View Full Version : some more bad luck
08-18-2008, 12:38 AM
this is a bad year for my tubing think i my go back to taking it down had i car run off road and wipe out mainline and branch line cops woke me up at 3 am had to take some more mainline down so wrecker could get the car out cops said guy was so drunk could not stand insurnce guy came out to look at damage said he has never delt with a claim like this him nor me have no idea as to what the going rate would be for tubing install and or repairs so dose anyone one know what a fair hourly rate to charge would be the insurce guy said to wright a estament and take it to him and he should be able to get me a check and have work done
08-18-2008, 03:27 AM
The going rate to have tubing installed is around 10-12.00 a tap. At least around here. Not sure what to come up with for an hourly rate. The thing would be is to see how much mainline would have to be changed, and tubing then add it all up. And tack on some extra for your time. Good luck..
3% Solution
08-18-2008, 07:09 AM
I would make a few bucks on this dumb asses mistake (both of them).
Remember you didn't cause the problem, some drunk did!!!
I would figure my time (doubled), picking up repair parts (no you don't have any at home), mileage for the gas, wear and tear on the vehicle.
Remember the insurance guy has nothing to go by here, so your setting the standard!!
Set it high enough!!
Don't mean to sound shrud here, but people need to be responsible for their actions!
08-18-2008, 07:34 AM
yes i already figured on buying a roll of tubing and 250 of all the fittings i will need cause that is the only way they come cant order just one fitting or just 10 feet of tubing
Haynes Forest Products
08-18-2008, 07:58 AM
Dont forget to charge for any trees he ran down and make sure there wasnt any oil or fuel spilled. 65.00 hr charge for travel and then ALL expenses and disposal fees. your going to need a new mainline strecher. If the agent balks at that ask him if he is willing to meet you at 3am Sat in the woods to talk about it. Thats how you let him know how much your time is worth
maple flats
08-18-2008, 05:42 PM
I agree with Haynes Forest Prodsucts. Or offer to get a bid from Glen Goodrich to do it. Let him know that Glen charges for his bids because of mileage and time involved.
08-18-2008, 11:51 PM
My dad bring up a good point today that i never thought of it was the point where the car ended up coming to the end of it roll was in the genral spot where the 500 gallon bulk tank would have been but this year for the firt time ever we took it up behind barn cause of people mite try to steel it for scrap that could of been a real nice wake up call to the drive to hit that they don't like to move with a 120 horse tractor hooked to it
08-20-2008, 10:14 PM
well talked to insurance guy this morning give him my price of $8421 for damage that was $1921 in parts and 100 hours of labor at $65 an hour told him labor was so much cause the wire that the mainline hangs from was broke and that ment that all main line had to come down and new cable put up main line reatached cause the wire can not be spliced he was not happy have an apointment friday morning at 5am in the woods cause that what time i start my day to go over all work that needs to be done i can see this being a huge ordeal so have my brother in law the attorney meating us there he love to help out
08-20-2008, 10:15 PM
oh ya should i of told insurance guy to where boots na let him figure it out
Uncle Tucker
08-21-2008, 04:47 PM
$8429... I wish a car would hit my woods. Maybe I could get paid for all the time I have in my tubing. Good luck with the ins. co. Dont let them talk you down,your time is money !!!
08-21-2008, 05:26 PM
Why can't you splice the wire?
Haynes Forest Products
08-21-2008, 07:46 PM
Always remember that when it comes to insurance agents it money in no money out. Start the conversation with the fact that he is working and getting paid and your out there defending your property. If he balks at the price you came up with tell in 5 min. you go on the clock and it will be added to the bill. I would make sure that within the first 2 min of conversation that you let him know that if he wants to drag things out that the next bill you draw up will have a line item for soil samples due to oil spill and antifreeze and your going to call the county forester and see whats the long term damage to your trees. Oh and rememder your brother inlaw is in for 1/3 LOL
08-21-2008, 08:16 PM
you can throw out any kind of numbers you like but these adjusters didnt just fall off the turnup truck. remember you have to take him to court he doesnt have to take you.
3% Solution
08-21-2008, 08:31 PM
Hey Matt,
Of course he can splice it, but not right now!!
Let's see if you start at $8421, you can settle for say $1500, yup still made some bucks!!!!
Just throwing out some $$$ without know what you really have!
It's called "Yard Saleing" or "Dickering" which ever you like the best!
Haynes Forest Products
08-21-2008, 09:25 PM
Just remember that the drunk that ran over your woods is liable not the insurance co. so if dont like the settlment take him to small claimes court. remember that you dont have to settle for a spliced mainline wire.
08-22-2008, 02:19 PM
I am amused or kinda sadden at all this rethoric. I deal with this every day and have for 12 years and then listen to everyone complain about how high their insurance rates are. It seems that when it comes to insurance claims, it turns good honest people into dishonest crooks. I am not calling anyone on this forum a crook, but just remember some of the comments on here that have already been posted the next time you get your insurance bill. Yes, insurance companies make a profit at they are for profit companies, but every dollar that is paid out affects your premium and everyone else regardless of insurance company and remember, what goes around comes around.
Not trying to offend anyone in any way, but just want to point out some things because it seems when it comes to insurance claims and I have handled aprox 16,000 in the last 12 years, everyone thinks the insurance company is the bank and should pay whatever they want regardless of how unresonable and attornies, well, don't get me started on that.
Yes, I agree this guy should pay for his reckless actions and you should be compensated for you annoyance and inconvience, but how much would you charge a good honest person that lost control on slick roads and did the same amount of damages????
3% Solution
08-24-2008, 09:07 AM
First, let me say that you are the person that got me on this site a couple of years ago and I thank you.
Secondly, always keep in mind that I honor everyone's opinion, because that opinion is their's and they have that right.
Now, for the overkill on this issue, I'm not so much in favor of that.
However, I am in favor in making this stupid drunk pay for his mistake, causing damage and extra work that jrthe3 has to do. A little extra doesn't hurt, not alot, but a little.
I would put money on it that this is not the first time this person was driving drunk. So, does this little extra that is being charged fit the crime, I think maybe. Actually, it fits the accumulation of the crimes that was commited in the past that he / she never got caught at.
If this was a person that had skidded off the road cause because it was slippery, that's a different matter, this is truly an accident. Not a self induced comma.
How many people are killed by drunk drivers each day, because they are allowed to be on the road after their second or third offense. Something is wrong with the whole system in this country.
The judicial system in this country let's them go and the insurance companies insure them. That's why premiums are so high, because these people are a risk and all of us pay for it!
Alright, now with all that off my chest, I'm not beating on you or anyone else here, I just think jrthe3 should be compensated for his damage and time!
Here's another angle, maybe jrthe3 should get some help from the person that crashed to fix up the problem.
Figure your time at double and let the person that crashed work it off at single (you know, help you fix things up and maybe gathering and boiling time) and have him/her pay for the materials needed. Maybe part of the court order, if that person is not really a bad person and is ashamed of the mistake that was made.
Just my opinion.
08-25-2008, 02:01 AM
well talked to ins. person cause to my saprise it was a women it was not either of the men i talked to on phone she was a clain ivestagator form main office very nice women she is one of the best and nicest ins. people i have ever delt with i took her down to the woods and walk her around showing her all the damage she was very amazed and even ask to see sugar house and asked alot of ? on how it was made once she seen all damage she had no prob settling for $8000 $421 less then what i had come up with she gave me a check right there was very nice about i gave her a pint of syrup to take home for her trouble
started work of fixing friday morning witch the figure i came up with i don't think is going to be to far off i have over 35 hour in to fixing it this weekend that got main line wire replace cause i think the car just stressed it to much cause every time i woold go to tighten it it would brake in another place then had to replace 200 feet of 3/4 main line that got crushed flat and three tees and 6 way stars then started to pull apart the branch line to see what i could save it was a mess could only save about half of the fitting and most of drop lines could of saves more of it but would of had to put unions every few feet will start putting tubing back together this week it did alot more damage then i thuoght it looking like 1000 feet plus of 5/16 line will have to be replaced either stretched of broke
people think i went over board on the price but the time that i am putting into fixing all this was time i planned on useing to exspand it is hard to find time with a 6 mouth old bady at home and working a full time job don't think i going to be able to add the 350 or so taps i wanted to add this year look at all the money i going to loose if the price of syrup stays up where it is now what about being comped for that ya right just have to eat it i thought about that all weekend when i was working in the woods from light to dark
08-25-2008, 02:15 AM
here is another thought on this should i of taken the time to cut all the old tubing apart to save as many of the old fittings as i could or should i of just got all new one more labor less parts or more parts less labor i wish there was a person in my parts that put tubing up for hire would of like to have them come down to give a price to fix they prob would of just repaleced it all
08-25-2008, 05:43 AM
How many taps were effected from the crash?
3% Solution
08-25-2008, 06:44 AM
Well good for you!!!!!
I guess it wasn't such a expanded price!
It is what it is!!!
You shouldn't have to pay for someone else's mistake!
Parts are cheaper than labor.
Keep your head up and add those extra taps, you've some extra money now.
No doubt you'll have some money for those extra taps.
With a new baby, some of that money will come in handy for family too!
Glad to hear you made out great on this!!!!
08-25-2008, 07:31 AM
royal there is 175 to 200 taps what the think was the mainline run down a creek bed that slops away from the road and the car rolled down the creek bed pulling and stretching and braking on all the line it stretched some of the 5/16 line till it was about a 1/8 in O.D.
Haynes Forest Products
08-25-2008, 09:03 AM
I hope some of the talking points offerd up on this thread helped. From your description of the work you have ahead of you im glad you got what both you and the insurance co felt was fair. As in any negotiation you start with your best case senario and then you hope the person holding ALL the marbles meets you part way. From what you have described i would be inclined to rip out all the tees and mainline connectors the last thing you want is fittings poping apart over the next 2 years from the stress. I would think now is the time to go with the SS mainline fittings and get yourself the SS crimp fittings (screw clamps suck) they come in 1/2 3/4 1" and larger. GOOD LUCK
08-25-2008, 01:32 PM
35 hours labor x $ 200 hourly rate = $ 7,000, not to bad for someone elses stupidity.
I don't disagree that the drunk shouldn't pay, they have ran thru my privacy fence in my back yard twice and have never paid. Here's the point no one has brought out. The drunk isn't paying for this and how does it affect him if his insurance company pays out $ 1500 or $ 15,000. He is already high risk and he doesn't care. Be nice to see him pay, but he could care less and this won't hurt him one bit.
Either way, insurance claims seem to make people that I had respect for do things that I never thought they had the capability of doing. I have handled aprox 16,000 claims, so I speak from experience, not just blowing smoke.
The insurance company owes you cost of replacement parts, resonable labor and disposable of damaged parts and a resonable fee for anoyance and inconvience, not to buy a new evaporator for some damaged tubing and mainlines.
Haynes Forest Products
08-25-2008, 03:11 PM
I to have experience with insurance companys. I would say that with all the dealings either with my cars,trucks,home,business or repairing others property that was coverd I can say that 99.9% of the time its not the insurance co that overpaid. Friend down the road lost his barn and livestock in a fire. He decided not to rebuild so did he defraud the insurance co by spending the money on other things NO its his money and he can spend it any way he wants. jrthe3 has the right to spend any and all that money on a new evaporator. Without guilt.
Maple Hill Sugarhouse
11-05-2008, 03:31 PM
post edited
11-05-2008, 06:07 PM
That $85 per hour includes shop building, tools and equipment.
Grade "A"
11-05-2008, 08:56 PM
Beweller, Maple Hill's $125 per hour includes sugarhouse, evaporator, pumps, tubing, lots of other tools, and so on. LOL
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