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08-19-2008, 08:28 PM
I think this is as well a great ? what does everyones wives do to support our habits...

Grade "A"
08-20-2008, 04:57 AM
My wife supports me but I only tell her about 1/4 of the money I spend!

Russell Lampron
08-20-2008, 05:14 AM
My wife gathers sap and helps with the canning. Well, she helped with the canning twice but after the first time she approved the sugar house addition.

3% Solution
08-20-2008, 05:35 AM
The wife gathers sap, (wears it sometimes, that's the highlight of the day), cans syrup, keeps the wood stacked by the arch, brings me food.
Yup she supports me well!!
Almost forgot, helps cut wood and fill the woodshed.
But, she always picks out the glass containers to buy!!!!!!

08-20-2008, 06:20 AM
My wife lets me do it, that's about it. But she does sell some syrup at work for me retail.

I'm gonna have to buy her a new t-shirt to update the picture.

08-20-2008, 06:33 AM
my wife helps me by watching bady so i can make syrup

my bigest fear is when i die my wife will sell all my syrup stuff for what i told her i payed for it

08-20-2008, 07:15 AM
I'm gonna have to buy her a new t-shirt to update the picture.

haha that was my first thought does she always wear that same shirt?

mine is going to nursing school only 4 months to go .cant wait!!

08-20-2008, 12:08 PM
My wife is really supportive of the business...although she is a homemaker, she will take care of things while I am at my 'day job'. She helps packing syrup for Farmers Markets and for Internet sales and is an all around good doobie during the season doing all kinds of things.

I'm supportive of her 'things' too ;)


maple flats
08-20-2008, 07:21 PM
My wife selects the glass, helps boil, even boils solo while I collect sap and even when I drive bus sometimes, and helps with open house. She makes the molded sugar and some occasional other goodies to sell, especially for open house.

Thompson's Tree Farm
08-21-2008, 08:43 AM
My wife provides encouragement when things don't look so hot, health insurance (lived without it for 25 years) hot suppers carried the 1/4 mile in the dark to the old sugar house, canning services, keeps it boiling when I go check the pumps and lots of other "support" so I can maintain this great addiction.

08-21-2008, 02:42 PM
You guys have it made. My wife mostly just gives me hell for tracking mud into the house all the time. She is pretty nice though becouse she has to do everything around the house, keep track of the kids, ect during syrup season. Which is pretty darn nice. I just have to be her slave the rest of the year.

08-21-2008, 02:42 PM
She supports me by letting me do what has to get done! Our sugar bush is a 3 hour drive from where we live so she's really tolerant about the number of weekends that I make the drive to work in the bush. She's also an expert labeller and puts up with the mess I make when I fill containers and make maple butter in the kitchen!

Maple Restoration
08-21-2008, 03:27 PM
My wife is very patient woman and a wonderful stay at home mother. She is a spring maple widow, but when I am at work she will head up to the bush and boil or collecting when needed. God love her. And she dose not mind when I over load the kitchen with cases of jars for bottling, as she knows we only have 6 weeks for the season.

08-21-2008, 03:31 PM
All of you with supportive wives are lucky! I'm not married yet, not in a hurry, but I'm hoping to find a good woman that will help or at least understand syrup. I think I've got a great girlfriend at the moment, we'll see if she enjoys going to the state maple tour next month or not! My last girlfriend and I broke up shortly after I stood her up over an unexepected sap run, which I can laugh about now. Probably one of the best runs ever, and I don't mean that there was alot of sap!

Jim Brown
08-21-2008, 07:30 PM
I also have a very supportive wife. When we decided 5 years ago to make this a business to give to our kids.she stepped in with both feet. I also think it did not hurt that 25+years ago she started a ceramic business in our garage and after 13 years was in a 14,000 sg foot leased building and generating around $90-100,000 a year when we sold it.( was the jack of all trades in that busniess venture.)
My wife like some of the other guys carrys food to the evapoator for who ever is firing and puts up with the mud tracks in her kitchen,helps coat nuts bottle syrup and does every farmers market with me and every craft show.She also is a accountant and handles the books for the syrup business as well as our daughter and son-in-laws construction busniess.
Oh and one other thing. She loves the LORD!


Haynes Forest Products
08-21-2008, 07:58 PM
I have the best support when it comes to the hobbie. I think when it comes to running the evaporator she has less ( oh ****s ) than me. When it comes to backing the sap hauler 1000 ft in the dark in 12" of mud thats my thing. She travels 1300 miles one way with the kids for 3 weeks and I call it a vacation and she still gets in the truck........now thats support. Plus she dont look to bad in muddy overalls

08-23-2008, 09:51 PM
My wife does refer to herself as a maple widow during the season, too. But she's great at giving the support needed during the season from bringing meals out, to collecting, which is a big task with a lot of buckets. Oh, and she's also my "CFO/accountant", so making the business successful is very important to her as well.
