric there and water ?

Jeff E
12-02-2008, 01:07 PM
I am new to the bigger operations, but I chose to bring the sap to me. I think as the years go by it will be more and more appreciated. In my case it was a short distance, as my longest pump run is about 1400 feet.

I would start by looking at the lay of the land, and determine where you can get the sap to run to via gravity. You can work with the way things are a lot easier than engineering a way to work against it.

My situation was such that I could get most of my taps to run to 2 collection points. I then pump sap from those points to a processing location. I pumped mine to the top of the hill, where I live, have water and power, access to trucks, customers, etc.

So bottom line, a few items should help you decide:
1) where does the sap want to go via gravity
2) where is there easy access in the spring (snow, mud...)
3) where is there power, water, or a cost effective way to get it to

12-02-2008, 03:50 PM
Yes I was thinking of just doing this for the first year. Hopefully in years to come I will build near the house. I am going for the biggest bush first which should yield about 700 to 800 taps. It needs to be cleared over time and I can do 500 there this year. The problem is it is on the back of a ridge and about 3,500 feet from the collection point to the house. It is also a bear to get to with anything heavy in the spring. To get back over the ridge I have to go up about 80 feet and then gravity can take over.

The smaller bush will yield about 500 taps and that can go on gravity to the house at about 1,000 feet. This will be great but as the trees are spread a little further apart I was saving it till next year.

I am starting to think that I should go for this one first. The other part of the equation is that these trees have bigger tops so I would think the sugar content may be higher. If I go this route I could avoid the daily process of going up and down the hill a couple times. I am sure the tractor could make it but I would spend half the summer clearing ruts and planting grass.

I just had it in my head that I would start that bush next year I never thought about the practicalities. From there I can do a quick lean-to off the back of the barn and have power 50 feet from the road.

I need to get up there and see about a tubing layout.


Clan Delaney
12-02-2008, 07:17 PM
You can boil just about anywhere, in just about anything. I've gone through 2 seasons boiling in the garage and 2 separate cobbled-together shacks before this year's permanent shack. I'd concentrate on Jeff's suggestions - make that sap come to you, and let gravity do as much of the work as possible.

You can throw up a quick and dirty shack in less than a day with just some pallets, scrap lumber and plastic sheeting. Not pretty, but it'll help keep out the elements. Here's mine from last year (http://clandelaney.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/just-give-me-some-wood-and-ill-build-you-sugar-shack-v20/).

12-02-2008, 07:47 PM
Well I think what I end up with first year may not be far from your pictures Delaney. A lean to off the back of a barn with a metal roof and plastic sheeting for walls. Only gets a metal roof since I am burning wood. I may plan on getting two years out of then it may be suitable for a shelter for the animals my wife keeps talking about getting. (Goats) I can use gravity to there and the barn has power. Had time to think last night as I was sitting a guard post. Off to Kandahar tomorrow by way of Bagram so I may be out of the loop for a while.


Clan Delaney
12-02-2008, 08:10 PM
Well I think what I end up with first year may not be far from your pictures Delaney. A lean to off the back of a barn with a metal roof and plastic sheeting for walls. Only gets a metal roof since I am burning wood. I may plan on getting two years out of then it may be suitable for a shelter for the animals my wife keeps talking about getting. (Goats) I can use gravity to there and the barn has power. Had time to think last night as I was sitting a guard post. Off to Kandahar tomorrow by way of Bagram so I may be out of the loop for a while.


Goats, eh? You keep your wife away from mine. If I came home one day and there was one staked up in the yard, I'd just sigh and go grab a beer from the fridge. It's inevitable.

You **** well take care. Check in as soon as you're able.

3% Solution
12-02-2008, 08:33 PM
You keep your **** head down!!!!!!
If you hear a noise don't peek up!!!!! :-)
Yeah I agree, let the sap come to you!!!
Even if you have to do a vacumn with ladders from the other side of the ridge next year or the year after.
There are a lot of smart guys on here that can set you straight about how to do that!!
Yeah you check in as soon as possible!!!!!
I start thinking when you don't visit here on occation and it's not good!!!
Take care!!!


12-31-2008, 11:24 PM
Well still in Khandahar but should be out of hear any day now. I hear we got some snow at home so I'm glad I found my snow shoes when I was home in October. (we just moved before I left so everything is all over the basement) Anyway I hope you all have a good new year and I hope to see you all soon.

3% Solution
01-01-2009, 07:52 AM
Good to hear from you again, it's been awhile!!!
We had quite a bit of snow here, but the rains came and turned it to 6" of ice and crust.
You keep safe and keep your head down.
"Thanks!!" for all you do and tell the other folks there "Thanks!!!"


01-09-2009, 08:42 AM
Well I am back to the beautiful Western New York winter and taking a day of nothing before I go out and get started. I found that I have to re-wire a trailer before I go picking stuff up but that should only be an hour or so. Also I came back to find out that my father in law got a Yamaha Rhino for Christmas. Not mine but still here to be used and by the looks of the weather that is a good thing. Well I am off to Breakfast with the kids but there will be actual things going on now and starting soon.

3% Solution
01-09-2009, 09:07 AM
All right Ethan you made it back!!!
Glad to see your home and enjoying the snow and cold!!!!
Now you can rest easy!!!!!
Enjoy your time with family.


Clan Delaney
01-09-2009, 06:18 PM
Hey! Ethan's back!

Welcome home!

Now get to work. :D :D

Okay, okay you can have breakfast first.

01-09-2009, 06:59 PM
hey clan hows the evaporator search coming? get anything lined up yet, season is only a bit over a month away here. if ya end up going with the stainless sink pans just let me know and ya can bring em down for tigging in the plugs

Clan Delaney
01-09-2009, 07:12 PM
hey clan hows the evaporator search coming? get anything lined up yet, season is only a bit over a month away here. if ya end up going with the stainless sink pans just let me know and ya can bring em down for tigging in the plugs

I haven't forgotten your offer. Those sinks are my fall back plan. In the meantime I come home from work every night and check for new postings of equipment, here and abroad. Cash on hand is my limiting factor right now, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for something in the $500 range. I am hopeful. (I have to be!)

01-09-2009, 08:59 PM
yea this is the time of year i keep thinking i only have a few weekends left to get ready and find everything i need. glad ya have the pans for a backup plan but hopefully you can find a true evaporator to go in that nice sugarhouse ya made. i finaly got my homemade bottler tank welded up outa old stainless skins off some restraunt freezers just gota make the filter rack and burner stand now

01-10-2009, 06:38 AM
Getting closer to the season. Brought my evaporator in to the shop to enlarge it so I can add a few more taps but after looking at it and thinking a lot I decided to start from scratch. The old was 27" x 40" Flat pan and the new will be 27" x 76". I don't think I will get the flued pan done but I may if I can sell the old one. I will have a flat pan to set in its place if I don't get it done. Too much to do and not enough time. Should get the 100 taps this year easy enough as long as I get the evaporator finished.

01-12-2009, 07:41 AM
Well I told myself I would get started in earnest today. If I let myself I will wander around and waist all kinds of time. So to solve that I will just put what I need to do that day on here. I still have to figure out how to post pictures but I haven't really tried yet so we shall see.

Today the chores are:
To finish the plan for the shack and produce a list of all materials.
Clear snow where I will build
Get prices for gravel for base and set up delivery
Get in the woods and mark routes for mainlines

That should keep me busy especially with a 2 year old to keep me company. Well time to get started I will let you know how it goes tonight.


01-13-2009, 07:30 AM
Well I got the snow cleared just in time for it to really get cold. Now I will be doing gravel over frozen ground. That leads into getting the gravel. They have winter hours and I am worried since I haven't heard back. So today I continue to try and get a hold of them. I will be talking to Angela's Uncle Randy about a hundred trees or so he said I could tap and he used to own the gravel pits. He will know how to get them.

So I have to talk to Randy
Re-wire trailer and renew registration
Run wire for mainline

That should keep me busy and I have just been joined by my 2 year old Derek. He loves computers so here he is. I have to hide it after I use it as he has already ripped all the keys off two others.

01-15-2009, 08:15 AM
Well it is bitterly cold but I will up on the hill today running wire. I have to put up about 1500 ft so we will see if that Yamaha does okay in the snow in the woods. It seems a little wide but we will see.

So before that I have to go crawl under a car and find a wire. It is an 02 Subaru WRX and I love the little car but the clearance and snow banks got a hold of a sensing line to the Fuel pump. Now it runs all out all the time rather than ramping with the engine. It certainly helps with the boost but it needs an inspection.

Back to Maple stuff. I guess I should go look for some screw hooks and stuff I need in the basement. It is going to take an hour or two for that little wood stove to get the barn warmed up enough to work in there.

Almost forgot. I will not be building this year but will be in the father in laws wood shed. I can't get anything built in this weather and he had one of those metal buildings (16 x 24 or so) put up next to his outside boiler. I have to buy an extra roof panel to pop the stacks through but there is power and 25 cords of wood there. I can even use the wood as long as I put it back in the summer.

On that note I have to say how helpful my family has been with everything. I will be a wood cutting fool this summer but I have four saws ready and a three headed chain. Attach head to back hitch bar and drive over up to three smaller logs as long as you can get out of the woods. Raise bar and drive out.

Okay I have delayed long enough so off I go.

01-15-2009, 07:27 PM
Yes I know I said I would be off for the night but I like to sit up with my wife after the kids are in bed. She like to watch stupid shows and I have some strange addiction to this site. So here i am again. Now the stupid show is on the fritz but i am still going.

Back to Maple stuff. I got the hang of the wire thing and tubing will follow soon. Things are good other than the eye so on with life. I think God is telling me it is time for a career change.

The weather shows no sign of warming but I found my gaiters so the snow is okay. I already said the Rhino is great on the other page but I really do put it over the gator and Ranger which I have driven.

Okay I need to stop writing and go to bed. Too many barley pops and time for bed. I can't decide if it is the fact that my eye is slower or just dulled senses. Just talked to Dad the Anesthesiologist and he backed me up. Also go the don't drink too much warning but okay. Has anyone made beer from UV treated sap. I am only saying it could be interesting and I am done.

03-09-2010, 10:23 PM
Well its been a busy spring and getting ready for what may be a great run. Got around 400 in and boiling on the back of the hill this year. I will have to post pictures. I am in a tent carport thing in the middle of the woods.
