View Full Version : new or used

11-05-2008, 06:45 PM
so i am looking for a new 2x6 with hopes some day soon i will out grow it ... which leads me to this ponder do i buy new with the prices of equipment up ..will it stay up or in a year drop back down then i take a big loss on the resale or do i buy used ...

11-05-2008, 07:55 PM
As for maple equipment I have never seen it go down. If you are pretty certain you are going to outgrow it then I say buy a used one. If you have reached a plateau then I would recommend buying new if you are going to keep it for along time. Plus its a good deduction for depreciation on your taxes.
But it sounds like you will need a larger one in the near future so buy used. There are many 2X6 out there cause it a good starter size.

11-05-2008, 07:59 PM
well i hope to out grow but maybe if i ad a steam away i it will be awhile before i do ... i figure as much as it not going down and knowing from looking for awhile that the used ones hold there value as long as u take care of them ... like any good tool