View Full Version : new idea
11-03-2008, 07:39 PM
I had an idea the other day and here it is my evaporator is wood fired. So I have an oil burner sitting in the house and was going to hook it up to my evaporator but instead of burning heating oil. I was thinking old motor oil and vegetable oil, from the local restaurant. Now I did my research and it will work but could there be a down side to burning free oil.
11-03-2008, 08:03 PM
There has been previous topics on this subject that you could search. First of all you need to know your local and regional laws that govern the use of waste oil. I know in the US there are some states that do not allow waste oil to be used even though there is no difference in my mind when using #2 oil.
You will also find that some have started using these oils to fuel their evaporator. Like everything there are good side and bad sides to everything. When burning #2 oil it is very dependable. Used oil can be more suseptable to gelling and if you are not generating it your self you are at the mercy of the ones filling the barrels. You never know what might end up in the barrels like paint,antifreeze, and pesticides to mention a few. So be careful You don't want to have 10 hours of boiling ahead of you and have your burner shut down because it is plugged up from crappy oil on a Sunday
I had mentioned it before that one way to get around some states laws is to use the waste oil to generate steam and then have a steam evaporator. That way you are not using waste oil directly to fire the evaporator and also with steam you can never burn your pans.
Haynes Forest Products
11-03-2008, 08:34 PM
The first downside is the burner you have wont work or be able to be converted without alot of money so scrap that idea. I have spent alot of time on the internet and calling and sending syrup to people that would give me the time of day. Most waste oil guns on the market are sold with the shop heater so they wont sell just the gun and thair about 2500.00 OUCH. Waste oil burns at a higher BTU than NO 2 but the way the burners work they cant get the same amount oil out the nozzel. Waste oil burners use compressed air and a pump to atomize the oil so they only generate about 450,000 BTUs and thats a big one and thats not enough for my 3X10. There is a differance between waste oil burners that burn Hydrolic,trans fluid and motor oil. Cooking oil needs to be converted to a diesel type fuel by removing the Glicerin and stablizing the oils. Food type oils need alot of filtering to get the big chunks out and settling to remove water. Some waste oil burner manufactures conversion type are selling alot of crap out there and telling you that they burn Glicerin NOT true the problem with the home Bio Diesel set ups is they produce alot of by product (Glicerin) and you cant dump it dowm the drain Hope this helps.
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