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3% Solution
11-22-2008, 08:57 AM
Snow belt, I guess so!!!!
We don't usually get snow piled up like that until January!!!
We got a dusting yesterday morning and this morning.
It's 18 here and the wind is blowing.
Nice day to stay inside!!!!!


11-22-2008, 02:36 PM
Chris- I hope your grandson gets to doing better soon. Jrthe- Hope your wife finds a new job soon too, tough times right now all over for sure. I got my tanks in position today finally after quite a struggle. Ive got to say there wasnt one easy part to that job. Very heavy. Going to level them up tonight or tomarrow morning. Pretty whipped. I think they are going to turn out very nice though. Much less plumbing to freeze up and less rigamarole with only two sap tanks now. Maybe tomarrow I can finish that up and get the ones placed in the woods. Then its easy work for a while. I think Im going to take a nice Thanksgiving weekend and give it a rest then maybe hit it one week and I can finish it up pretty much Im hoping. Theron

Russell Lampron
11-22-2008, 02:51 PM
Dave what do you mean "it is a nice day to stay inside"! I just got in from putting support post under my "mainline from hell" and I have been outside most of the day. The finger tips are just getting thawed out now. The supports are making the mainline look real good. I will get some pictures posted after it is done.

3% Solution
11-22-2008, 03:24 PM
Well aren't you the brave one!!!
You mean the mainline over the "great divide"?
Glad things are coming together, the mainline must just a swaying in this wind!!
That's too bad about your grandchild.
We will pray that everything will be ok!
How much snow do you have now??


11-22-2008, 06:36 PM
I began making everything for Christmas. Lots of hours but lots of $. Made 20 lbs of candy and 5 lbs of cream today. Tommorrow more cream and coated nuts.

11-22-2008, 08:41 PM
Thanks folks, This is a good place to vent some of the daily things that we have happen to us as a maple family. Hope your Thanksgiving is great with family and friends.

Pulled out another 5 gallons of light syrup from the frezzer. Also picked up a dozen quart jugs from Kennedy's to restock the shelves again. Several orders for candy and cream just before Christmas. This will be a good chance to try the syrup that I have plussed up the invert level.

Worked on the plow tractor and helped Eric put in a new hot water tank this P.M..

Also went to local fab shop (Edinboro Industries) today and punched 200 holes in air grates for Keith Talbot. He still is looking for 3 x 7 set of pans or something he can modify. If he had the stack and pans he could be boiling! I think he is going to tap about 100 or so taps?


11-23-2008, 09:42 AM
just got in from the sugar house there is about 3 inchs in driveway after spending 2 long hours yestarday with the loader digging out driveway hope we get i let up or my main lines will be under snow looking at the long term it not looking good if we get what they are predicting it will be close to 4 feet on the grown but i hope this is one of them time the weather man is wrong

11-23-2008, 05:44 PM
You guys just to the East of us do get a little heavier frost than us sometimes. I was deer hunting near Waterford years back, after a big storm and wasn't sure if I was going to be able to drag myself through the 40 inches of heavy frost:)

I did get my tractor fixed today. Amazing things happen when you set down and read the manual;) Ready for the next frost.

Should be making Maple mustard tonight? But Cheryl and I just got back from a nice steak dinner at Long Horn in Erie. I think they have about the best fillet around! (Spending some of that hard earned syrup money to help the economy):)
Back to work for 2 days then PA bear season hunting on 26 Th.


11-23-2008, 09:21 PM
to give you a better idea of where i at my sugar house is about
1000 feet south of the old pa state line

i hunt the late flintlock season out by you in that big game lands off of 6
cause by that time there is to much snow to be walking though out here but this year i will be going down to the mountains my family leased 2500 arc. from IP see how it goes down there will be down there for the first week unless i get one

11-24-2008, 05:11 AM
Guys-I got the tanks in place in the woods yesterday. Now all the tanks are where they need to be. I think yesterday was a milestone of sorts. Thats the end of all the hard work. Now Im pretty much to where Im doing a lot of hooking up things. Still a good bit to do but its all easy work. Depending on money I still want to do the buckets. If I come up with it which I think I will Im going to put out a 1000 buckets besides the house taps. Have to wait and see. Cant wait for spring. Could be tapping in in January and thats right around the corner. Theron

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-24-2008, 07:21 AM
Snoop=How many soup cans on trees do you plan on running this year/gotta make it small and light to keep the young'ns moving i don't think they could handle a full 5 gal. bucket could they??. :D

D Day is just around the corner next week. That deadline for some proof.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-24-2008, 07:29 AM
someone had a source/How many do you figure you'll need??

11-24-2008, 08:29 AM
as my maple tours continue, yesterday i stopped to see "the big sap zar of maple ridge". elevation, trees and location are all there for big sap. great views too. nice set up. lots of pictures. got to full tour of new tanks, vac set up and new woods being built. and sugar house. what a nice operation!!

Gary R
11-24-2008, 10:07 AM
Saturday we had a birthday party for my wife. While the gang was here I test fired the revised rig. WOW! I think I will run it with the fan speed a little lower. Serious flame in that baby. Heated up to boil and cooled down fast. I thought I had enough wood for a couple of years. I might use it all this year the way it was eating it up. I have a few smoke leaks around the arch and a couple condensate leaks from the hood to fix. Add a support arm for the steam stack and I think it's ready for the real thing.

I'll probably buy a stack thermometer just to see what it's running at. I don't want to burn the place down:) .

Now how many taps.....;)

Jim Brown
11-24-2008, 11:42 AM
Gary; Just back the fan down enough that she don't smoke! but keeps fanning the flames!I'll be over to help you when your ready to run the tubing on those 500 or so taps it will take to keep the old girl in sap now!LOL


11-24-2008, 06:28 PM
Well my wife hit me with some news last night. Of course it was just as I walked in from 11 degree heat all day slinging muck and spreading gravel and dead tired.

Seems I am going to have a sap hauler in July. Now I feel like I have officially joined the ranks of the rest of you guys. I am still in shock I think.

Andy were you at my house 6-7 weeks ago?

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-24-2008, 06:39 PM
Hey Matt,
Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Can't you have her move the date up a bit. You need help in March, not July.

11-24-2008, 06:41 PM
Thanks doug, but this way I at least have one more sugaring season before I have to sell all my stuff and change sh*tty diapers the rest of my life.

3% Solution
11-24-2008, 06:44 PM
Hey Matt,
I would say the July date works well, she'll only be like 7 months along, she can still be in the sugarhouse lugging wood.
by the time a year rolls around she be just as fit to help again!!!!
Oooooops, just kidding, just kidding!!!!!!
Tell the little lady "Congrats" also!!!!


11-24-2008, 07:01 PM
congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Royalmaple. You'll be great parents.

Russell Lampron
11-24-2008, 07:11 PM
Congratulations Matt,

You aren't going to have to change s#*%%y diapers for the rest of your life. Only for a couple of years then it s#*%%y underwear until they, oops! I mean "it" is house broken. Best of luck to you and Gina.

11-24-2008, 07:23 PM
Congrats on the little on on the way. You can keep the sugaring stuff for a few years til college. Then when that first tuition bill comes you'll wish stainless was $1000.00 an ounce! LOL
Congrats to the wife as well!

11-24-2008, 08:05 PM
Congrats to you. My first child was born in early Feb so it was a long and hard sugaring season. Boiling long days and then being up all night sucked. My second child was in mid april so sugaring season had just ended but that is all behind me now and they are begining to help and still young enoughto want to help with out much complaining.
Anyways best of luck to you.

11-24-2008, 08:48 PM
congratulations mr & mrs ROYALMAPLE


Haynes Forest Products
11-24-2008, 09:08 PM
Be nice to the kids one day they will be changing your S*&$#%^ dipers but that depends.................

11-24-2008, 09:29 PM
Matt and Ms,
Congratulations on the addition to the family! Enjoy the special time when their young.

11-24-2008, 09:35 PM
Had my first winter market sunday, way more sales than I expected. Even without offering 1/2 gallons or gallons. I'm not bottling the big boys till I have made some syrup next year. I got to one of my bushes today and started hanging the tubing that I take down for the summer when the owners are there. I need to get a week straight in at my new bush to make a big dent in the 5/16 line, but something else comes up every day. Tomorrow were supposed to get a foot of snow so my wife wants my truck to go to school. Guess I'll get her car stuck in the woods! Congrats to the soon to be daddy. Diapers are not all that bad. Once they start to play, or help in the saphouse, all the diapers are forgotten.

11-25-2008, 01:18 AM
congrats Matt the first few mouth are kinda hard all they do is eat sleep and s#*t the then the rest is blast my son just turned 9 mouths old i was out in the woods taping when i got the call to go to the hosp i looked like a real red neck mud up to my neck carharts barn boots in all still had spare taping bit in my pocket

11-25-2008, 05:38 AM
Matt- here is what you can look forward to...ah, you probably don't do buckets- but you get the idea...mine now seem to like being on defoamer patrol more than anything...good luck...

11-25-2008, 05:46 AM
that is cool i hope my son is into making syrup unlike my "sister's son" he just turned 6 when they came down to sugar house last season his dad had to carry him cause he don't like mud he would rather be on the couch playing video game if i have my way my son will never see a video game

11-25-2008, 06:26 AM
Thanks everyone, it is starting to sink in now and I'm sure all the not so fun things will be outweighed by the really fun stuff.

11-25-2008, 06:29 AM
Congrats Matt-speaking from recent experience there is no better sight than a diaper so full it exploded out the leg holes and half way up the back! You obviously have too much time on your hands or you wouldn't have gotten yourself in this position. LOL. I agree with Tucker, start them small with buckets....that being said you better start buying now before Theron corners that market too. Congrats to the misses also.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-25-2008, 06:51 AM
Congrats. You thought your hands were full before/there tied behind your back now :D . XXX full time job now/in 9 Mos..

Team Sap is looking for equipment to buy next summer and this plan may fall right into it. I think snoop had this all planned from the beginning???

11-25-2008, 07:29 AM
know we all know what matt was doing when his computer got that bug

11-25-2008, 08:12 AM
First Blast Of Winter This Morning, Got All My Customers Plowed Out. Looks Like About 4 Inches Of White Stuff


NH Maplemaker
11-25-2008, 08:22 AM
Matt, remenber don't flush the diaper!! Frist rule of a new Dad !!! Congradulations

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-25-2008, 12:21 PM
Gotta just love November in the North country. 34 degrees and rain. I wish it would drop back to the balmy 15 degrees and sunshine we had a couple days ago. Being wet sucks! On the plus side, all my mainline is suspended on the wire. I need an additional 100 ft of 3 quata inch and will have all the mainline in the front bush accounted for. About 1500 feet to wire tie yet but at least now it should be above the snow for a couple of weeks. About 500 taps to run laterals for and then saddle clamps and connectors and finish the ladders. With some luck, I might be able to get the first bunch in the back bush set up and running for this spring. Hey Theron, since you are all caught up and aren't busy, have lots of experience in setting up new bushes, why don't you come show an old northern New Yorker how it's done.

11-25-2008, 01:24 PM
hey matt dont look at any of us i go sit down and have a talk with the captain u know i think when we pass out he has his own parties .... and if he denies it ask sailor jerry

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-25-2008, 02:00 PM
Team Sap theme song??

See snoops link below=Were in for the free ride.........

Snoop thanks for sniffin' through all the dirt and getting back on the trail=just what i needed.
Went into work last night and there was some turkeys in the freezer with employees name on them and there was one that said "To Kevin from Obama" Nice...

11-25-2008, 02:20 PM
on a serious note my daughter was the second no third best think that ever happened to me ... her momma was first or second humm was sugaring the best thing or was her momma the first hummm better go ask the capt that one

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-25-2008, 02:32 PM
That's it=We're in for the free ride. Lovin' every minute of it come on...

Valley View Sugarhouse
11-25-2008, 02:55 PM
This one would work for a theme song for team sap too...


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-25-2008, 02:57 PM
So funny= about 2 weeks ago i watched that video...lol

11-25-2008, 03:10 PM
My new Atlantic Fluidics A5 pump arrived today. Its pretty small (only 1 hp)
but should provide that elusive high vacuum. It will be nice to not worry about burning up the Delaval 73.

11-26-2008, 04:43 AM
Doug- Id love to come up and give you a hand and Andy. Ive got one mane problem stopping me, town job. Last year I used up all my vacation to do the syruping. Actually the last of my vacation was up to Matts cutting all that brush down. Ive got a half hour left. Do have sick leave though. Got quite a few ailments so maybe I could just come up there and recuperate. Im not quite done yet. I just have all the big stuff done. Ive still got to put in roughly 1000 drops, 400 saddles, make up a bunch of mainline connections, install a crate of hose clamps, plumb in a releaser, clean tanks, install a sump pump, plumb up tanks, cut and split more wood, get buckets ready and maybe run two lines to collect sapsacks and buckets. Gonna try to put in at least 1000 buckets like I was saying and if I can get the money Im thinking now of putting in another thousand of them in another bush. Gonna see if I can sell my antique truck and if it brings enough Im going to do it. You run two thousand buckets your starting to take things seriously. I dont really know if I can afford to do the buckets but if I get the money I will. Its all a matter of what I come up with. I have one goal this spring and thats to FILL BARRELLS, LOTS OF THEM. Theron

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-26-2008, 05:00 AM
Somehow, I knew that when you had all the big stuff done, you would find some more trees that "waaaanted" to be tapped. Does your Dad have any idea of the hours he is going to be boiling or are you gonna surprise him?

11-26-2008, 05:10 AM
I think he has an idea. He actually has less time off this year than last year. Im going to have to probly do a lot more myself. The year after though he wont be working and itll be a cakewalk. Im kind of banking on the recirculation thing. Thing is though you dont get a big run every day. Ill be up against it on those days but usually I dont think it will be too bad. Ill just do the best I can. I just want sap to boil. Once I reallized last year that those dinky little barrells were worth a grand a piece it shined a whole new light on this syrup making for me. I might have to even get mommy involved, maybe train her to press or something. Wont hurt her any. Everybody is going to have to pitch in. Dad will be albe to help quite a bit and if I have to Ill get more tanks maybe some plastic ones. Theron

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-26-2008, 05:23 AM
My Dad has been the chief sugar maker here for a long time. He can remember "helping" when he was 3. When he was 21 they went from flat pans to an evaporator and he took over the boiling. His uncle said he was too old to learn to boil on "that thing". He is now 87 and still looks forward to the sugaring season. He still will watch the evaporator when I have to step out for a few minutes but prefers not to fire or to draw syrup. It still helps out a lot and it is a great reward to watch his enjoyment of the whole thing. Couple weeks ago he made my day by telling me how My Grandpa would have liked to see what I'm doing with the woods.

Gary R
11-26-2008, 06:13 AM
Jim Brown,

Friday looks like a good day. Want any help with your tubing? Give me a call if you want it.

11-26-2008, 06:33 AM
I think my dad is going to be kind of like that. His dad made syrup when he was my boys age. Grandpa made a lot of syrup and dad can remember gathering with horses. I kind of wish my grandfather was still around to see how I make syrup today. I dont believe he could ever have imagined the technology. Im sure he would love it. He had the love of syruping and did it when he retired in town and thats where I first saw it done. I can remember dad and him making a barrell evap and we had a lot of fun with it. Grandma even made cream for us. You want to hook a kid on syrup give him some of that stuff. Theron

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 09:01 AM
Snoop- The kids crew running 2,000 never mind even 1,000 buckets reminds me of my favorite song= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNzEQ8hG1zA

Just doesn't make sense/but then when your in the BIGGERSAP race anything could happen??

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 09:57 AM
Snoop dog- I just see that your only listed as a maple Enthusist and not a Maple Addict=Maybe this will help. If your going to 4-6,000 then i better check our RC and with the assistance of 3% maybe i can get 7,000 and that should do it.

Guess you don't have it bad enough?/Better get picking up the pace if you want to keep up with the kids crew!!.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 12:30 PM
I missed the post about the trip to Hawaii to look for Obama's factual birth certificate's=better cancel on that unless you can show me 6,000 soup cans hanging from maple trees. But then yet if were good enough like them we can get our buddies to make up one like they do/Hot off the press and we'll claim the 1 Million $ and be able to buy enough cans so the dream can be a reality.

I still can't figure out how so much dirt can be covered up/But i guess if you dig deep enough you'll get to the bottom of the pit. All the discrepancy's is what amazes me/And the cronies that try and cover it all up..

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 12:33 PM
I was wondering if anyone can tell me where the line is from say=
Backyard boiling on up to Sugarmaker/sugarmaster or head sap cooker is in quanity wise of taps or knowledge wise of maple sugaring?

Survey says?????

11-26-2008, 12:52 PM
so u mean how many taps do u need before your a sugarmaker not a hobyist

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 01:06 PM
Yes= Where is the chart?

Like 50 taps is = backyard
250 is = hobbiest
1000 is = producer
5000 is = large commercial producer
10,000 is = sugarmaker/Sugarmaster- How can you differance between the two??
Internet nitwit is = know it all/Master of none :D

11-26-2008, 01:06 PM
what i have to have a 1000 in before i am a producer ....****

11-26-2008, 01:11 PM
and what happens next year when i am shooting for 400 and i am in between am i nothing

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 01:30 PM
You graduate to a bucket carrier. Start from the bottom of the rope and try and work you way to the top.

11-26-2008, 01:35 PM
lol i am a bucket carrier lol but i now have a sugar house with a slab and a seperate finishing room with water and electric and i did sell some bulk does that help

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 03:46 PM
Chinese Buffets= 9 in 7 days.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 03:52 PM
Peace=If you did that much now your probably up to at least Latrine cleaner now/That means your able to tackle on about any task. Does that sound ok??? :D

11-26-2008, 04:38 PM
Peacemaker- Your a serious producer. What you talkin about? Ive seen your pics your operation is sweet. Im the amateur, Ive only got one season on me. Theron

11-26-2008, 04:52 PM
Based on this survey I will soon be put back to Jr. Maple Hobbist.:) Will I get some sort of official notice from Kim?
You guys have way to much time on your hands!

The third annual Bears vs the Beekeeper event is over! Bears in Erie and Crawford have been warned and the hives are safe for another year.
I did see three Ruffed grouse today which surprised me. The turkeys have wiped out most of their food sources. Walking was tough but the sleeping was great.


11-26-2008, 05:25 PM
Chris- Were you guys able to give any of the bears payback for messing up your hives? Andy- You guys are picking on me wanting to put all these buckets out. We had a family meeting today and we elected mommy head filter press girl and Booy and Brother are getting their own two way radios for when their gatherin. Everything covered. Might have to do nice things for them though. Talk of mini bikes, snowmobiles, motorized this motorized that, sick days from school, time off of sunday school. I dont know where they get this stuff. Theron

11-26-2008, 05:39 PM
Andy- Ive done pretty good so far. Ive gotten them a little minibike and an old snowmobile and they have had a lot of fun with them. If they want something nice though theyll have to earn it. I like that about the syrup stuff. If they want to make money I can keep them busy. Teach them the value of a dollar. Theron

11-26-2008, 06:03 PM
Ill probly have to help them a little. I doubt I can do 2000 anyway. Ill probly end up doing most of the work. I dont think its going to be hard though. I dont think we are going to be carrying any sap. I have a trick up my sleeve. Theron

maple flats
11-26-2008, 06:08 PM
My Dad has been the chief sugar maker here for a long time. He can remember "helping" when he was 3. When he was 21 they went from flat pans to an evaporator and he took over the boiling. His uncle said he was too old to learn to boil on "that thing". He is now 87 and still looks forward to the sugaring season. He still will watch the evaporator when I have to step out for a few minutes but prefers not to fire or to draw syrup. It still helps out a lot and it is a great reward to watch his enjoyment of the whole thing. Couple weeks ago he made my day by telling me how My Grandpa would have liked to see what I'm doing with the woods.
That got me to thinking, the part about grandpa. My dad died in 2003 at the age of 91. When he was a teenager he and my grandfather planted a small orchard of sugar maples on an elevated bank of a large creek (about 30 ft drop and steep enough that I would need to hold onto trees to navigate. Unfortunately most of the trees got bulldozed out when a new road and bridge was added, and all of that property was taken by the state. Only about enough trees remain for about 20 taps. I am sure the state did not fairly compensate grandpa for his loss of future maple production. He actually never made any syrup because just about the time the trees were getting big enough to tap the land was taken. Dad told me at one time that there were about 50 trees planted originally.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 06:55 PM
Found more taps for you theron.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 07:07 PM
Snoop- You got me thinking and your right/probably shouldn't help the opponent=Should i re-neg on the next shipment of supplies headed south/especially if he has already got the $ in the mail to me for them?=That could be put towards our operation-Team Sap 2011.

Sorry about that brother.

11-26-2008, 07:50 PM
Maple Flats- Too bad about the trees. That would have been neat to have seen how they would have turned out. Maybe you could still tap the ones that are left. Theron

11-26-2008, 08:10 PM
latrine cleaner was sounding good but then i read the deal about china buff its i can destroy a china buff it(thats what a thru hiker calls it )i once ate 15 heaping plates full then went for dessert ... we shut him down 2 hours early he ran out of food ...lol and that was my fourth meal of the day ...

3% Solution
11-26-2008, 08:17 PM
Hey Gov & Andy,
What's in it for me???

I don't belong to anyone yet, what can you offer???

Russ you want to throw in here too???

3% Solution
11-26-2008, 08:19 PM
NHMaplemaker you want to take dibs on me too????

Valley View Sugarhouse
11-26-2008, 08:28 PM
3% you do what you want, but if you want to be with the winners, I would say you know where the answer is.. Its not all about the money, like some think, its more about the fact VT & NH is going to produce more then Canada

3% Solution
11-26-2008, 08:31 PM
Yeah I know it's not all money, PA maybe talking toys, big toys!!!!
If it was about money, this would be a blank board!!!!


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-27-2008, 01:03 AM
Where is WVMAPLER=Did he go to mexico looking for me??

Russell Lampron
11-27-2008, 05:31 AM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Dave we can form team New Hampshire. There are a lot of producers in the area that could join us to compete with the other teams.

I think WV said something about taking most of the month off to hunt trophy bucks. He's probably out in the woods somewhere without a computer.

3% Solution
11-27-2008, 06:21 AM
Hey Good Morning Everyone!!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
Never mind politics, let's go get the fixin's ready to eat!!!!!!!
Be Thankful we're all FREE, because of folks like Ethan!!!!!!!
Russ we'll chat latter!!!!

Jim Brown
11-27-2008, 08:04 AM
Good Morning All and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
If you enjoy your freedom to say what you what when you want and make as much syrup or talk about making as much syrup as you want(even though you may not ever make it) Then give thanks! to our men and woman in uniform and those who went before them!
Most of all give thanks to the LORD for he controls all things!

Enjoy the day gentlemen!


11-27-2008, 09:04 AM
and for the native americans who for some reason didnt let us starve to death when they had the chance ... (i bet the could just kill that indian that helped the white man ) but not only did they help us there but if it wasnt for them this addiction we all share wouldnt be

11-27-2008, 12:17 PM
3% you do what you want, but if you want to be with the winners, I would say you know where the answer is.. Its not all about the money, like some think, its more about the fact VT & NH is going to produce more then Canada

You've got a long way to go to make that happen! Last I checked Ontario, Vermont and New York each had about 5% of the pie. Quebec had 75% - you'd better start stretching more tubing in a hurry!

Haynes Forest Products
11-27-2008, 01:13 PM
Just remember the first thanksgiving was the pilgrims sharing thair food with the Indians.

11-27-2008, 07:34 PM
Haynes, I thought it was the other way around. Did they change history on me again?

11-28-2008, 12:51 PM
Caned 5 gallons of light syrup this morning and made a batch of Hot Maple Mustard today for orders.
Made a small batch of maple candy to send home with the kids last night.
Also recovering from mountains of food from yesterday. Lots to be thankfull for too!


11-28-2008, 05:57 PM
I have my first Christmas craft fair tommorrow. I'm hoping that sales will be as good as previous years. time will tell.

11-28-2008, 09:09 PM
come now spring is just around the corner and when the sap is running it wont matter the capt will be yelling and the steam will be rolling and all is good

Jeff E
11-28-2008, 11:42 PM
Belated Happy Thanksgiving-It was the pilgrams haveing a meal and thanking the Almighty for the good fortune they had, despite some exraordinary obsticles and difficulties. They also had some helpful neighbors, though not online.

Much Like us syrup makers, trying to pull it together for another spring. Focus on what is important, such as we did with Matt and the soon to be Momma. Have fun, fight the good fight (there are many), and walk away from the dumb fights.

November is about done brothers, and I cant imagine a longer string for December, but you never know!

11-29-2008, 03:06 AM
Worked all day yesterday in the sugar bush. Doin a lot of mainline work. I extended a lot of the dry lines this year to eliminate freeze up problems. Now Im going back and making up all the connections and side tying everything. Had an awefull session yesterday with a pvc booster. Had lines going every which way and working with 1.25. Didnt go good. Worked for a couple hours and got a little too much tension going one way and basically it just exploded. I was pretty glad. Dont like boosers anyway. Now its all line. Much better. Heading back up in right now. Got One more fitting to put in and then a bunch of grading and I think the mains are done that are there. Then I have two lateral mainlines I need to run new and my side of the road is done on the mains. Then I have to go across the road and make all the connections over there. I did run a dry there too so lot of connections. Got a case of 500 hose clamps and they are going fast. Ill tell you what I really didnt think 3000+ taps would be that bad to do with all the taps my buddy Richard has but Ive got to say its taking one heck of an effort. I live right here and can work everyday and its still taking forever. Should be nice when its done though. I think Ill have the mains done Sunday then Im really into easy work. Still got about 1000 drops to put in and maybe 400 saddles and then Im getting pretty close to done. Keep me posted all things maple. Got to finish up coffee and go get my raccoon headlight. Theron

11-29-2008, 04:52 AM
Hope u all had a good turkey day!!!I'm heading to bascom's this moring. I'm bringing up 100 gals of dark amber and getting some new equipment.So much work so little time LOL

11-29-2008, 07:32 AM
It is great that we as Americans have the right to voice our opinions and there are places for that. Kim and the Maple Guys are providing this forum for all things Maple. As Parker said, "Focus" boys. It is almost go time.

3% Solution
11-29-2008, 07:48 AM
Hi Mark,
I guess you guys have jump a step!!
I'll have to stop over to check the "New" rig out!!!
If you guys need a hand with anything just give me a yell!


11-29-2008, 09:15 AM
Hi Dave,

Yes, after spending a few too many hours boiling last year we purchased a used 3x8 Leader, Patriot raised flue from Bascom's. Syrup pan is pretty warped but we will make it work for this season. We have it all in and bricked up and only have to set up a blower.

I am excited to fire her up and see what she can do. I think everyone should have a new piece of equipment for the new season.

Brian Ryther
11-29-2008, 03:21 PM
Finished the 10mph / 800gal Tank this morning. Then it was off to put the hose clamps on the new bush. 5 valves and I will be ready for Spring.

11-30-2008, 04:18 AM
Brian- Thats a sharp looking rig. Like the tractor alot too. Are you going to block up the trailer when its in service or will it support all that weight? Theron

Jim Brown
11-30-2008, 05:11 PM
Well with the help of Gary R. Got the small bush in some state of ready after cleaning up storm damage. Only lost 9 taps. Thanks Gary really appreicate the help!
In the woods tomorrow morning to see if the deer will be moving around. Rain and wind right now most likely will have to kick them in the butt to get them to move tomorrow. Rain supposed to turn to snow sometime tomorrow melted the last of the 6 inches we had last week.Woods are not bright like they were yesterday and the day before.
good Luck to All Pa hunter be safe!!


Brian Ryther
11-30-2008, 06:16 PM
I will put on four jacks to be able to level it when I bring it to it's location.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-30-2008, 07:39 PM
As we speak i'm in the process of drilling out my hook holes in my soup can for this week expansion.

Valley View Sugarhouse
11-30-2008, 08:28 PM
I would like to take a minute and apolagize to all the traders I made read my political posts, It was not fair of me to post oppinions that I hold and some of you do not beleive in, and force you to read them taboot.. Above and beyond the political posts, I would like to apolagize for any posts that where off topic including, but not limited to: religion relatet, hunting related, and what my brother did last wednesday, etc... Again I apolagize, and I hope someday everyone can forgive me, or better yet take responsability for themselves and not read any posts, posted by people that they do not like, or express their concern to the person directly. It blows my mind this day in age where we live in a country with freedom of speach, where people would complain about what one person mite say.. GROW UP!! This is some of the things that make this country great..

OK now back to the normal november journal!! Has anybody experimented with beer cans as buckets??? I think you could use the tab as the hook on the spout, and the can for collection... Any ideas would be great!!!


Andy Snoozing Here

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-30-2008, 08:40 PM
I thing if wind doesn't blow hard enough it might work. What about if you put a drop tube into the hole to stabilize it and about every 5-7 minutes you hit the switch to the vacuum pump at the pump house and empty them=The trick is though to keep them at least 1/3 full so thet they don't get blown into the next county. Might have to get the stop watch out for exact timing/There is quite the science to it. If done right it should work flawlessly.

11-30-2008, 09:10 PM
We have a few more taps to put in and we're ready for next spring. We are getting some more tubing tomorrow. It should be a good season.

Good luck out there in mapleland!

Only 2 months for some of you now. We're more like 3 months away up here.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-30-2008, 09:17 PM
Is there a doctor in the house?? Better not tell your mommy about that...