View Full Version : hydrometer cross check

09-08-2008, 01:11 PM
There have been a number of posts regarding inter comparisons of hydrometers with thermometers, other hydrometers and refractometers. If you have a 0-32 Brix refractometer, here is another way.

Dilute one volume of syrup with two volumes of water, all at room temperature. Mix well and read with the refractometer. Following is a table of syrup concentration vs the refractometer reading.

deg Brix----------syrup concentration

Graph these figures for easy interpolation.

Measure the water first. Be sure your mixture contains ALL of the syrup. You must rinse the measuring container with the mixture.

I use a 10 ml test tube as the measuring device. However, even a 1 ml container provides more than sufficient sample.

09-09-2008, 04:13 PM
I copied the wrong table! It was for a sample diluted to 3 volumes. The table in "Hydrometer cross check" is now correct.

If you are so inclined, a relation for the syrup concentration is

-3.34 + 3.143*x - 0.01927*x^2,

where x is the concentration of the diluted sample in percent.