View Full Version : 4 Months away

10-13-2008, 01:02 PM
But who's counting????

Today is Oct 13th
This time in Feb we will be tightening or finishing up tubing,getting buckets ready, setting up the truck tanks, tidying up the sugarhouse....OH Man does it feel close already

Who's doing what in Mass?????

Clan Delaney
10-14-2008, 06:53 PM
Still trying to get a floor on the new shack.

Gotta ask my neighbor about tapping his trees.

Wondering if I should string my meager lines now, or in Feb. Pro: no snow now. Con: I have no idea.

10-14-2008, 07:34 PM
its much easier doing it now than in january


10-15-2008, 07:45 PM
Hi Patrick, I drove by your place today, picked up some jugs up at Devon Lane. it looks good, bet ya cant wait to get in and boil!

11-27-2008, 08:45 PM
It's thanksgiving. Only 3 months away now. I've got to get busy! We have lots of wood ready. One more line to put up. We have the mainline up, but no blues off of it yet.

As soon as hunting season is over it's time to get er done!

12-06-2008, 09:52 AM
Just wanted to introduce myself as the newest "sucker"..er... I mean future backyard maple "warrior" in Mass. (Monson). After parusing this site & it's plethora of information (usefull, useless & always entertaining) I decided to dive into the fun and buy a Shack, Evap. Buckets & fulfull a life long dream (sadly, growing up in VT this is a common aspiration). I convienced my wife that if we were going to buy a shed, why not get a sugar shack style one?...if we are getting a sugar shack style, how about a working cupola?...you see how planted the seed!? brilliant. Sooo...I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible, as to not ruin my investment (that should easily pay for itself by the year 2079). So, before I lambasted the board w/ dumb/redundant questions...I just wanted "wave hi", you all seem like a friendly bunch, willing to help fellow mapleites. I would love to see some local set ups & I would be indebted to get opinions (educated or otherwise) on mine...I'm just off Rt 20 on the Palmer/Monson line. Any advise/help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Bryon Lewis

12-06-2008, 10:08 AM
Bryon, first I want to welcome you to the mapletrader! And second I want to say glad to have another sugarmaker in Ma. I'm president of Mass Maple Producers Assoc. And I'm just down the road from you in Belchertown. I'd love to get you signed up as a member so you can take advantage of a free trip to Verona NY with us in Jan. The bus is free and registration is around 25 bucks for the seminars. Tons of seminars for the super beginner up to the big boys. Also our annual mtg is at the Mohawk regional high school also in Jan with a couple more seminars and trade show!! Give me a call you can come see my setup get some ideas and chat. 4132462813. Or email me at jim@desjardinsmaple.com Your gonna love this site and making syrup!!

hard maple
12-06-2008, 07:24 PM
welcome to the site. You're welcome to visit my operation as well, Located in Gill.
Jim's is a "must see" operation and close by too.

Also the association is a great place to meet fellow producers.

12-07-2008, 05:00 PM
welcome to the site. my wife and i live in agawam, we have a 2x4 evaporator in a 12x16 sugar shack we built on our small property. we all would be glad to share our sugar shacks and talk maple. no one sugar sugar shack is setup identical and every idea good or bad is useful.

my email is maplehut@comcast.net

Clan Delaney
12-07-2008, 06:49 PM

Good to see yet another Mass maple producer! I'm In Belchertown, on Rte 202 about 3 miles from Pelham. I just finished closing in my new shack this evening, in fact. Hung the doors, closed up the gable end... now all I need is a gorram evap! Still shopping on that one.

You've got questions? Let 'em fly! This place has been invaluable to me in getting ideas and solutions in just the last few months.


12-07-2008, 07:13 PM
clan i know of a nice one its in the classifieds

12-07-2008, 07:33 PM
I dont live in Mass and probably never will. We make much better syrup in NWPA if you ever get down here stop in and taste it:)


P.S welcome to a great maple site and hope the start of your new adventure is rewarding and fun.

Clan Delaney
12-07-2008, 07:46 PM
clan i know of a nice one its in the classifieds

I know the one! I heard the seller's gonna offer it at half price soon and pay for shipping!! :D

12-07-2008, 07:47 PM
i will ship it to u clan but i dont know about the half off

12-09-2008, 08:43 AM
Thank you for the welcome & the invites... I'm really excited te see some of the local set-ups before I permanantly affix things/tanks/& other "whatnot" in place...I want to avoid the "aww, what you should have done was..."

After Christmas I will have much more disposable free time to spare...so I will keep the peace with the wife until then. I look forward to meeting you guys & seeing your operations.

Thanks again.
