View Full Version : mainline flange-type saddle fitting

DS Maple
11-10-2008, 09:03 PM
I'm looking for a particular type of mainline fitting that consists of two plastic halfs held together over the line with two plastic bolts and nuts. The bottom flange is curved to accommodate the mainline and the top is curved as well, but with a 1/2" opening to screw in a star fitting. The advantage to them is that they rely on pressure pushing a small sharp plastic ring into the surface of the mainline to make the seal instead of a rubber gasket. As a result there is no gasket to wear out over time, and no part of the fitting sticks down into the mainline thus restricting flow. They are designed to be installed on the mainline first, and then a hole is made in the line via a punch designed for use with this type of fitting.

We have used them in the past and now can't seem to find them anywhere. (of course I can't remember where there were originally found.) Does anyone here have any idea what I am talking about and where I could find it now?


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-11-2008, 04:22 AM
Darveau ??

11-11-2008, 06:15 AM
I Think Grimm/leader Sells Them---i Have Seen Them At Bascoms Also

11-11-2008, 06:18 AM
gh grimm sold them for years. when i first started putting larger mains in i used them. but over time the sun gets at them and they leak under higher vac.that is why they do not sell them. i do remember they were made by a co. in colorado. i pull them off as they start to leak and put a single multifitting in its place.

Amber Gold
11-11-2008, 07:16 AM
I've used them before when I was doing residential irrigation work. I'd check out an irrigation supply company