View Full Version : October Journal

Russell Lampron
10-01-2008, 05:41 AM
October is here. Sugaring season will be here before you know it. I will be stringing up some new mainlines and adding taps soon. I am just about finished getting this seasons firewood in. The sugar wood has been in for 2 weeks. Only a couple of small projects left then it is time to get into the woods.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-01-2008, 09:29 AM
Code red code red!! man where has the summer gone? Probabley less then 2 months until winter snowpack, and sooooo much to do.. Finish sugarwood house wood, tubing, man where do I start?? anybody have everything done and want to come work in my bush for the large sum of all the boiling sodas you can drink??

10-01-2008, 02:50 PM
I started October with bottling a lot of glass, and still have a couple more cases in the truck. Went and looked at a new sugarbush last week. Five acres of big maples calling my name!

10-02-2008, 02:21 PM
I have been steadily in the sugarhouse all week, I figure by tonight I will have the addition buttoned up and pulling down the inside wall, Sure will be nice to have more room in there. I know I would be freezing in there if I stayed with oil, now with wood, I should be cozy just off the stack temperature alone :o

still cutting wood, hope to have more done this weekend. still much more to do.

10-02-2008, 02:34 PM
potentially got a new sugarbush down the road. i will be setting up tubing on these though no buckets. and building a two handed tubing tool. need to mark the trees this weekend before the leaves fall.

10-02-2008, 07:01 PM
Hauling firewood for the house in fact cleaned the chimney flue and started a small fire to take the chill off.

Syrup sales have droped like the stock market.

Sounds like new additions to sugarhouse and also new ones being built too!:)

Hope things are well with everyone. Welcome to fall!
Need to get into the hives and take off the summer clover and goldenrod honey.

Still looking for a set of 2.5 x 7 pans.


10-02-2008, 09:25 PM
chris i think my uncle has a set but i think they are flat pans is that something you mite want i should see him this weekend i will find out for sure

got the go ahead from wife for another 500 taps in a new bush so come deer season that is will i be

10-03-2008, 05:48 AM
I got the rest of the wood in my wood yard cut up 4 foot yesterday in the rain,,looks more like 6 cords there now,,,still trying to hook up with the fellow with the slads,,,think all I need is another 11 cords and Ill have 40 under the roof of the woodshed,,
Prepping Massive Marvin for a facelift (removing the stock Grimm front and replacing with an air tight front) I have the syrup pan off and have bolted a bar across the top of the arch near the front to keep the sides from spreading when I take the front off,,,,might try to get the bolts cut off today if time permits......thinking I will do the front first,,,,,THEN IF I get that done change the inside of the firebox,,and blower,,,,ONE PROJECT AT A TIME MY FRIENDS,,,,,try to learn from past mistakes,,,,,,
I have had to gear my blower way down in years past,,too much wind under the pans and fire + ash would blow thru the cracks in the front,,,the new front should take care of that.....

10-03-2008, 06:36 AM
Parker- I think 10 cord a day Ray should work one more day. 50 cord minimum. You are a serious producer and 950 gallons is going to make Marvin REAL hungry. Think how devistated were all going to be if you run out of wood with the BIGSAP running. Theron

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-03-2008, 09:02 AM
does 10 cord a day Ray work for free or very little??? I could use some help like that.. LOL

10-03-2008, 02:51 PM
So my wife asked me what I'm naming the new evap.... my last one was Alice... i guess I'll have to wait till got a belly of fire and pans full of sap and steam billowing out the hood stack!!

That doesn't seem too far away either

10-03-2008, 05:16 PM
Jim, I insulated my sugar house last year and the oil rig kept it nice and cozy......I heated my RO room with a heater buddy.....Didnt cost that much.....I still wish i had power to the sugar house.....Id save a few bucks on gas...............

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-03-2008, 08:55 PM
My wife tells me that I can't name mine a mans name because it would never get anything done, and I am afraid if I name it a womans name I will never run it rite.. How do I win??

10-04-2008, 06:09 AM
Theron- I think I will be set with 40 cords,,,but if you really think I need it,,,,just for you,,,Ill put in an extra 10,,,,think I just lined up a job that has lots of potential sugarwood on it,,,,(Maplegods smiling on me),,,,
Andy,,,No,,High Production Ray does not come cheap,,,.......skilled in most all things sugaring-logging, and mechanically related, with a spine of steel and possesing the ability to "Adapt-Overcome, and Concor",,(give him a 3 pound hammer, a pair of visegrips, and a screwdriver and he can do anything),with a strong I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED-I WILL COMPLEAT THIS TASK attitude in genral,,(and funny as all get out),,All day Ray is worth every penney,,I am lucky to get a hand from him once in a while.
Which remindes me,,I gotta call him about splitting up this next 15 cords,,,
I also need to start building the new tank shed,,,I sold the 2 big bulk tanks on the hill above the sugarhouse and plan on putting 2500 gallons worth of open top tanks in a shed in their place,,,,hopefully it will be easier to keep the tanks clean during the season,,,,,,

Dave Y
10-04-2008, 06:30 AM
NW Pa Has its first frost this morning. I know it has been colder in northern NY.
It will now become easier to work in the woods, as all the ferns will die.

Uncle Tucker
10-04-2008, 08:09 AM
I went hiking in the White Mountains yesterday. Rained all morning and at 3500 feet it changed to snow. At the top of Mt. Field there was just enough to cover the ground. Looked cool with the foliage in the valleys and snow on the mountains. Got me thinking its tubing time. 5 months and counting.

3% Solution
10-04-2008, 06:38 PM
Uncle T,
Was watching the radar on Thursday and say snow and ice around the Mt. Washington area!
Fine by me, this cool weather is nice for cutting sugarin' wood.

super sappy
10-04-2008, 07:11 PM
Worked on broke down trucks all day then ran the kids over the hill to Bordens orchard . We got Apples and Sandy Borden gave us a bunch of cider donuts Half way home we enjoyed the douughts with maple cream on top . Had the family all around with a clear view of 50 miles.Wall street can fail and I will still be rich on days like today-SS

10-04-2008, 07:45 PM
AMEN to that

Dennis H.
10-05-2008, 03:43 PM
I finally got the evap bricked yesterday and let it set over night to dry.
Got up this morning split some of the wood that I had cut a few weeks ago to smaller size for the evap.

Then I fired up the evap to cure the mortar and test out how the evap does in its new home, very coooool!
I have 12' of stack now and man does it have a good natural draft. I might have to give it a try once without the blower to see how well it does.

It was great being inside running the evap I can not wait till Feb.

I also got all my buckets ready, used 1/2" copper pipe heated up with a propane torch to melt the perfect sized hole to hang on the tap.

I think I now have all the big stuff complete for go-time, I just know I am missing something.

10-05-2008, 04:48 PM
Had our best farmers market sales day in 5 years years. Sales are well above last year at the same time. Now to get in the woods and hang the new tubing to make more syrup!!

10-05-2008, 08:04 PM
worked in the sugarhouse all weekend, looking real good, got it all opened up to addition, after measuring it's 16x21 inside, plenty of room for the 3x8

I insulated the front wall and put beadboard on the interior walls, I will eventually have it on all the walls. did some re-wiring, I will have a 12ft counter with a 20 inch wire rack under it for clear plastic containers with covers to keep the darn mice out

I'm thinking trac lites over the counter so I can adjust the throw of light to where I want when I want

the new addition is a stone/gravel floor, I will try to pour a new one next year, for now it will have to stay as is

I am not making any cabinets or anything that way when I do want pour a new floor I dont have to move anything thats nailed down.

10-05-2008, 09:24 PM
PA i think you infected me after the wife give me the go ahead on more taps i am going for 1500 this year i think that all the the 3x8 will handle i took sat. off work to hunt never took bow out side was out side in new bush puting up mainline from light till dark BIGSAP HERE I COME

10-06-2008, 05:06 AM
Jrthe3- Sounds like you have the bug. I used to hunt all the time but now I really just enjoy working on the syrup stuff more. I dont know how it keeps its appeal all year but somehow it does. Its all that apprehention of the BIGSAP. Have you tried vac yet on any of your stuff? Theron

10-06-2008, 05:57 AM
PA i wanted to go to vacuum this year but i can't find a pump that will not brake the bank ben in the hunt for an old milker but can't find one i don't think i need vac this year if i get all 1500 like i want it will be all i i can do to keep up i think i my have to get back on the ro and finish it then figure out how to plum it have all the parts just need to put it together and figure out the wash part witch way to pump the water to wash it

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-06-2008, 07:10 AM
First frost of the year, makes you realize that we only have a few more months to go... Man does this weather ever get me in the mood to work on pipeline.

10-06-2008, 10:42 AM
I have checked and repaired any rodent damage and minor tree falling damage in 2 of my 3 bushes or about 2/3 of my taps. I have had all my wood in for several months(aprox 8 cords) except a small hole in one end of the shed which I will fill up soon. Not likely it will be needed, but it will be there next year if not. I am pretty much ready to go come Jan/Feb and hopefully can enjoy hunting and scouting the next 2 months.

10-06-2008, 06:37 PM
got the last of the big chores done at the house this week end. Mother-in-law 3 cords of wood, brother-in-law 3 cords of wood all cut and split and delivered with his help and some of the family. 2 cords cut and split for us and one left to be done soon. this will give us 7 cords for this drafty old house. Sugar wood is up to 4 cords and looking for more. PA says that I will need it for the banner year that we are going to have.

Started to collect angle for the new arch, and found a person to weld it up for a little or nothing( maybe a trade). Will look at some more trees this week and try to get up to 400 by the end of this month. I took Royalmaple advise on cull trees and marked a bunch of them, could be as many as 30 just here on the farm. Just hope that everything continues to go as planed. Hope that everyone's plans are going forward as are ours.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-06-2008, 08:08 PM
Culling trees comes into mind=I was reading through some research papers today and was reading on the thinning experiments they did on RED MAPLE. Instead of giving a 7 page report-I'll type a short one.

Trees were Avg. 6.5" in Diameter and they were releasing the crowns in 5, 10 and 15' increments and in 7 years later the trees increased in size up to 70% in Dia.

Thinking i'll let the Captain do the math and tell you what his trees look like in that time? Some of my Reds are in the 10-13"? range right now.

Wish i had a way of posting picture of something that i have done about exactly simular to this as i have a group of Reds that now have 6 growing seasons under the thinning that took place 7 fall's ago and you couldn't almost walk through there with your arms spread out. I did maybe 2+ acre's pulled out about 60 cord of wood and left the other 3 acre almost untouched on the other side of the stone wall.=Night and day difference. It's like a Park VS Puckerbrush. :)

I figured that in 10 years the canopy will be closed on this cut and it's going to be just about right on schedule. I can't wait to see what turns out from "Operation Devastation" in 10 years??

So there is the wisdom for the day.

10-07-2008, 06:32 AM
We will be upping the tap count hardcore in 6-8 years if that is the case. I'm pretty excited to see what happens. There is a ton of trees out there. That should be pretty amazing. Now I just need to get in there and start ripping some wood out. I've got major wood.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-07-2008, 07:52 AM
Southern Maine Maple Research Center should document that on paper and with photo's for future reference. I should start doing that as some day when i'm belly up/at least someone will say yup the governor told me so and here is the information/not lost for ever...

One more tidbit for today captain-I don't want to get you too hard=You'll be walking around stiff legged all day.

According to the study trees in WV and NH showed that crown released maples all died 10 years after due to stress. ROTFLMAO


Russell Lampron
10-07-2008, 05:45 PM
If that is the case I better get mine tapped now! They were released almost 5 years ago.

Mine have grown a lot since the lot was logged off and look nice and healthy with big crowns. I didn't take any measurements back then. I wish that I had for comparison purposes.

Has anyone noticed that the leaves aren't changing color very fast this year?

10-07-2008, 07:08 PM
The color is late this year, last year it was during our fair the second week of Sept.
I did some thinning of the wood lot this spring and opened up the sun light to the little trees and the size of the leaves on the little sugars are 6 and 7''. I'm amazed at the difference.
On another note I can't wait for the job I'm on to be done so I can start running some short tubing runs for the spring, the changes are making me stay longer than I really wanted to be there. My first go at it and it should be interesting.

10-07-2008, 08:44 PM
Kevin you MF'er. Got me all worked up.

Let me tell you this, I already planned on going out and recording trees and doing just that. But I have to wait till the wood is out. I was going to go and grid it all out and have full documentation. It would be pretty interesting.

Wood processing just got a whole lot easier, starting next week.........

Firewood processor is on the way my friends, Big Wood.
Who needs wood?

10-08-2008, 04:12 AM
Matt- what did you get for a processor?

I need a maplehaulics anonymous meeting...need to talk maple and be upbeat after all the gloom and doom in the economy these days...nice to know that despite the desire for expansion/efficency improvements, I could tap tomorrow, work my tail off, and with minimal $$ spent make some good quality product...

best of luck to folks...



10-08-2008, 05:25 AM
Eric- Yesterday my coworker and I were going down the road in our crew truck and he was kind of bummed out about the economy, etc, and I was sitting there thinking about what I normally think about, tapping maple trees. He was bummed and I was nice and happy soaking up some of Peacemakers "Jesus light" and thinking about drilling holes and I told him this. Keep in mind this is after I had just checked my 401k and it was down enough to really bother a normal person. I told him whoever wins the election is going to be one of the best presidents in our nations history and the stock market is going to be down for about five years and its going to be a great buying opportunity and in the long run is going to make us a lot of money and that my coworkers wife is always going to be in the mood. I just threw that in there becouse he was really down. Its all perception. Cant let things get you down. Im not taking the seriousness of the situation lightly becouse its bad but what can you do you might as well laugh as cry. If we go into a depression well make syrup on gravity and go hunting and fishing all the time and live like the indians did. My kids would probly love it. Theron

10-08-2008, 05:50 AM
PA the other day the wife and i where driving down to my uncle house and she was going on about money and how she lost so much in the stock market and how if it keeps getting wors she will loose her job don't know what we will do for food if she looses her job then we turned on to another road there were 3 deer standing in the feild i told her we will never go hungry cause i go shoot some more deer for food she asked how i was going to do that cause deer season is only so long and i only have two tags i told her if is a matter of eating or not i don't care about tags or seasons

10-08-2008, 06:01 AM
PA you better fire that pump up and tap some them cull trees this fall looking like it mite be a good fall for making syrup then you could get an early FIX OF BIGSAP

10-08-2008, 06:26 AM
Ill tell you what I think that it would run here good right now. Perfect conditions. Theron

3% Solution
10-08-2008, 06:43 AM
Good morning,
It's kinda cool here in the Northeast .......... 27!
Now all of you folks in the stock market (which includes me and my wife), you have got to remember one thing; We haven't lost money until we cash it all in and get less out than we have put in.
Stocks have always been a long term thing.
As I keep telling my wife, the glass is half full, not half empty!
PA I think you are right, after this *@^%# election, things are going to level out and be ok (maybe not great, but OK).
Remember, it's an election year and this kinda crap happens everytime!!
The price of fuel has put us into this mess!!
PA your right, just keep thinking BIG SAP, BIG SAP!!!!!!!


10-08-2008, 06:50 AM
What else can you do? If your all mad and upset you still have the same problems. If you try to deal with it and try not to focus on it you still have the same problems. Might as well try to be posative. As long as ive got my family and were all eating and warm I can replace any material things Ive got now. Actually I dont have many left anyway becouse Ive sold them all and bought sap line with the money. Theron

10-08-2008, 06:56 AM

I bought a Hakki 1x37 pto driven processor. I've been looking to buy one for a few years. I demo'd one two years ago, They added a bunch of new features that make it easier to use, and I bit the bullet.

We just got 55 acres to cut this winter, and another 25+ acre lot up north on my brother's land so we got some wood available that's for sure.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-08-2008, 08:47 AM
Last night while i was boiling i was looking through about 100 pages of different research projects that took place from subjects on Birdseye maple, Maple seeds, Silver maple cloning and a couple of red maple reports again. SO here is the wisdom for the day.

If i can remember correctly how they worded it?

They said that red maple responds well to thinning and in Canada there was this stand of 35 year old red maple clumps (just like at Southern Maine Maple Research Center) Anyways they reduced the clumps until 1 of the best stems remained. There was like 1,057 stems per acre and they thinned that down to 225 stems with an estimated cubic Ft. of 408'? after 10 years they estimated that there was 910+ cubic Ft. per acre then and the stems more then doubled in size.

So 10 years they double timed it=bigtime...

Better get yer tubin' strung-there be there before you know it?

10-08-2008, 07:57 PM
As for the problems in the market, I agree with 3% that stocks are for long term investments but I feel bad for the ones who bought 30 years ago with the intent of retiring about this time only to see the last 15 or so years worth of growth disapear in the last few weeks. I know it will eventually rebound but for those that are looking to cash out for retirement it sucks. Luckily I'm still in my 40's and retirements not an issue yet.

10-08-2008, 09:03 PM
Interesting yesterday or today I seen it on one of the Yahoo headlines that experts estimate that retirees have lost aprox 2 trillion dollars in the recent past.


Russell Lampron
10-09-2008, 05:33 AM
I saw that too Brandon. I have lost about $20,000 from the value of my 401K so far and am kind of glad that I still have close to 20 years before I retire.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-09-2008, 06:22 AM
I estimate I have lost about 5% in my retirement, I guess thats not so bad. all of my loss came way of logging, and wind damage..

10-09-2008, 07:20 AM
Russ I looked at mine also yesterday and also around $18'000 pitiful, but yes we are young enough to see it bounce back, just hope we recoup the loss, doubtful but hopeful !!!

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-10-2008, 09:48 AM
Man, things are all coming together, I just talked to a man that has slabs in one cord bundles, the bundles contain 50% hemlock and 50% mixed hardwood. This is what we call easy sugarwood.. and cheap too at $10 a bundle.

Big maple
10-10-2008, 05:59 PM
My partner just traded two gallons to the amish sawmill for a stack of those bundles about 120' long and 12' high. The only catch was we have to take it all before the end of the year. It works pretty well you bind the bundle tight and cut it in half and it stacks nice too way better than splitting and much faster. I like it.

3% Solution
10-10-2008, 08:45 PM
Hey Valley View,
That is just like honey to the bee!!!!
Better get all you can get!!!!


10-11-2008, 05:17 AM
Boys and I finished the last load of wood for my dad yesterday. Ive got a couple of good workers for little shavers. Today we are going to start on my neighbors wood. He has some blowdowns in his woods where Im going to be tapping that he wants out of there so were going to go get them. Boo's(10) specialty is dragging out big logs with the fourwheeler. Hes so into it hell jump right off and chain them up and everything. Both boys have their posative points. Brother is slow and steady which is great and Boo is rare and tear. Everybody has something to contribute. Mom makes us great stuff to eat. How can you ask for more. Hoping to finish the wood this week then gonna hit the lines hard. Want everything to completion by Thanksgiving. The weather people are saying were getting the most snow weve had in 5 years. Bring it on. Hoping Dad is going to retire next year maybe and become full time Sugarmaster. Better add more taps so he doesnt get bored. Theron

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-11-2008, 06:18 AM
3% I am not sure I have storage for all I can get, he has about 40 bundles now and makes about 2 a week... Kinda nice to know where I can go in the spring if I run short though.. Theron, if your dad goes full time, then you need to get a few more bushes, he would be able to check pumps, haul sap ect... sounds to me like the makings of a perfect operation. :)

10-11-2008, 06:55 AM
Im thinking that too Andy. Theron

Brian Ryther
10-11-2008, 08:40 PM
I would be nothing with out my Dad. He has put up 100+ chord this spring and summer. It is his mission to bring home a truck load of wood a day. This week he made me 150 locust fence posts for a run that will be going across a field. I supply the materials and vision, he provides the sweat.

Brian Ryther
10-11-2008, 08:46 PM
If you finish by Thanksgiving will you just sit on your hands for three months? I didn't think so.

Liquidate your 401K's and invest in Maple production. You have a better chance of making money in Maple.

10-12-2008, 07:21 AM
BR- Ive got a ton of little things to do. I really want everything just right by season so I dont have any stress like last year. I want to know all I have to do is tap in and everything is good shape. Thats amazing about the wood. Do you have any pictures of the woodpile? Theron

3% Solution
10-12-2008, 07:35 AM
I wish my dad was around, he would really enjoy himself.
This is the day of the wood!!!!!
Kids are coming over to cut wood today, fill the woodshed and cut the rest of the bundles (I hope).
I am with you about having things all done and all that needs to be done is tap and boil.
Last year was hectic we were still setting up the EEU while we was boiling, now that sucked!!!!!
This Spring it will be tap and boil, boil, boil!!!!!!!!
This guy I chat with says it's coming ........... this is the year of the BIG SAP!!!!
It's going to be 60's with clear skies here today, what a day!!!!!!
Everyone enjoy the day!!!


10-12-2008, 12:47 PM
buried the bulk tank yesterday,another 1/2 day and should be done with the wood.
next project is to eliminate 90 degree elbows in the chimney pipe


3% Solution
10-12-2008, 06:04 PM
Hi all,
Here's today's update;
Filled the wood shed, which consisted of 2010's wood
Cut some more off the bundles, 2011's wood.
We have 3 more bundles to cut up, which is 2011's wood.
I think I can get that done this week.
Then it's tubing time!!!
Then it's all done!!!!!
What a lovely day today.


Valley View Sugarhouse
10-12-2008, 06:57 PM
You better look out, Matt was here in VT today, and I think he left with some good ideas on where he could get enough trees to beat your tap count...
We also had a great discussion on how one could make the syrup really add up on the scales, you are missing the boat.
Gravel pit...

10-12-2008, 07:04 PM
Gravel pit- Matt said you have the mother of all sugarbushs. I think when you get that tube all put back together Im toast. Finished the wood up for now yesterday. Started wiretying my main and got 2 900' lines tied. Lot to go. Gotta get back in the groove. Want everything ready to rock and roll by the time it gets cold. Maybe I can spend the winter tinkering in the sugarhouse. That sounds like fun work. Crank up the stove. Do a little finetuning. Theron

Russell Lampron
10-12-2008, 07:13 PM
Got a lot done this weekend despite the break downs. The old Model AA was kind of rusty from sitting. I got the trees that were blown down cut up and pulled out of the area for the planned expansion. This afternoon was the most productive after I finally got the tractor to run long enough to keep dragging trees out. I have to fix two broken cross chains and get a new gas filter for the tractor and she will be ready to go for next weekend. It is amazing what one of these old homemade tractors will do.

It looks like when some tornadoes went through the area in July a mild one might have went through my woods. I have a few trees that are snapped off about 30 feet up from the ground. I also found a large piece of a black birch tree on the side of a hill and as far as you can see in any direction there are no black birches. You can see quite a distance too. It looked like a top section that was broken off at a fork in the tree.

3% Solution
10-12-2008, 07:21 PM
Hey Russ,
Had a couple of those "Sawing Sodas" today!
Did you get your addition on this year?


Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-12-2008, 08:45 PM
Valley View- Has the boat left the dock yet? Is there still room for a slient (forgot how you worded it)= Investor or partnership available? Anyways i could jump in with the new 10,000 tap releaser i have coming that i ordered last week/but that might slow us down and sink the USS MAPLE/I'm getting too old i might slow the Million$ operation down?.

I don't know=But will this 10,000 tap thing work if i hook up my 4 lateral lines with 53 taps coming into it? Might dump once in a season anyways?

There was a new addition to the cabinet=Got a new HP computer system and am going to get hooked up to high speed tuesday/Hopefully no more blunders. Wife got a new washer as i'm not sure/but i think ours was on it's way out or i killed it washing about 1,000 7/16 taps in it the other day=new one tomorrow night.

10-12-2008, 11:44 PM
well took saturday off work to work in woods started to string up main line wire when i desided to only put up 300 feet of main this year with about 500 taps then do rest next year then when to home depot to get main ended up with all 1600 feet i need to do the hole woods looks like that bugs got me good thinking it looks like over 1000 taps in that bush still have two more bushs if i want them it going to be long winter

Russell Lampron
10-13-2008, 05:16 AM

I am starting the expansion in the woods first. I am going to try to have 600 taps on vacuum for the upcoming season. If the price of bulk syrup stays up like it is and if I can get close to a 1/2 gallon per tap I will have plenty of money to expand the building next summer.

10-13-2008, 07:49 AM
Spent the entire weekend in the sugarhouse, The family was gone so I kicked butt. The left side of the sugarhouse is the processing area, a 10ft counter top then the canner, then the filterpress, then finally the syrup reheater for filtering. so it should work out flow wise....... reheat the syrup, then filter it into the canner, bottle it place on the counter,cool, label and to the shelves which are next in line.

Now where to put the beer fridge to keep the "flow" ( oh I mean "Boiling Soda" Pardon Me!! )

I also have been patching the bad spots in the floor. I am hoping for a new concrete floor in a year or 2

Still have to get the outside sap tanks situated and pump lines to the feed tank thought out... but theres time for that, I'm just trying to get the interior and outside cosmetics ready for the pancake breakfast/openhouse.

should I worry about branches and stuff down on lines visible to the tour area.... yes I thought so, dang more work

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-13-2008, 07:57 AM
there is no such thing as too big of a releaser, if its too big, you just don't need a tank under it, hook a pipe from releaser to RO... The invester I am looking for would shell out money, not wory about when it was paid back, and hell I would even throw a gallon of syrup a year in for them.. Being the nice guy I am in all.. Royal was over yesterday, I rode with him to deliver a vacuum pump, then we stopped in my bush for a few minutes, I think he kinda liked it seems he asked me for a few minutes of personal time to take care of something... Congrads on the new computer that should make the connection to the maple smisonian a little faster for us.. and I found after I broke the wife's washer she told me to keep my hands off the new one so that mite work out for you as well...

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-13-2008, 03:46 PM
when is the next mapleholics meeting?? My name is Andy and I have a problem!!

10-13-2008, 05:06 PM
Took a nice ride over to VT yesterday with "gravel pit". Went to see Spike at his sugarhouse and drop off his brandy new vacuum pump. He's got a great spot over there. lots of new stuff for this season.

What a great deal he has over there. Some guys have it all.

Worked here at the house today getting my new site all ready for the firewood processor due later this week. High production here we come!!

10-13-2008, 10:03 PM
well got a heck of a lot done this weekend so hopefully these pictures will come out

showing the new processing area, all in one line on the left side of the sugarhouse

10-14-2008, 05:28 AM
Brought home another 2 cords of sugarwood yesterday,,gaining.......Eric- I bet you could get 5 cords on your truck if you cut it 8 foot and put it on sideways,,,just build some stakes for the back of the bed,,,,want to haul some off of me from Wilmot to Green Crow? Ill be moving over there soon,,,,
Andy, I think the next mapleholics meeting should be at your place,,,make it a traveling thing.....help the most people....

10-14-2008, 06:40 AM
Gravel and Parker- How am I going to attend? You guys going to teleconference me in and Ill just sit and drink and tell lies too? Trying to get my mainlines in. Im tying one up a night. Brother says if I just do a little every day Ill get it done. What a great son giving me moral support like that. Theron

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-14-2008, 06:41 AM
maybe we should stream them live acrost the net..

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-14-2008, 08:34 AM
You guys let me know when you want to do it, we will make it happen...

10-14-2008, 12:45 PM
My brother and I got some time in the bush on the weekend. We got the rest of the lines stretched for our sap ladder in the new bush. One side of the ladder has 70 taps and the other has 103 so we'll need 3 "spiders" to get up to the upper mainline. All that's left to do is put in the mainline for the upper part and we're done. Since my father's not around anymore to do the lion's share of the work we're not even sure if we can handle what taps we have now so that'll be it for our expansion this year. Between now and the spring we'll likely replace some of our ancient mainline and tubing, if there's time.

I've added some pics my wife took of the sugar bush when we went out with the kids yesterday. The leaves were spectacular and the kids couldn't have had more fun! The link is:


Clan Delaney
10-14-2008, 06:49 PM
well got a heck of a lot done this weekend so hopefully these pictures will come out

showing the new processing area, all in one line on the left side of the sugarhouse

Lemme see... checking... Yup. Jealous. Nice work there. I'll be doing a white glove test on Sunday. Look sharp!

10-14-2008, 07:12 PM
Nice work in the sugar house. I've been working on a project with at least a hundred sugar maples with in eye sight and the mind has all it can do to stay focused on the job at hand. The colors are really stunning and you should see the hill side in West Paris. It is a bright yellow orange with a touch of red.

Gary R
10-14-2008, 07:24 PM
It hasn't been all dreams here. I've prepped a few extra plastic buckets, put a desk and couch in the sugar shack and made a flapper style cover for my steam stack. It looks neat with a column steam headed for the sky.

Still haven't got my new pan back.

Jim Brown, give me a call when your ready to run more tubing.

10-14-2008, 08:05 PM
Thanks Pat and TapMe, Gary.. A COUCH?? How cool is that!!

MMMM I smell Maple Candy in my kitchen!!! I have to keep the kids away from it till sunday!!! LOL

Pat, Bring on the gloves!! My wife checked it out last night loves it! I am taking tomorrow off to bottle, clean up some more things and start getting the barn ready with tables....

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-14-2008, 09:08 PM
Valley View Andy the mapleholic- It would be like getting a pay raise helping out. I work cheap=chinese buffet for like $10 VS a Gallon of Syrup-$40. :)

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-14-2008, 10:05 PM
gov you ever decide you want to give up your own gig and help a kid out when you can, we can make some music...

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-14-2008, 10:06 PM
by the way there is a pretty good all you can eat chinese buffet in leb, ever want to help, I will spring...

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-15-2008, 04:25 AM
I know where there are like 5 chinese places in Lebanon/west leb. Been to the one in White River too. I seem to sniff em all out pretty easyily. :)

Jim Brown
10-15-2008, 05:24 AM
Thanks Gary will be calling you in the next couple of weeks!


Valley View Sugarhouse
10-15-2008, 07:40 AM
Maybe we should start the next meetiing at a chinese buffet, then retire to a sugarhouse to tell lies...

10-15-2008, 08:27 AM
When and where is the next meeting?

10-15-2008, 11:49 AM

Sure got the place looking nice, really has to be high class being the state association president. Guess I need to get up there soon and check it out. Wish I had a week after I was done to fly up and give you a hand for a few days. Well, at least it is wishful thinking.

super sappy
10-15-2008, 07:06 PM
I left early today to take mom to Darthmouth,NH for the results of A cancer screening. We stopped on the way at Bascoms to pick up the 5 gallon containers that I left off 3 weeks ago when Peace maker and I went over ( I wanted them back because they were new last year, so I wrote my name on them) the guys at Bascoms set them in a seperate room for me, and they were returned like I left them ,I really did not expect this since I am " small potatoes " compared to what they deal with sometimes. Mom made out well after a cat scan and Blood tests ( cancer free) and I got my containers back like new.Those guys at Bascoms really took care of me ... on a side note the open house up there is going to be awesome with the showroom being double in size. Anyway I had a great day today and I thought that I might share it with you- SS

10-15-2008, 07:21 PM
glad to hear mom is ok ...and did u pick up my new evap for me when you where there ... i made room in the garage for it ...

10-15-2008, 07:36 PM
Thanks Brandon, sure would be cool if you were able to do that, My season will ba at least 1-2 weeks longer with the north bush.you just have to move a bit more north!! ;)

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-15-2008, 07:55 PM
Is next thursday or friday too early to plan a meeting.. I really need help!!! I have a problem!!!

10-15-2008, 09:19 PM
What is the maximum height of 600 gal CDL RO?

10-16-2008, 04:45 AM
Mark- Ill get you a measurement this morning on the unit. Been wiretying the mains across the road and its taking a while. Hoping to have the main all in over there by next weekend maybe. This next week is early muzzleloader and Im supposed to go dish out some payback so may have a temporary interuption. My main concern right now is BIGSAP and I think we are going to see some. Going to be a LOT of holes in the immediate area around my sugarhouse. Cant wait till spring. Want to have everything done way ahead and have no stress and when the forecast looks right GO TIME. Theron

10-16-2008, 05:12 AM
I think I can make a MA meeting on Thursday, but I think friday is out...

whats the location?

Valley View- admitting you have a problem is the first step...


10-16-2008, 09:56 AM
What is the maximum height of 600 gal CDL RO?

I think our membrane is just under 6' high by the time the pipe turns coming out the top.

10-17-2008, 06:42 PM
Mark- My machine is 5' 2" but I think the high pressure vessel is 6' like Ennis Maple said. Theron

10-17-2008, 06:45 PM
Spent today buying bottles, filling those bottles with maple syrup, and then selling those bottles filled with the maple syrup. I'm having a hard time keeping the shelves stocked, not a bad problem to have. Two more weeks of farmers markets and then a month to hang tubing before the winter markets start. I've got to make more syrup next year!

10-18-2008, 02:33 AM
Thanks.....Pathern and Ennismaple!

10-19-2008, 05:56 AM
Yesterday Brother and I dished out some payback on a doe. Just the kind of season I like, one hour. Nice deer. Got her hangin in the garage all skinned out nice and the weather is perfect right now for letting her hang. Went back to work yesterday across the road and am kind of breathing a sigh of relief feeling like Ive got things pretty well under control. I should have all the mainline in today. This week Ill side tie it to completion and then make the connections and Im ready to run lats. After spending the time I have in there I dont think Im going to run more taps. I think Im going to have plenty of sap to boil. My dads a good christian man but I think I may learn a whole new language of swear words when he comes up and looks at our saptanks. Cant wait to drill holes. Going to be a great spring. Theron

3% Solution
10-19-2008, 06:16 PM
Hi all,
A little update from a little operation.
The woodshed is full, 2.89 cords.
So, let's see, wood for, 2010 and 2011 is cut, stacked and covered!!
Took a few measurements for some more tubing.
Going to have about 45 less buckets out in the spring, tubing is going to help out a bunch, I can feel it already.
I think next Saturday I'm going to start putting out the tubing.
I am thinking about maybe purchasing some tree saver bucket taps. That would put us using all health spouts.
Oh yeah, got a few yard chores done, too!!!!


Justin Turco
10-19-2008, 08:59 PM
I need a DRINK. Of sap that is. I think I'm going to hand a bucket.

10-20-2008, 08:32 AM
Busy week, my wife gave birth to another sap hauler on Monday. Wife and third son are doing fine. Took off work two days to get everyone home and set up and spent some time getting the right pitch on my mains in between.

Saturday opened muzzeloader in Pa (for doe only) and I was done by 7:10am skinned and hanging by 9:00am. First deer I shot with my oldest son with me. He was so excited he almost feel out of the stand!

Still looking for an old dairy pump

10-20-2008, 08:43 AM
CONGRATS Maplewalnut!!

This weekend was a busy one! Finished up getting ready saturday for Sundays BIG pancake breakfast.

Sunday Morn we had the barn all ready...heat was on, seating for close to 50 in there plus tables outside for another 30+

the crowds started arriving around 8:30am, had about 130+ total plenty of room in the heated barn for them, kind of a revolving door, as some arrived some were leaving.

I sold some candy and syrup, did sugarhouse tours(real proud of my new expanded sugarhouse and rig!! )

All in all a perfect day, weather was a bit brisk but a gorgeous fall day.

Some people asked why we dont do more days like this through the sugar season !!! DOH!! I couldn't handle it, I would need a whole staff just working the food and all that while I was in the sugarhouse.... I'm exhausted !!

I need rest! BUT Can't rest untill after next monday when the NAMSC conference is completed!!

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-20-2008, 04:46 PM
I worked in the woods all day Saturday, more line, more taps, and more stuff that was at one time or anothe discontinued... Seems every time I walk I find the start to a new line...

10-20-2008, 08:06 PM
congrats on your new arrival maple walnut. I have 3 sons and 3 grandsons just bragging.

finished the barrel stove for the basement today and proceeded to burn the paint off. never had one before and it seems to throw some good heat, can't wait to really crank it up after the brick are in the bottom. I can see why some us them for making evaps. Looking to hang some line on the rock wall in back part of the woods, should be interesting.

10-21-2008, 02:05 PM
Finally got into the woods yesterday and hung some mainline. I was going to go out this afternoon but I did something to my shoulder crawling under my house to fix a sagging floor. I have two new sugarbushes to check out in a week or two to see how many more taps I can get by next year.

10-21-2008, 07:16 PM
Maple Walnut,
Congratulations on the new family addition and good work on the doe.

Splitting wood for the house and have a nice fire in the wood stove tonight as the wind is really raw. I feel the S word in the air. Still several more cord of wood to splirt some for the sugarhouse too. split and stacked 3 cord of maple and oak over the past weekend.
Made maple suckers over the weekend too and canned 7 gallons of nice light amber syrup to re-stock the shelves.
Also extracted 7 gallons (about 80 lbs) of medium (looks like clover) and have another 4 medium supers to extract when the weather warms again.
Sugarhouse is ready for the spring, no big improvements this fall.
Just thinking that 8 years ago yesterday I set the poles for the sugarhouse and I sure have had a lot of fun making syrup and meeting new freinds!
Looking forward to bear and deer season in NW PA, including the muzzel loader season after Christmas.


Gary R
10-21-2008, 07:39 PM
Congrat's Maplewalnut. Hope they grow up fast. Look's like you'll need help for expansion:)

I got my new pan last night. No more dreaming. I've got worked to do now!

10-21-2008, 08:03 PM
Today ranked right up there with one of the most exciting days of my life.

A buddy called me last week and had won tickets for himself and a friend(me) to go to Marlboro Hot laps day.

Well we went this morning over to NH international speedway, right in Russ lampron's back yard almost.

What an experience, absolutely amazing.

We got greeted and brought over for pictures and information about the day. Then all suited up in marlboro racing suits, hoods , gloves etc. Then off to get fitted for helmets.

Then out to the track. They had dodge avengers IROC's rolling around the track and one by one we got to hop in and go for a ride with a professional driver. It was three laps at 130 mph. Lets just say it didn't take long for full pucker.

Then we went on the drift course with new mustangs. They had other drivers in a different area in the pits. This course was really sharp left and right hand turns. Basically it was three laps of roasting the tires off those mustangs. And looking more out the side windows than the windshield to see what was coming up.

Then a big gourmet meal. It was a really high class event. Staff were excellent, everything was top notch.

And didn't cost a penny.

10-21-2008, 08:20 PM
Matt, that's taking it to the edge isn't. Now how much tubing did you hang it those 3 laps?

10-21-2008, 09:21 PM
gary the pan looks great there is one think i see that mite give you a prob. when i was small with just one pan like that i could never get syrup off the pan had a friend stop one night and he said the reason for not getting syrup was cause my dividers were not weilded solid around the edges once i did that it worked great just a thought

got the box in the mail the other day started to hook it up but the pump i have will not build over 25 psi so now in the hunt for one that will

Gary R
10-22-2008, 06:07 AM

My intentions were to have it welded solid. A guy bent and welded it for free. He asked if he could just stitch it. I recall other post's that said this was ok. So I told him to go ahead and stitch. We'll find out once I get to boiling. Worst case I could finish welding. It's not the corner's, so I shouldn't make it to ugly;)

10-22-2008, 07:16 AM
While Matt was blasting around the track, I was 2 miles away finishing up 1300' of new mainline in my own quest for "big sap". It was a great day to be doing anything outside.

Dennis H.
10-22-2008, 08:45 AM
Hey Matt, you better be careful, racing can get just as addictive as sugaring.

About 4 yrs ago a had a chance to take my 92 mustang up to Watkins Glen to run a weekend with a Porshce club and I have to say that that was the most fun I could have with my cloths on. What an awesome track.

Other than that nothing really happening down in this neck of the woods.

Russell Lampron
10-22-2008, 05:44 PM
Matt a ride on my doodlebug won't be as thrilling as the rides you had at the track but I will let you drive it.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-22-2008, 06:01 PM
Everytime i've ever rode shotgun with the captain=seems that 30 MPH is top speed :) so anything over 50 would be quite scary for the pirate/like livin' on the edge :) :) :).

3% Solution
10-22-2008, 06:52 PM
Racing ......... now that's exciting .............
Hey what's happening?
They're making a left turn!
Hey cool.
Now what's happening?
They're making a left turn!
Hey I just got back from the john, what's happening?
They're making a left turn!!!
Now that's almost nerve shattering!!!!!
Watch a hockey game, they give those boys sticks to hit each other with!!!!!!

10-22-2008, 07:02 PM
Winter came early this year, we had snow last night. Mountain tops are still covered. I'll be getting out in the woods again tomorrow and friday to hang tubing during the day , and then bottling syrup for the last farmers market at night.

Dennis H.
10-22-2008, 07:59 PM
I agree with you 3% the roundy round guys are real yawners. Thats why I only watch road course races and Formula 1 racing much more exiting when you have to turn the wheel to the right every now and then.

10-23-2008, 01:42 PM
They do turn right occasionally.... yeah "right" into the Wall !!!

Dennis H.
10-23-2008, 08:22 PM
Went up to dad's cabin and cut up some wood. It is kind of relaxing being out there cutting wood. Now the fun begins, splitting, all by hand.

While I was up there I took a short walk and I found a great grouping of sugar's close to the cabin. Probably close to 100 taps possible.

Depending on how well it goes collecting 120 buckets by hand will help me make mind up of tapping those trees up at the cabin. It would take about 1 hr to get there and transfer the sap and get back home.

I just got to keep telling my self to stop trying to find anymore trees for this year. It is soooo tough though.

10-23-2008, 09:07 PM
Dennis- Dont second guess yourself. You know your doing the right thing. Keep looking. You wont let it get out of hand. You have self control and good judgement just like the rest of us. Theron

Grade "A"
10-24-2008, 05:00 AM
Theron is so out of control I would not be surprised if you went into his house and saw that He had tapped his hard wood floors just to see if there was a little sap left in them! Really I'm just jealous.

Russell Lampron
10-24-2008, 05:06 AM
Dennis, Theron is a perfect example of good judgment and self control.

10-24-2008, 05:29 AM
I never even thought about the flooring but Its pergo so I dont think it will run good. You guys would laugh down to work theres a maple free zone sign right in one the rooms becouse the guys are so sick about hearing about maple syrup. I guess once you get the bug thats it. They talk about motorcycles and cars and stuff like that and I couldnt care less about that so were kind of even. Ive got several small bushes near my house with beautiful trees and just really dont have the money or capacity to process the sap and it just kills me. If I ever hit the lottery you guys are going to see some serious sap line go in the air. Were talking they are going to have to make a special run of 5/16 just to supply that much. One of the other funniest things is the expressions on my wifes face from time to time. I should get them on you tube for you guys. Theron

10-24-2008, 05:32 AM
This is one of the more common expressions of support I get, " You spent what? Son of a @%$ch! What have I told you about that syrup crap!"

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-24-2008, 07:13 AM
Theron, we all get those, so don't feel bad.. My wife keeps telling me if I spend any more on sugaring then the sugarhouse should be a suitable place for me to live... I especially enjoy the look she has about the end of April, when I have only had 2 hour of sleep a night for 2 months and the kids are driving her so crazy she is ready to kill me, she has been making 4 meals a day for me and all the help, well you get the picture and can probabley imagine...

maple flats
10-24-2008, 10:46 AM
My wife works along side me at boiling time, the rest is all up to me. My wife never complained about it, yet!

Jim Brown
10-24-2008, 01:32 PM
maple flats; Mine works beside me also during the season carrying food to the the evaporator room and not complaining too much when we track mud on the kitchen floor or when we are alittle bit grumpy when we haven't slept much for a couple of days! She does get upset when we buy something for the business and don't get a reciept!! She will be beside me tomorrow when we start to install 1000' feet of wire and main line.

Russell Lampron
10-24-2008, 05:41 PM
My wife doesn't complain about what I am spending on the sugaring stuff. The syrup sales have pretty much paid for everything as I go. I had been telling her that I wanted to add on to the sugar house for about 4 years now so that I would have more room to can syrup. She was always saying "yeah right I'm getting this or that first". All I had to do was have her can some syrup while we were boiling and I got the approval for the expansion. Now I just have to make more syrup to pay for it.

maple flats
10-24-2008, 06:29 PM
My wife helps boil and cans but does not help tap or string tubing or haul sap. She boils while I haul it.

Dennis H.
10-24-2008, 06:43 PM
The only thing the wife says to me is that for what I have spent on the stuff to make maple syrup we could go for a road trip to the north east and buy a drum of syrup and bring it home.

She is no fun.

Theron if I had a boat load of money I think I would go for more trees this year but I think I spent the allowable amount for this year, or so my accountant says so and she would know when I spent enough.

I got about 1/3 of the load of wood cut and split today. I worked so hard I broke my splitting wedge! Luckily I managed to split the big ones with the splitting maul. I will have to run out and get another wedge and I should stop and pickup a few pallets to stack the wood on then. We'll see how tommorrow goes.

10-24-2008, 07:00 PM
Dennis- How many taps do you think you are going to run this year now? Are you still going to do the same reds you were telling me about? You should have a lot nicer time boiling. Theron

10-24-2008, 09:45 PM
Theron and self control don't belong in the same sentence! LOL About llike saying Obama and qualified to be president in the same sentence except that's not a laughing matter.

Dave(mapleflats), guess you are lucky to have a wife that never complains. You sure would be in the minority.

10-24-2008, 10:07 PM
When my wife and I first got into the business on our own, she was very hesitant when it came to purchases for sugaring, but supported my decisions, good or bad. It took a couple years for us to really get going, before seeing a return for all of our sweat and hard work. Then it happened--a real big check from Maple Grove came in the mail! Now she looks for maples almost as much as I do!
I think we all can admit that this illness would be very difficult to go through alone. Regardless of their involvement with the business, whether it be running tubing, canning syrup or just being there to pick our spirits up when the weather is perfect and the sap won't run--the women in our lives are important to the success of your maple business.
That Theron guy may seem a little whacked, but he is the type of people this industry needs to make it survive!! Go Boy Go!!

10-25-2008, 01:08 AM
maplewrks....nicely said!

10-25-2008, 04:10 AM
I like to put funny stuff on here to make you guys laugh like the facial expressions and that kind of thing but my wife is an angel sent from heaven and I really mean that. She's just like your girls taking care of the kids all by herself in syrup season and in my case last year a lot of the year getting all set up like we did so fast. I make a real effert to make it up to her throughout the year but it doesnt come close to evening out. She is actually behind me 100%. I think at first she thought financially it wasnt a brilliant idea but like Mike said when Maple grove mailed that big check I think she realized the potential becouse when I tell her Im adding taps and I break out the calculator I dont get any static at all. The first year when they are backing in big trucks full of rediculously expensive equipment its hard for them to see the big picture. My wife is a nurse and that tells you a lot about what kind of person she is and the best partner a guy could ever have. Theron

Dennis H.
10-25-2008, 04:52 PM
Well Theron let me see, I beleive I have enough taps and buckets for 150.
I think that is all I will be able to to do for this year I will see how it goes and possible expanding a little more the following year.

I found a fence row that I was looking at doing with a length of tubing into a tank but when I priced it out it just wouldn't be possible right now.

Brian Ryther
10-25-2008, 06:06 PM
You have to have a good support team to have a "hobby" like this. When we went for the first big expansion last year I also got alot of funny looks every time I cam home with rools of tubing, new evap etc.. The best one was when I came home with a recept for the syrup and a truck load of supplys that was geater than the syrup sale. She must love me to be able to get away with this.

10-25-2008, 06:48 PM
Got the rest of the mainline hung yesterday, only added 800 ft. Did that in the afternoon after it warmed up, bottled syrup when it was 23. Spent today watching football and making droplines. I found a bosch 36 volt lithium drill for $199. If sales are good tomorrow I'll be using that to tap next year.

10-25-2008, 07:00 PM

You could probably go about all day on one battery on that thing. Where did you pick up a steal like that or is it top secret??

hard maple
10-25-2008, 09:00 PM
That is a good deal.
I paid that much for a 18 volt lithium millwaukee last year.

Jim Brown
10-26-2008, 07:06 AM
Well got 1600 feet of wire and 1'and 3/4' main line run yesterday with the help of some great folks Thanks Again Gary R. And Gary M. could not have done it without you guys!My wife and daughter were right beside us all day!
Started in a steady light rain at 9:00am ,lunch at 12:00 and finished at around 3:30 with it all hanging from the wire!
Ready to put the taps in as soon as I recoupierate(spelling was not a strong suite).Too may times up and down the hill for the old guy pulling wire and tubing!
should have around 12-1300 on vac come spring


10-26-2008, 09:10 PM
just ordered the drill from ohio powertool. $216 with shipping for a 36 volt with two of the fat batteries! I figure I can put in 600 to 800 taps with it, which is enough to do in one day for one guy. I had a great day at the last farmers market today. Only a little shy of the best day ever. Hanging tubing all this week come rain snow or anything else.

10-27-2008, 08:08 PM
What month is it? Just heard forcasts for as little as 3" to as much as 18" of SNOW in my area for tomorrow. What's up with that? New Hope - you should get pasted tomorrow with your elevation.

Glad I have most of my firewood done for sugaring, wish I could say the same for the house wood. Woops!

10-28-2008, 06:56 AM
4 inches of snow on the ground already here in the Poconos, no school for the kids, predicting another 5-8 inches today/tonight. Must be getting closer to sugaring time!

3% Solution
10-28-2008, 07:08 AM
Yup and you can keep it for awhile longer in the Poconos!!!!!
Pretty gray looking here this morning!
Calling for rain here today and rain/snow tonight.
Oh well it's why we live here!!

10-28-2008, 12:14 PM
Snowing hard here in the Catskills. Spent this morning cutting beech trees off of the road. No lack of firewood for next year. Hopefully my maples don't have too much damage other than from beech trees falling on them. Got another 50 trees plumbed for next year at my big bush yesterday. Kind of dangerous to go out in the woods today.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-28-2008, 05:51 PM
Is it still the end of OCT or is it the end of NOV?? man this weather has been wacky... snow this early, I think we mite be in trouble...

10-28-2008, 07:07 PM
Snow this early might make for a good syrup season, that's the way to look at it!

10-28-2008, 07:17 PM
Aren't you supposed to be chasing a big buck or something? How am I ever going to top the 4,000 + post of yours:)


Valley View Sugarhouse
10-28-2008, 07:24 PM
Let me be the first to tell you that alot of snow probabley doesn't hurt but a $@&% load of snow makes for a really bad season, like we had around here last year...

10-28-2008, 07:36 PM
We had 4 feet on the ground when we taped last year and it ran better than the four years before. The only problem was that we could not get to all of our taps with the snow and that was a problem. had 200 lined up and could only get to about 80 without any trouble. Dad call the snow poor mans fertilizer and in this neck of the state the apples were bigger,hay was thicker, and the trees had more leaves that before. Hoping for not as much this year and not a had cold.

10-28-2008, 08:50 PM

I don't start bow hunting until into November usually. No sense in alerting the big boys to my presence while the temps are warm and the rut hasn't kicked in. I spend my extra time now scouting out new areas and putting a lot of miles on my boots.

I hope to be off from Nov 8th thru end of Month and hope to bowhunt most days, probably even the first week of rifle season which is the week of Thanksgiving. We have four counties that are bow only and they probably killed somewhere between 50 and 100 P&Y bucks in those four counties or maybe more than that last year and during rifle season, I hope to be able to spend some time in one of those counties on public land chasing them with a stick and string.

10-29-2008, 04:54 AM
With the help of Tuckermnt got the front off Marvin last night,,,now time to modify the 4 foot wide airtight to fit,,,short on wood in the woodshed,,,and miles of tubing to walk,,,,,,

10-29-2008, 05:32 AM
yes good maplehaulics anynoumous meeting last night at Parkers...Marvin is going to look really nice after getting his facelift...I mean, look what it did for Paris Hilton...

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 05:41 AM
Missed it-Didn't hear of a meeting date being spacifically called by the President :( Next time.

10-29-2008, 08:03 AM
Missed the meeting too. Catch you guys next time.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 09:13 AM
This is starting to sound like polatics, lets call a last minute meeting, invite the people that will vote on our side, then tell everyone about it the next day... sorry I missed it...

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 10:16 AM
We need to find out how to get on the mailing list?

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 10:34 AM
we should throw a meeting here, you can bring your trailer, buy that tank Matt wants off me, then he can pay you for it at a exagerated rate, because posession is 90% of the law.. lol no he said you have a trailer big enough to haul it, if it is at your house it would be there if you ever go over... or atleast not in my yard.. :)

10-29-2008, 02:50 PM
whoa...not trying to exclude any M.A. folks from the meeting...(Mapleman3 was nice enough to put it on the "calender" feature in the header...)

would be happy to host a future M.A. meeting here...or something more in the upper valley?

someone want to suggest a date?

I'll have t-shirts for the next meeting...

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 03:19 PM
I'd have to charge him "double barrels" for payment of hauling it. I owe him a drum dolly as it is=maybe he's going to dock or maybe that is d*ink me as it is on the deal anyways. LOL He a good syrup dude. Probably come back with more then i hauled up?

I see that posted on the calendar now-Didn't know it was going to be at maple creek again? I did mention that the last Tuesday-28th of the month would work for me/But didn't know we had a place to be?.

Valley View-As the Governor i'm gonna say=you call the next months meeting=when, where ,why and don't forget how. LOL.. Might have to put out a feeler again for what would be the best date/time to meet?

I'll have to watch the Calendar more closely at the top of all the listing by your control panel to see when it is going to happen agine?

10-29-2008, 07:46 PM
Well I got about 200 drums here at the moment so that should start to take the edge off my payment wouldn't it.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 08:45 PM
We'll have to figure out a trip some day to bring up the tank and come back with a load of drums. Hope the tank isn't much over 2,000 Lbs?? even though the trailer is 22' it's only a single axle.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-29-2008, 09:58 PM

10-30-2008, 07:05 AM
I bet it isn't 300 pounds.

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-30-2008, 10:00 AM
I thought you were talking milk tank/Now i get it=It's a round bottom 10-12' maybe 14' long. Thats about 300.

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-30-2008, 10:17 AM
Its about 4' wide, 16' long 50" tall round bottom 1500 gal stainless with a wooden frame..
Thats why i figured you mite want it Gov... LOL

10-30-2008, 10:41 AM

Are you going to get serious again about making syrup this year or use the tank as a swimming pool or redneck hot tub?? LOL!

10-30-2008, 10:55 AM
red neck hot tub thats a sore subject ... where i use to tap i had a 300 gal stock tank i hadnt been to the sugar house or bush in a few months ... so i showed up to start getting ready for the season ... and notice the tank is missing so i head up to the round house i ask anyone seen the bulk tank from the sugar house ... the one kid that was a inturn says yeah i turned it into a hillbilly hot tub u need it back ... i go up its full of water frozen solid .......up on my cinder blocks and the seem is split

10-31-2008, 06:49 AM
Update from northestern Pa. Last week I made a pretty cool deal with a guy on a bulk tank. He wanted to swap me a 1500 gallon tank for a 600 and a 450. He needed two tanks and I wanted a bigger one so we did the deal. I got it in position and its really nice. Its awesome to look at. I have to climb up a stepladder to look in it. Yesterday I bought another tank over the phone. That one is a 1000 gallon and it is really nice. Im pretty proud of it. Its a round dairy cool and in perfect condition. Gonna go get it next weekend. Matts sending me a bunch of stuff and Im hoping to hit the woods again this weekend. Gonna try to do up the young stand. Gotta try to get back to work on the maple. Have had a lot of other things Ive had to do. Big prices need some big sap. Mainline is all clipped in across the road just needs to be side tied and were ready to run blue. You guys keep me posted on anything new maple. Cant wait to tap in. Hoping the sap is bigger than ever this year. Have a happy. Theron

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-31-2008, 06:56 AM
Theron a few more deals like that, and I am going to have to place you in the same catagory as myself (worlds greatest tank stealer/trader) does that make all the tanks you need??? I have a nice one only about 8 hours away :)

10-31-2008, 07:00 AM
Andy- I really have been wracking my brain on how I could get that 2000 off you and get it down here but I really am in a recession. Maybe next year. Theron

Valley View Sugarhouse
10-31-2008, 09:22 AM
I don't think that one will be around next year, its in my way to plow... There will be others though, maybe next year you will be ready to upgrade the rig to a 4X12 :) I happend to be able to help you with that...

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-31-2008, 07:21 PM
Once i get off the trader then i'll get serious. I can't really give out to many secrets=Gotta go down to the Maple Guys on monday and get my 10,000 tap releaser that just came in/but yes i'll be sugarin' unless i'm laid up again :(:(:(

Maple Hill Sugarhouse
10-31-2008, 07:28 PM
V V S= Ya that is the tank i want=Actually 1 need at least 2 of em'///Believe i'm going to go with a couple of more plastics and plumb them all in together=space is tight and straight up is gonna do it right. But right now with the economy the way everybody says it is, everyone's hoarding all their coin and i can't seem to find it=Any pointers??

10-31-2008, 07:50 PM
Keep the tanks handy Gravelpit. I just made up 200 drops only 800 to go and that should keep me out of trouble for the weekend. Young stand is goin in. Gotta keep on keepin on with the BIGSAP. I think the Governor is going to give us some serious payback with that 10000 tap releaser. Dont let him have any of your tanks and maybe Ill stand a chance of keepin up. Maybe I can put suck on so many trees down here Ill dry all you guys up in the north. I am down hill of you guys you know. Zar.

Thompson's Tree Farm
11-01-2008, 04:40 AM
Only on the map Theron,
Your bush is at 1900 ft? My sugar house is at 420. I'm gonna get a siphon started:)