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View Full Version : Gage of metal on a 2 x 6 Leader.

08-18-2008, 12:41 PM
I just purchased a 2 x 6 Leader evaporator that needs to have the sheet metal replaced and I would like to knnow what gage of metal i should use. I think I want to go with galvinized sheet metal instead of SS as the cost is more in my budget and I can get galvinized sheet metal easy. I have e-mailed the Leader Co. about two weeks ago but no one has responded. So I am asking for anyone else who re-tined their own evaporator. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Amber Gold
08-18-2008, 01:00 PM
I'd just give Leader a call. I've found them to be helpful and they should be able to give you an answer.

08-18-2008, 01:12 PM
The only problem I have is that the hours they are open are the hours I work. I just do not understand how a company can offer e-mail on their web sites and not respond to them that day or the next business day. I have found in the last two years that more and more companies are using web sites and have e-mail attached to them. And yet the companies do not use them properly. I am just frustrated with the way some companies respond to their customers e-mails. I have my own business but do not have a web site and I have always responded to all the e-mails with in 12 hours even when I am out of town. I just found it good business pratice. (Just spouting off)

08-18-2008, 05:32 PM
Go find an Amish tinsmith. They will fix you up with SS for the arch and smokestack for less than galvanized from Leader. Theres Amish in your area
and South of Buffalo.

Homestead Maple
08-18-2008, 07:54 PM
I agree with you briduhunt on the email problems. I emailed Lapierre a number of times when I bought my RO from them about questions I had on the operation and membrane care and never got a response. Calling them was as bad. I don't understand why they offer to be contacted that way if they don't reply. How fortunate we are to have members on the Trader who care. I've gotten more help from them many times over.

08-19-2008, 07:36 AM
I agree with you on responses from e mails being slow or not at all, but I bet that in most cases the ones that have the knowledge or expertise are the ones out in the sales working the counters and never see the emails. Probably the emails go to the office staff and thats as far as it goes.
Call directly and talk to the staff working the sales counter and you will get your answer.
As for the gauge I'd say its about 16-18 ga. If you have a piece from your arch just measure the thickness and that will tell you. You can get gauge thicknesses by doing a search on the web

08-22-2008, 02:24 PM
Stainless will probably last 3 times as long as galvanized. If you did it with stainless, you would probably never have to do it again. I would guess it is about 20 gauge.

I know it costs more, but in the long run, it is a lot less work and a bigger savings and will increase the resale value if you decide to upgrade.